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Keir Starmer's time is up

I think I just emailed them (union itself rather than union rep though) and they emailed me back to say they'd done it which surprised me since I'd assumed I'd have to fill out a form, possibly in triplicate.
Remind me what happened to Labour's membership numbers when Corbyn was leader?
I believe it increased
why have I got a feeling that all Starmer is going to take away from all this

Labour has become the party of the professional and managerial classes, student radicals, social activists and uber-liberals living in our fashionable cities. Oh, and Twitter. The umbilical cord joining it to the working class has been severed. It may well prove terminal.

is that he will need to stand in front of more flags during press conference in future

cos young (like under 35) people living in cities paying sky hight rents and earning shit money on zero hours contracts arent properly working class cos they might be quite well educated and tend to be a bit woke. And/or not totally white.
Labours problem is that it seems a big chunk of its former core vote in the "heartlands" are older, more socially conservative, not concerned about the environment and voted leave (thus seeing labour as "traitors") . Moves to appease these voters (who may also be homeowners and not particularly deprived) will struggle to seem credible and will alienate the younger more urban voters - who likely voted remain, are socially liberal and liked corbyn).
Labours only hope is to campaign for progressive alternative and try to win people over to their point of view. And this is exactly what they wont do because "LABOUR ONLY WINS FROM THE CENTRE" is an iron law undisturbed by big changes in society, the economy or demographics.

A senior member of Labour’s Blairite wing has said Keir Starmer must be replaced as leader to give the party a chance of winning elections.

Andrew Adonis - who served in the governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - said that Starmer was “a nice man and a good human rights lawyer” but lacked the political skills to succeed at the highest level.

Oh the irony :D
Who is there you can take over from Starmer ? At the moment I can't see an alternative leader . They might (and probably will) have to lose another general election and no one wants to lead a defeat.
Who is there you can take over from Starmer ? At the moment I can't see an alternative leader . They might (and probably will) have to lose another general election and no one wants to lead a defeat.

Angela Raynor by a mile - and Burnham if he becomes an MP.
Interesting (ish):

"I’ve been speaking to the left-wing Labour MP Lloyd Russell Moyle, who won the race on Twitter to be the first to criticise his leader this morning. He said Sir Keir Starmer went down well in some parts of the country, but in others he reminded people of Ed Miliband – “uncharismatic and inauthentic.”

He doesn’t think MPs in the Socialist Campaign Group will make a concerted move today - but they are meeting up with fellow left-wingers next week to start work on proposals for radical reform of the party.

This would be either moving towards a federal structure in England - with leaders in cities and regions and a co-ordinator at Westminster - or turning it into a party of parties, such as by allying with the Greens."
The Starmer twat has got to fucking go!

2001 lost 5 seats: Blair
2005 lost 48 seats: Blair
2010 lost 97 seats: Brown
2015 lost 26 seats: Miliband
2017 won 30 seats: Corbyn
Corbyn is the only Labour in the 21st century to win more seats

Votes won by Labour leaders

2019 - Corbyn 10,295,607
2017 - Corbyn 12,878,460
2015 - Miliband 9,347,273
2010 - Brown 8,609,527
2005 - Blair 9,552,436

(That’s Corbyn’s deputy head of communications and strategy before the 2017 general election, for context).

While I do think Stamer's startlingly useless, I don't think there'd be any point to resigning over just Hartlepool..
Do they think ex-Labour voters look at Labour, say "bah, that's not left wing enough for us, we're going to vote for the fucking Tories instead"?
Hartlepool would've happened regardless of leadership.
While I do think Stamer's startlingly useless, I don't think there'd be any point to resigning over just Hartlepool..
Do they think ex-Labour voters look at Labour, say "bah, that's not left wing enough for us, we're going to vote for the fucking Tories instead"?
I don't think labour voters will have voted Tory in great numbers but instead stopped in

What's the point of starmer if he can't bring them out
The Starmer twat has got to fucking go!

2001 lost 5 seats: Blair
2005 lost 48 seats: Blair
2010 lost 97 seats: Brown
2015 lost 26 seats: Miliband
2017 won 30 seats: Corbyn
Corbyn is the only Labour in the 21st century to win more seats

Votes won by Labour leaders

2019 - Corbyn 10,295,607
2017 - Corbyn 12,878,460
2015 - Miliband 9,347,273
2010 - Brown 8,609,527
2005 - Blair 9,552,436
The stats at the top choose to miss out 2019, where Corbyn lost 60 seats.
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