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Just how militant are you prepared to be?

I think it calls for a more sleeves rolled up, trading punches and quit talking about come the glorious day now. I'll be out on my bike getting a sweat up on the canal path though when it all kicks off and hoping the youth have done the biz when i get back in from my bike ride:)

I can see it coming though but i think the op's right. It won't last long and they'll have no plan.
Whatever it takes.

Tactics for winning are what matters.

However anyone who commits acts of violence against tories or liberals deserves a shake of the hand and a pat on the back imo.
Well, I think now would be a good time to say that what i am about to say is a joke. eh, er that is i don't really mean what i am about
to say. That is = anyone that advocates the use of bombing - nuclear or otherwise - is just plain wrong. Erh, what was the question
again. Oh ooooh urban75 is so naughty, talking about extremism no not extremism, er talking about politics, that was it, no not politics,
talking about ah militancy? eh er ah ah oh...

You ask a question:
Just how militant am i prepared to be?
Just militant enough to answer your question.

Btw, planting bombs is not really gonna help the cause.
If it did, I would.
Don't believe that killing innocent people helps anything.

Sorry for not answering your question.
for the leftists- how far will you take it? I know I hate violence and find conflict quite distressing- however I have in the past been party to it by allowing people to do vengeance on my part. It is fucking grubby and reeks of complicity.

I'd like to say 'first at the shovel' but I know that large scale stuff would sicken me- to the point that I would go that pacifists route of 'oh god, we are just as bad as them now'
Which is why you shouldn't start the violence, merely finish it.
And yet they have the monopoly on violence.
No, they have the monopoly on the legal use of violence, and only because we cede them that monopoly.
Sometimes it is necessary to wrest by force or roll over and feed the ovens. So where is the tipping point? Spontaneous uprisings have the terrible lack of planning that often sees them defeated quickly despite popular support.
Which is why the most long-lived uprisings only seem spontaneous, but usually have a lot of planning behind them.
And yet planning or considering violent actions also troubles me- the greater good. I hear that phrase and my :hmm: face comes on.
Then don't plan or consider such actions, just bear in mind that violence may be a necessary counter to violent behaviour by the state.
And yet, I know the histories of crushed peoples, Arawak casualties and so forth.

If they had fought on equal terms...

Where do we draw the line and say 'no further'?

I don't agree with the pre-emptive use of violence.
I do, however, believe that the moment a functionary of the state raises a hand to myself or others, then I'm entitled to defend myself or others.
We now know, from what has gone on in the last few years, that the "kettle" and the riot gear-wearing ASP-wielder is the default behaviour of those who police demonstrations. We need to bear this in mind, and to act accordingly, whether that means padding up, developing protest tactics that take the advantage away from the tools of the state, flooding the media with recorded examples of poor behaviour by those tools of the state, or all of the above plus more.
I'll reference him for you:

I did manage to get as far as adding up in school and I'd say that 39+10=49
actually it's worse than that, largely because only half of those remaining lib dem voters actually approve of the coalition's record to date, the actual percentage of the population approving of the government's record is only 37%
It's not a decision you have to make in advance of doing an action. If it's a group action, that should all be discussed beforehand. If it kicks off at a demo, you don't have to get involved.

Which reminds me, I was going to sort out some street medic training before it all kicked off lifewise. Anyone with good first aid skills is going to be good to have on the scene, and street medic training would be good for anyone who's interested in going on demos but not necessarily smashing stuff up themselves. Plus cameras and eye witnesses and just numbers. You can only control what you do, but that doesn't mean you can't play an important support role for others even if they're doing stuff you can't get involved in.
Anyone engaging in violence against either people or property is beyond the pale. The democratic process has given the country a government. At the next election, you have the opportunity to elect another if this one doesn't please you.

We don't have a democratic process, we have no powers of recall, not even any mechanism (beside a 4-5 yearly vote) to ensure our elected representative bothers to actually represent us.
Even you folk north of the border, who have greater control over those of your representatives that don't sit at Westminster, still have the dead weight of the system of "parliamentary democracy" around your necks. Getting to choose 1 band of neo-liberal cock-smokers out of a selection of bands of neo-liberal cock-smokers isn't democracy, it's a circus.
yeah, to be honest although i think there is a place for violence and can agree that sometimes it's necessary, i don't think we've reached that point and i also think any kind of the large scale stuff you're talking about with "collateral damage" etc would fucking sicken me. in general i'm really troubled by it. i find any talk of planning violent actions really disturbing tbh

TBF only a handful of people will take to violence, most will watch it on TV in support or shock, some will get worked-up about it on the internet*, and life will continue without much change.

* like some on here that think the so-called 'riot' this week is the start of the revolution.
Which is why you shouldn't start the violence, merely finish it.
were it so easy.

No, they have the monopoly on the legal use of violence, and only because we cede them that monopoly.

Then violence would be our tool to use if necessary- outgunned and outmanned are we.

Which is why the most long-lived uprisings only seem spontaneous, but usually have a lot of planning behind them.

oh aye, but a massive social imperative to freedom is not viable, not in the current set up.

Then don't plan or consider such actions, just bear in mind that violence may be a necessary counter to violent behaviour by the state.

They'll win. They do this, win when you go toe-to-toe. Hamstring, undermine and so forth. Go face to face and they have the higher ground.
I don't agree with the pre-emptive use of violence.
I do, however, believe that the moment a functionary of the state raises a hand to myself or others, then I'm entitled to defend myself or others.
We now know, from what has gone on in the last few years, that the "kettle" and the riot gear-wearing ASP-wielder is the default behaviour of those who police demonstrations. We need to bear this in mind, and to act accordingly, whether that means padding up, developing protest tactics that take the advantage away from the tools of the state, flooding the media with recorded examples of poor behaviour by those tools of the state, or all of the above plus more.

defense and fall back stuff. I know this is what the guerrilla force has to do. But the Irregulars Handbook can be a catalyst for a sodding RAF special. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth- to become the thing you despise etc.
Is there anyone that does not reply on here that does not have 50,000 posts under their belt?
WTF have i let myself in for? are there not the odd 56 post bod? Are you just a bunch of fucking weirdos?
Did the Telegraph have a poll, or did you read that elsewhere?

TBF there was some poll suggesting 70% were in support of the cuts, and indeed over 50% of Labour supporters, but it's one of so many - you can take them all with a pinch of salt.

The fact is they are coming, they would be coming if the other lot were in, they are just coming a bit deeper & faster than the other lot would have done it, but frankly nothing is going to change that. :(
Is there anyone that does not reply on here that does not have 50,000 posts under their belt?
WTF have i let myself in for? are there not the odd 56 post bod? Are you just a bunch of fucking weirdos?
I'd take issue with the 'just' bit...;)
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