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Keir Starmer's time is up

From Labour List article. Starmer says of Phillip.

In supporting the Humble Address, I would like to echo the remarks made by the Prime Minister. And, on behalf of my party, to come together today in appreciation of a life well-lived. A life of service and of duty. A life that shaped modern Britain and provided much-needed stability to our national story.

Starmer led Labour Party has lost my vote for May London election on basis of his views on monarchy.

Historically speaking I don't see how Starmer can justify this assertion.

I see Starmer did Duke of Edinburgh award on Dartmoor like I did.

The one think I can thank Phillip for is the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

At my school iPlymouth College you either did DofE award or joined the Combined Cadet Corp.

DofE award was refuge for the malingerers, the unfit and those of not sound political views ( not believing the Tory party was the natural party of government). Otherwise we would have had to be in CCC.

Made clear in school unofficially that first choice should be volunteering for CCC. DofE Awards was looked down on.
The guardian was lying recently about senior labour mp’s demanding sir Keir get a “big figure” in to assist him, add gravitas and intellectual weight. I was puzzled initially as to who had planted this story about themselves?
Turns out it was Mandelson. Ho ho. Big figure.
The Big Figure? Played drums with Dr Feelgood.
The Times did a surprisingly supportive interview, suggesting he's been underestimated and would be doing brilliantly if not for the pandemic.

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Checkout can be bypassed at Tesco as well. :thumbs:
I think the expenses scandals after that just reinforced the widespread (and correct) opinion that 'they're all at it'.
Yes. Every time I present winning argument to a Tory voter that they should in fact be voting Labour their inevitable parting riposte is “they are all as bad as each other anyway”. The amounts of money involved are huge though & voters need to make the connection with their tax money in countless millions going directly into private bank accounts of the already wealthy.
Labour need to keep pushing this relentlessly.
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The Times did a surprisingly supportive interview, suggesting he's been underestimated and would be doing brilliantly if not for the pandemic.

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Well of course the tory press loves him, he's an absolute gift to them.
The full speech is here on Labour List.

Its embarrassing to read.
"strong and vigorous brushstrokes" is a great one for the next profanisaurus. "Come on Keir, are you ready to come out and do your big speech?" "Nearly, I just need to finish off this strong and vigorous brushstroke..."
Labour need to keep pushing the sleaze aspect. It worked for Blair.
The very idea that this needs saying as if its some kind of strategy makes me despair

The guardian was lying recently about senior labour mp’s demanding sir Keir get a “big figure” in to assist him, add gravitas and intellectual weight. I was puzzled initially as to who had planted this story about themselves?
Turns out it was Mandelson. Ho ho. Big figure.
there are no big figures in the Labour Party. Perhaps on one level this is a good thing, a cutting back of centrist dead wood, current batch of shit mps all withering on the vine...? Hope springs
Labour need to keep pushing the sleaze aspect. It worked for Blair.

Absolutely - for a start its demonstrably true, its also effective at winding people up and most of all it would allow them to present an argument that the criticism they (Labour) get is because they want to fix it. Obviously whether Starmer does that is doubtful.
Empty Parliament means no big figures anywhere except the few Tory ministers who are 'leading' us through the swamp. When the pandemic is under control I'm sure the Labour front bench will have a publicity blitz.

I see Starmer did Duke of Edinburgh award on Dartmoor like I did.

The one think I can thank Phillip for is the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

At my school iPlymouth College you either did DofE award or joined the Combined Cadet Corp.

DofE award was refuge for the malingerers, the unfit and those of not sound political views ( not believing the Tory party was the natural party of government). Otherwise we would have had to be in CCC.

Made clear in school unofficially that first choice should be volunteering for CCC. DofE Awards was looked down on.
Thin choices indeed
Was this Duke of Edinburgh award thing his own idea, or did some - may allah forgive me for uttering this word - courtier come up with it themselves?
Starmer's allowed to go with the Cameron/Greensill thing because Johnson has already decided to run with it himself, presumably as a way of getting back at his old adversary and/or an excuse to lay into the civil service.
Cameron is the Conservatives lizard tail, left wriggling for us to pounce on while the actual lizard fucks off and continues to be a despicable lizard

apologies to all herpetologists and lizard genus for the metaphor
They don't 'love' him in the way they 'loved' Corbyn. He's someone they could do business with...a centrist. Electable. Which is a start.

The FT did series of articles on Corbyn/ McDonnell economic policies before last election. Impression I got was that they took them seriously as a viable option. So someone they could do business with.

Starmer when seeking election as leader made 10 pledges.

These basically promised to keep Corbyn policies on nationalisation, green new deal and keep many of Corbyn radical policies.

So when you say Starmer is a centrist do you mean he should drop his pledges?
These basically promised to keep Corbyn policies on nationalisation, green new deal and keep many of Corbyn radical policies.So when you say Starmer is a centrist do you mean he should drop his pledges?
Few expect him to keep to that promise. For example on nationalisation the whispers are all will be dropped, though rail may be kept in the manifesto - which in itself doesnt mean it would be enacted if Labour win.
Drakeford, the MP and Senedd candidate took him down to the beach for fish and chips...somehow he manages to look like some sort of posh undertaker who has never eaten anything without a plate & cutlery. :D

Bacon sandwich next?

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