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Keir Starmer's time is up

I dont think I'd place any hope in Labour being a useful force unless they lost their sense of electoral entitlement, at which point I doubt they would have much advantage over just starting from scratch with a different party anyway, hopefully with a less dull and hideous mix of positions.
The stats at the top choose to miss out 2019, where Corbyn lost 60 seats.

It's also a bit daft framing it like that (in terms of seats lost year by year). I mean what Corbyn actually did in 2017 was win 4 more seats than Brown. Blair may have lost seats, but he lost them after achieving a landslide victory in 1997. And 2019 was the lowest number of seats since 1935. Until the 2021 Hartlepool byelection of course.

Not to give too much credit to titanic piece of shit Blair, or to diminish too much 2017. But yeah.
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At the risk of ventriloquising voters who aren't me, I wonder if might occur to the Labour Party head honchos one day that when many voters say in focus groups that they value patriotism, what they might mean is something like 'I value a country that makes me feel valued, and I insist on wanting that country even when it seems fictional'. The flag is not the point you worthless PR-machine pricks.
Who is there you can take over from Starmer ? At the moment I can't see an alternative leader . They might (and probably will) have to lose another general election and no one wants to lead a defeat.
Im guessing Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper, or Emily Thornberry would put themselves forward, or Jess Philips. Andy Burnham too.

So, no one
At the risk of ventriloquising voters who aren't me, I wonder if might occur to the Labour Party head honchos one day that when many voters say in focus groups that they value patriotism, what they might mean is something like 'I value a country that makes me feel valued, and I insist on wanting that country even when it seems fictional'. The flag is not the point you worthless PR-machine pricks.

This is right, but let’s face it, it’s an uphill battle. Labour can be spun as not valuing certain people if it so much as shows a bit of support for BLM. It gets a pile on from left and right.
Starmer advisor:


"You're gonna need a bigger flag..."
Fucking hell, have we had this one?
A massive 42% of healthcare workers intended to vote Conservative in yesterday’s local elections.

Two in five healthcare workers voted for the Conservative Party in this week’s local elections, according to a recent poll.

A survey of 1,843 healthcare workers undertaken by NursingNotes reveals that a massive 42% intended to vote Conservative in yesterday’s local elections.

Just 32% of those surveyed said they intended to vote for the Labour Party.

In stark contrast, a previous survey revealed that 82% of healthcare workers intended to vote for the Labour Party in the 2019 General Election while the Conservative Party picked up just 6% of the vote.

Still, the Conservatives have been so generous to healthcare workers since 2019, it's hard to see how Labour could possibly compete with that.
The Starmer twat has got to fucking go!

1997 won 145 seats: Blair
2001 lost 5 seats: Blair
2005 lost 48 seats: Blair
2010 lost 97 seats: Brown
2015 lost 26 seats: Miliband
2017 won 30 seats: Corbyn
Corbyn is the only Labour in the 21st century to win more seats

Votes won by Labour leaders

2019 - Corbyn 10,295,607
2017 - Corbyn 12,878,460
2015 - Miliband 9,347,273
2010 - Brown 8,609,527
2005 - Blair 9,552,436
2001 - Blair - 10,724,953
1997 - Blair 13,518,167

Amazing what you can show with timelines..
I think you need to take from that statement that the nurse perceived the present govt to be more competent at managing capital and society than Starmer and his lot.
Well we'll never know if starmer's more competent because he'll never get the opportunity to demonstrate how he'd manage capital and society
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