fucking awesome but wrong
I should have been more clear in what I said as regards to 'non muslims' most of the anti muslim sentiment that I've seen stirred up by the swaps abandonment of the working classes in general in favour of a communalist approach to get the vote out haven't been amongst Jews but amongst the general population.
again though you are talking about a marginal group of people in reality, they have to have heard of and understand what the SWP are in the first place outside of their very small orbit they have zero influence whatso ever go to canvey island or southend or romford and ask people on the streets who are the SWP they look at you and ask if it's a rnb hiphop band, my parents generation haven't a scooby either.
so what you have is inward looking groups which are falling inward on each other to compeate to be more radical than the others. without affecting their profit model.
Moreover given that the stated aim of islam is to ensure the entire world beocmes muslim and that the tennets of it are that no one can be resurrected until the whole world is muslim, therefore it's a duty to convert or make converts or remove those who do not convert and the tennets of the SWP to push papers force conversions and black ball those who disagree with the SWP's actions in the hope that one day this will lead to a socailist world where every one is a commie; I'd say it patently obvious why the two are working together. essentially their aims are the same world domination via indoctrination and total acceptence of their idologies. The fact that these are differeing idologies one soem minor points is irrlevelent as they agree on too many points for it to matter...
I concur with some of your very good points about NGO's sometimes being more about the money than the end result. Seen it in UK charities as well.
See all charites. forever both forwards and backwards in time...