when that comment is exactly tha comment when they have nothing to do with it then yes it shows the thinking of a frankly fractured mind.
intial post: Grapes have gone up 40 p in tesco
poster 1: so i'm rich i can afford it
intial poster: but this is in a poorer area
poster 2: yeah you should think about their lifestyles if we want people to be healthy
you: why haven't the SWP or respect condemed this practice.
intial post: 50 people die in house fire
poster 1: that's terrible where was it?
intial poster: tower hamlets
you: why haven't the swp or respect condemed this or offered their support.
see its not realated what so ever.
it's you being partisan and attempting to attack you personal poltical hate figure. It has zero not one iota to do with the subject at hand or has any compassion for the people involved or indeed shows any great thinking other than to push your own personal agenda.
It is an attempt to monopolise the converstion and turn it towards a pet hate of yours and use it as a spring board to attack that foe.
It's neither the time or the place or appropreate at any juncture.
despite repeatedly being told this you continue attempt to have people who disagree with you framed as supporters of your arch nemisis, banned from posting for not supporting your point of view, riddiculled, insulted, defamed, abused and generally attacked.
you then after all this toys out of the pram behaviour stamp your feet and piss all over the original thread.
you are in capable of listening to reason, you are so religiously fundamentalist in your view point that no amount of clear and obvious information that you are wide of the mark will sway you. and so crushingly repeatatively boring with you brow beating on your pet subject that you are either trolling or have some form of mental disease that so many people are saying to you stop it it's not on, and you are causually dismissing them all as being uninformed or navie.
the common denominator in all this is you.
your attitude. your actions. your words.
you need to do the graceful thing now at this point and say yes i was wrong to attempt and quite sucessfully (considering the last few pages if not longer have been taken up with people saying you are wrong) monopolising a thread about you and your pet hates. this isn't about you or your ideas. period.
apologise, and really have a good look at what you have said in the face of others.
If you truely beleive that what you are saying is correct you need to find a better way of saying it and also a much more intelligent non manipulative manner of doing so, which doesn't piss on other people or exploit situations to turn to your advantage.
your 2 examples miss the point ..
1)SWP/Respect HAVE made capital out of racial attacks .. but did NOT in this case .. so for the fire example you should have written 'SWP condemn fire at bengali flats but NOT whites jews flats etc etc'
2) the grapes thing makes no sense
let me ask you a question ..
have the SWP /Respect used race attacks ( real or perceived ) and portrayed the war for oil as a war against muslims, to make political capital?
i believe you agree that they have .. so then it is surely legitimate to question why they use attacks in one context and not in an other .. is is clealry to gain political capital
could you also explain how you say i have hijacked a thread when this dig is in the OP .. "Presumably, the cowardly little thugs in question are not among the 500+ youths over whom Big Abjol Miah claims "influence"."
you simply can NOT discuss TH politics and attacks in TH without bringing in the SWP / respect behaviour over the last few years .. your attempt to talk of this attack in the abstract makes no sense
and of this
"you continue attempt to have people who disagree with you framed as supporters of your arch nemisis, banned from posting for not supporting your point of view, riddiculled, insulted, defamed, abused and generally attacked"
.. sorry but where? where have i abused sworn insulted and attacked .. i have simply defended my position and been repeatedly called a cunt ponce etc by you .. disgusting mate disgusting
i am told thru the grapevine you are a good man who will do anyone a favour, so respect for that, but also that you are not very political .. that puts your ( still inexcusable ) behaviour in context and makes it easier for me to understand why you feel upset and think i have used this thread
garfield unlike yourself i ahve been involved in east london for 2 decades and seen the damage bringing race into it causes. First the in the 7ts far right did it, then from the 8ts the Labour Party used race and now in the 00's we see the SWP /respect using race .. this is f'ing disasterous mate partiulalry with a resurgent BNP
so please try to see it in proportion .. my comments and your upset on a web forum against the real world of racialising of politics in the east end that i have referred too, and ask yourself what is worse .. p.s. you know if you had simply said 'start a new thread' i would have done