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Keir Starmer's time is up

My Mum initially bought into the electability argument but abandoned it months ago due to his dismal and uninspiring performances, the flag shit and the obvious lack of interesting policies.
The only substance the phrase has is to identify someone as fitting into a very narrow set of permissable conservative values which stand zero chance of delivering any meaningful change whatsoever.

Beyond that it's completely meaningless and centrists have been allowed to get away without defining what they think is going to make people actually want to elect this dreary man and his vacuous shadow cabinet of nonentities.

Just repeating the word "electable" over and over again does not make it so, especially given all of the evidence we have so far
The FT did series of articles on Corbyn/ McDonnell economic policies before last election. Impression I got was that they took them seriously as a viable option. So someone they could do business with.

Starmer when seeking election as leader made 10 pledges.

These basically promised to keep Corbyn policies on nationalisation, green new deal and keep many of Corbyn radical policies.

So when you say Starmer is a centrist do you mean he should drop his pledges?

I've not heard him mention any of them since he got in. He also said he was going to unify the party, he dropped that promise as soon as he got in, why should he keep those?
Drakeford, the MP and Senedd candidate took him down to the beach for fish and chips...somehow he manages to look like some sort of posh undertaker who has never eaten anything without a plate & cutlery. :D

Bacon sandwich next?

A shame his handlers didn't realise that chips, gravy and two scallops would have had much more of a positive impact with the labouring classes.
You mean he's brushed his hair, dreseses "business casual", is a London based member of the establishment and who's poll ratings are dropping off a cliff?

That kind of electable?
the only way out of this with any dignity for sir keir starmer is to throw himself off a cliff taking boris johnson with him. or jumping off the reichenbach falls with bj.
Was this Duke of Edinburgh award thing his own idea, or did some - may allah forgive me for uttering this word - courtier come up with it themselves?

Good question and got me looking at history of the award. As I did all of it I found the history interesting.

It was developed by John Hunt and Kurt Hahn.

John Hunt was a somewhat maverick ex army officer and climber. Kurt Hahn was German Jewish educationalist. He saw the first world war and the rise of Hitler. Had to leave Germany due to his vocal opposition to Hitler early on.

His views on educating young people were influenced by what he saw as the corrupting influence of modern life on the young. Understandable as he witnessed horrors of WW1 and the descent into Fascism of his homeland.

I now see why no uniform or membership was required for participating in Duke of Edinburgh award.

His philosophy was about developing "education for democracy".

This fits in with how I felt when doing the award. My school was quite right wing and somehow I felt DofE award did not quite fit in it. I liked it. No uniform , not competitive. Learnt to work with others to complete the outward bound section.
I say its one of those slightly maverick things that slips through the net every so often.
Labour's polling numbers under Keith 'Electable' Starmer continuing to nosedive I see.

It’s quite impressive that he’s managed it without any attention or hammering from the press. Just imagine where Kieth could take things with a bit of scrutiny and media led attacks....

On a more serious matter, at which point do those who continue to invest time and energy in the British Labour Party accept that the millions of - mainly working class - votes that Labour have hemorrhaged between 1997-2021 are never coming back, or at the very best are not coming back in the numbers that would be required?
On a more serious matter, at which point do those who continue to invest time and energy in the British Labour Party accept that the millions of - mainly working class - votes that Labour have hemorrhaged between 1997-2021 are never coming back, or at the very best are not coming back in the numbers that would be required?

If they were capable of figuring that out they'd have done it by now.
I enjoy the schadenfreude at Starmer's Labour as much as anybody, but for the sake of balance YouGov are giving Labour particularly poor pollings at the minute, that's not quite reflected in the other polls.
Drakeford, the MP and Senedd candidate took him down to the beach for fish and chips...somehow he manages to look like some sort of posh undertaker who has never eaten anything without a plate & cutlery. :D
As politician social media chip lols go, it's got a way to go before it can live up to the classic Scottish tory six chip twat:
(Was that really only September 2020? It feels like such a long time ago.)
I enjoy the schadenfreude at Starmer's Labour as much as anybody, but for the sake of balance YouGov are giving Labour particularly poor pollings at the minute, that's not quite reflected in the other polls.
everyone else is hovering just below 10% pretty much, which is where Yougov are mostly too.
It’s quite impressive that he’s managed it without any attention or hammering from the press. Just imagine where Kieth could take things with a bit of scrutiny and media led attacks....

On a more serious matter, at which point do those who continue to invest time and energy in the British Labour Party accept that the millions of - mainly working class - votes that Labour have hemorrhaged between 1997-2021 are never coming back, or at the very best are not coming back in the numbers that would be required?
This. Seems to me Labour are just about 'inert' now. They don't even have the Blair's grab the middle classes and hope the working class will stay loyal approach. There's even less of Miliband's apologetic attempts to vaguely do ... whatever it was, cast in stone. I don't get a sense that Labour are interacting with, creating a rapport or seriously talking to, any particular constituency. The blue wall shows the old working class = in a union = vote Labour has gone, so they've lost many of the old channels of communication to core voters. But in the absence of that there's no obvious project in play of any sort other than loyalty to the PM, patriotism and, erm, that's it. Historical hyperbole is easy, but I've never seen Labour as such a flabby formless thing as they are today. And yes, why would anybody waste their time with that.
Even more seriously for their chances, they aren't disrupting the Tories' electoral coalition. Their opposition is opportunistic and usually just sounds like karping.
Few expect him to keep to that promise. For example on nationalisation the whispers are all will be dropped, though rail may be kept in the manifesto - which in itself doesnt mean it would be enacted if Labour win.
My memory - which may be faulty - was that rail was in the 1997 manifesto. Subsequently dropped because 'it would cost too much'. Labour went on to spend billions over the next 13 years trying to make privatisation work....
I think right now with the pandemic & the vaccination programme going ok people are seeing little more than just that. They don’t want the boat rocking they just want life to get back to normal. It difficult to oppose much the government is doing beyond the pandemic response. The high death rate has happened & is now much lower. I am ok to bide my time at the moment & judge Labour’s performance much nearer to the next GE.
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