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Keir Starmer's time is up

That a ShadCab member has to resign over support for just £15/hr NMW is pretty much emblematic of the party's poverty of ambition.
this is being somewhat misreported I think - the letter specifically says “Yesterday, your office instructed me to go into a meeting and argue against a national minimum wage of £15 an hour, and against statutory sick pay at the living wage. This is something I could not do.”

"Arguing against" is different for being supportive of £15per hour
SSP at the living wage would be a good policy, it’s not recoverable for most employers (exception being very small employers I think) in the way that SMP is. I think it’s criminal how some companies treat sick pay and their employees, having seen it throughout my working life.

Although ideally companies would care about their staff to provide them with appropriate sick pay.
this is being somewhat misreported I think - the letter specifically says “Yesterday, your office instructed me to go into a meeting and argue against a national minimum wage of £15 an hour, and against statutory sick pay at the living wage. This is something I could not do.”

"Arguing against" is different for being supportive of £15per hour
personally think not sorting out SSP is the bigger fuck up. Post covid everybody knows its a pittance and has a better grasp of why turning up to work sick is a bad idea
personally think not sorting out SSP is the bigger fuck up. Post covid everybody knows its a pittance and has a better grasp of why turning up to work sick is a bad idea
SSP at minimum wage is a great idea - i've been on it myself in the past and the £90 a week IIRC was painful - but the state needs to pay it, or businesses need to be means tested to afford it...with lots of these things there are endless small businesses who cant afford £15per hour and SSP can sink them.

We have an economy that is wildly imbalanced...£15 per hour is small change to some and a pipe dream to others...same with rents...its like two parallel worlds out here
SSP at minimum wage is a great idea - i've been on it myself in the past and the £90 a week IIRC was painful - but the state needs to pay it, or businesses need to be means tested to afford it...with lots of these things there are endless small businesses who cant afford £15per hour and SSP can sink them.

We have an economy that is wildly imbalanced...£15 per hour is small change to some and a pipe dream to others...same with rents...its like two parallel worlds out here
I was wrong in my earlier cost, it’s not recoverable at all anymore even for micro employers. It was 80% recoverable initially, then dropped to 0% in 1995. So it’s a cost to employers, unlike the parental based absences which are for the most part recoverable. This needs to change. It’s notable if not surprising that no attempt to reverse this measure during the period 1997-2010 when there was a Labour government with a dominant majority.

So presumably the conference can vote the leadership rules changed back again next year?
Keith got defeated on going back to electoral college system but he did get through raising the nomination threshold to 20%, which will manly ensure a stale white male is the only person who has a chance of leadership. Think Owen Smith.

It is quite bizarre he has spent half of conference trying to rig the rules for his predecessor. He may know his law stuff but I reckon he is as thick as badger soup when it come to anything else.
Keith got defeated on going back to electoral college system but he did get through raising the nomination threshold to 20%, which will manly ensure a stale white male is the only person who has a chance of leadership. Think Owen Smith.

It is quite bizarre he has spent half of conference trying to rig the rules for his predecessor. He may know his law stuff but I reckon he is as thick as badger soup when it come to anything else.
nothing bizarre about it - the labour right have had the living shit scared out of them under corbyn and they know what their priority is: to never let it happen again. better do that asap, especially not near an election
It isn't that bizarre is it? It's just the right wing of the party trying to shift the balance of power away from the left wing membership, and towards the right wing PLP. Why wouldn't they do that? One of the failings of Corbynism is that it didn't consilidate the left's control of the party as ruthlessly.
but can't next conference reverse that decision/vote?

The vote was sort of sprung on people this year.

I've been trying to look up history of OMOV.

Interestingly it wasn't the Left who brought it in. The early times of OMOV was for example opposed by Tony Benn.

Im no expert on Labour Party history but initially OMOV was out forward by those who wanted to reduce old school Trade Union influence. Back years ago.

So when it was first introduced it wasn't about getting left wing leader.

In practise its meant that membership have used OMOV in way they wasn't envisaged back when it was first proposed.

Or have I got this history wrong?

At least back then rule change was proceeded by consultation. Not just decided by right few days before conference.
Bit of a hollow victory if it can (he hopes) be reversed next year.

I hope it wasn't anything to do with Sharon Graham's decision not to go to the conference.
Back in John Smith leadership OMOV for parliamentary candidates was considered reducing power of Trade Unions.

Who's going to reverse it next year?
Not sure of the procedures, but can't there be motion to reverse the change? Assuming that not all left wingers have been expelled by next year, the vote was fairly close and was anyway sort of sprung on conference. Particularly if Keith becomes even more dismal and there's a decent challenger from the left (yes, I know).
Not sure of the procedures, but can't there be motion to reverse the change? Assuming that not all left wingers have been expelled by next year, the vote was fairly close and was anyway sort of sprung on conference. Particularly if Keith becomes even more dismal and there's a decent challenger from the left (yes, I know).
no one is going to reverse it next year.
Sure that's right.

Next time they'll probably succeed in pushing through the electoral college changes they dropped this time round.
aye - its what made all those Labour MPs arguing "now is not the time" so annoying - rather than defending democracy they were basically saying, do it next time
So anyway, after starting the conference at a level that was fairly disastrous it seems to have gone downhill from there and seems to have been an utterly soulless uninspiring event with all the exciting stuff happening on the fringes.

He has his conference speech tomorrow. Maybe he can revive himself. It is going to be a thick soup of dull managerialism and clichés isn't it?

Maybe he should do his speech from his bunker so no one else hears it.

This poll covers the first part of his conference and it is not looking great. On a plus sign he is still wildly popular with Lib Dems but even that is waning.

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Sure that's right.

Next time they'll probably succeed in pushing through the electoral college changes they dropped this time round.
Yep, if the left couldn't sort themselves out in terms of party processes and decision making when they had Corbyn as leader and hundreds of thousands of new members, they aint't going to be able to do anything now.
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