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Keir Starmer's time is up

I’ve just watched Starmer on the Andrew Marr show. I have to say that it was, by a distance, the worst interview I’ve ever seen by a leader of the Labour Party. I mean, I hated Kinnock and Blair but at least they were coherent. He’s genuinely- on any measure - fucking dreadful. Refused to commit Labour to renationalising utilities even thought it’s massively popular, had zero ideas on solving the HGV shortages bar importation of exploited labour, couldn’t even understand the point he was making about their strategy and campaign for the next GE, talked about facing the voters and then went on for ages about internal rule changes. A genuine car crash of an interview.
Didn't happen when Corbyn was in power, I can't see why they'd be any more inclined to give control of party apparatus or bureaucracy up just because she's there?

they didnt have control - thats why they went on a wrecking mission. Starmer's disastrous performances has undermined their position as "competent and sensible" . It may be they begrudgingly go down the "party unity" route. Also various "left" polices - renationalisation, citizens wage, green economy, building council houses, wealth tax - are getting increasing traction post brexit/covid and with looming environmental disaster and neo-liberalism a busted flush.
I’ve just watched Starmer on the Andrew Marr show. I have to say that it was, by a distance, the worst interview I’ve ever seen by a leader of the Labour Party. I mean, I hated Kinnock and Blair but at least they were coherent. He’s genuinely- on any measure - fucking dreadful. Refused to commit Labour to renationalising utilities even thought it’s massively popular, had zero ideas on solving the HGV shortages bar importation of exploited labour, couldn’t even understand the point he was making about their strategy and campaign for the next GE, talked about facing the voters and then went on for ages about internal rule changes. A genuine car crash of an interview.

Not his first car crash either - his post hartlepool performance was pure david brent.
Didn't happen when Corbyn was in power, I can't see why they'd be any more inclined to give control of party apparatus or bureaucracy up just because she's there?
Theres a historic fight over control and direction of the Labour Party. Whilst there's plenty of depressing precedent, that doesn't necessarily mean the future is set in stone.

Corbyn didn't try to gain total control... The opposite, he was a genuine unifier... Naively it turns out.

Im as cynical as anyone about the possibility of the LP being any kind of vehicle for meaningful change but theres a lot of crisis on the horizon, and crisis can lead to big shake ups of the usual order of things. There's not enough grass roots pressure right now, but that could change in a minute with the right crisis flashpoint coming along.

I've no strong opinion about Rayner, but there are always potential new chinks in the armour that come around with each new appointment.
He's been criticised rightly for reneging on his pledge to re nationalise on the Andrew Marr show. This could be seen in his The Road Ahead essay.

Nationalisation of key industries isn't mentioned instead he says,

The first task in remaking the nation
will be resetting the relationship
between the government and business
to create an economy that works. That
will require a new, commonsense,
practical approach: one in which we
don’t treat the economy as a battle for
supremacy between public sector and
private sector, but a joint effort.

Page 22 The Road Ahead

Somewhere along the line from campaigning to become leader to the present day he dropped the more radical ideas that appealed to membership.

If he talked like this in his election to be leader campaign he wouldn't have been voted in.

I know its tedious read but the Road Ahead does show what he now thinks.

Ed Miliband isn't up to date with this and recently called for Nationalisation as part of putting in place Green New deal.

John McDonnel saying its from New Labour is no exaggeration.
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has he used the phrase 'third way' yet?

The phrase New Deal for business and working people is used.

There are some good things in the Road Ahead. Better working rights for example, more power given back to local Councils/ leaders, replace Universal Credit, taking aboard BLM issues.

New Labour/ Progressives have moved on and changed. For example whilst business is praised for innovation and enterprise I don't think complete adulation is something they do now. For example my Lambeth Council is bringing back services in house. A marked change from the Blairite Steve Reed time of making the Council an enabler not a provider. As being a provider fostered welfare dependency among other things.

The Progressives Britain/New Labour faction who've run Lambeth for years have changed in that regard.

A response I think to voters disillusionment with Blairite project.

I would have thought this could lead to common ground with left of party. But this isn't how the Progressives operate. Starmer once elected surrounded himself with these kind of people. Who are pursuing factional war against anyone who slightly differs from them. Its how Lambeth Council operate.

So New Labour mark two is different.
While I’m here, a while back somebody posted this at me. Several people liked it. I didn’t respond because I had no idea what it meant. At first I thought it was just random. But then it got likes. Anyone know what the message was?
Perhaps Bob on twitter was actually trying to suggest that Danny looks like he could be next to Keir Starmer in a pub?
Holds a pint like a posh tory.
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Just been looking up Progress.

Got together with old right Labour First to set up Labour to Win when Starmer became leader.

Just to show how right wing they are their press release says this,

“We greet Keir’s election with a huge sense of relief that what has been a lost decade in our party’s history is coming to an end. We must now all focus on ensuring Labour is once again seen as a party of government.”

Lost decade would include Ed Miliband as well as Corbyn. For those on so called Progressive wing of party the rot set in with Ed Miliband.
Working people of the UK unite! For too long have we suffered under the yoke of these scum! The time has come! Yes, stakeholders! The time is now! We must undertake a major review of existing tax reliefs! The current system punishes entrepreneurs and business investment! Vote for Labour and we shall freeze business rates and eventually replace them with a new system that will reward investment! This is what the people need! This is what the people demand!

[Rapturous applause from conference]
I was going to vote spunking cock at the next election but I'm worried it might be interpreted as a vote for the lama harmer.
Likewise I think I'm gonna vote Green next time purely because a high vote share for Green is the clearest message to Starmer and the right of the Party that their strategy of telling hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic new members to fuck off and go away isn't good politics.
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