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Keir Starmer's time is up

I reckon she's right. I voted Labour out of cowardice at the last three elections but I don't reckon anything would be better for anyone under Labour. If anything the Tory's recognise the need to throw a few crumbs here and there whereas Sir Kieth's proved himself willing to stab his party and the working class in the back without having had a sniff of power.
Would Labour have blown 10 battleships' worth of taxes on a critical project run on Excel 2007 ?
As an aside, Starmer hasn't faced a conference yet. Covid has allowed him to be isolated from the membership till now

Could be an interesting one.

As an aside, Starmer hasn't faced a conference yet. Covid has allowed him to be isolated from the membership till now

Could be an interesting one.

That's meant that Evans has never had to have his appointment as General Sec ratified, enabling his purge of the left to continue unchallenged for 18 months until he has to face the membership
Amazingly I reckon Burnham would have the best crack at it and he's not even an MP anymore!

Which is not unconnected to his popularity. As a candidate for Labour Leader he was as popular as yesterday’s cat sick.

Of course the problem with that leadership contest was that it was dominated by New Labour has been’s who could do nothing else but apologise for the state of the post crash economy. There is no excuse for Starmer (or whoever next) not to be making the case for some nationalisations and other interventions now.
Yeah, just got that. Shame I'd love her to take them on their final tailspin into irrelevance
Ironically appearing in my Facebook feed today, curryandpaxton are sunglasses retailers if anyone was wondering
Kuenssberg has spoken, the usual dreary pantomime.

Normally composed Starmer frustrated by results

He might not be ready to set anything out but plenty of people in the Labour movement already have - from Len McCluskey to Peter Mandelson.

Starmer may have to shout quite loudly to be heard over the debate that is already raging.

One of his allies told me Starmer is going to have to take his party by the scruff of the neck.

From the 16:47 entry of their live updates page. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-57016689
The BBC were name dropping her as potential leader when Clie Lewis was trying put his points across earlier...
O god, this is depressing. I didn't vote for the first time in my life because I was so fucking disgusted with the snivelling behaviour of the Starmer and the completely invisible shadow cabinet. I don't see any way back for Labour...mostly because they are tone-deaf, inauthentic, have no sense of belonging or committment...basically Tory-lite with career expectations rather than even a smidgeon of ideology (well, any position at all), other than a grinning haircut, uncomfortably holding a pint. I found it condescending tripe, beneath contempt,. What other recourse do we have? Even now, the wrong questions are being asked. I can't bel;ieve lots of former Labour voters have suddenly become right wing...but an endorsement of Starmer would have been gleefully used to further disenfranchise anyone who had any disenchantment with authoritarian populist bully boys. What to do?
Am I misremembering, or did Philips say she would run but then pull out with no explanation last time?
She did indeed. The no explanation also extended to where the funds she'd raised for her campaign went
Starker has conceded that the party has lost the trust if working people. He hasn't conceded it's his fucking fault though.

If Bailey takes London I wonder what Kahn's reaction will be.
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