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Keir Starmer's time is up


Perhaps Sir Keir intervened? Perhaps Youtube were too busy singing GOd Save the King

Yeah... odd. Wonder why that one specifically. We shall see I suppose. Although only if Al Jazeera report on it, since every other media outlet seems completely silent. I would actually genuinely like some wider coverage of it, critical responses etc.
I think people need to get off their arse and seize infrastructure and the means of production and stop wasting time with parliamentary and liberal bollocks. Then the working class really would be back. I'd also like to see certain places burnt down, maybe we could start with the Ofgem offices? Why hasn't it been done yet I wonder? What are people waiting for?

Have a nice day.
Time for another royal palace to burn I think
Ok, doesn't actually answer my question but I'll take the implied answer to be "no".

I don't know what exact flavour of revolutionary you are but I've never really understood how major public infrastructure stuff (things like railways or power generation) is supposed to work without pretty significant centralised control of some kind.
Well there are plenty of examples throughout history of decentralisation and popular assemblies and workers' councils, worker-run workplaces etc and there are plenty of modern day versions of these things I'm sure. It can be done.
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Yeah... odd. Wonder why that one specifically. We shall see I suppose. Although only if Al Jazeera report on it, since every other media outlet seems completely silent. I would actually genuinely like some wider coverage of it, critical responses etc.
Problem is if AJ are the only ones on this then people will just say "oh it's Al Jazeera they can't be trusted". But the documentaries seem credible and refer to evidence with credible sources. I mean, it's not as if it's being presented by George Galloway or something
While I was looking for that, I stumbled across this .. a series of interviews that allege racism within Labour that can only be described as endemic. Content warning: the start with Diane Abbot at a committee hearing has some fairly hefty language (that she is saying she has been subjected to)

It features some of the same people, I believe (haven't yet watched the AJ piece). Absolutely bloody awful.
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The Liverpool dockers are not impressed.

I remember the last Liverpool dockers strike in the 90’s. People who had fuck all gave what they could. My mates dad worked for royal mail and donated nearly all his monthly wage. People of liverpool won't be hoodwinked by Sir scammer.
A surprise forth episode of the expose has just dropped which focusses on Croydon Labour and it is insane...

Ooh! Labour Corruption DLC! This one's good too!

I wonder how much money Keith will unquestioninly hand over to the victim of hacking on the part of his out of control executive?

What a shitshow.
Can someone who watched kindly summarise?
Focusses on Inside Croydon's email being hacked and all the councillors who interacted with them having their emails sent to the Labour Party (or were hacked by the Labour Party in the first place). Several left leaning councillors were then suspended on the basis of illegally obtained data and one like long activist being smeared with anitsemitism accusations.

There needs to be an criminal investigation. It is worth watching, this is a short one (20 mins)
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