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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I'm in a few whatsapp groups - one people I used to work with, one is a union group, one is my family - and the fucking shit in it today, it's the voters who are wrong, turkeys voting for christmas, they will all lose their jobs and die waiting for essential healthcare haha, all that shit. These are all people who regard themselves as leftwingers. Fucks sake.
I'm in a few whatsapp groups - one people I used to work with, one is a union group, one is my family - and the fucking shit in it today, it's the voters who are wrong, turkeys voting for christmas, they will all lose their jobs and die waiting for essential healthcare haha, all that shit. These are all people who regard themselves as leftwingers. Fucks sake.
I'm finding this hard work, but it's difficult - people are gutted today and you can perhaps understand a visceral reaction in the first instance. This kind of thing has been common throughout the campaign though, which I find less forgivable.
Not worth engaging with - after the referendum he ended up claiming that all tube/train/transport staff were racist because the RMT backed leave. Just let him fade away into the background.

No racists in the RMT obviously. I must have not met them. Just like no racists in the north voting Tory having voted labour for ages.
Not worth engaging with - after the referendum he ended up claiming that all tube/train/transport staff were racist because the RMT backed leave. Just let him fade away into the background.

He's a fucking eejit, I think I'll pop him on my ignore list of one, I suggest others to the same.
Why? Can we not call people out for voting Tory now.

neither of the two people i mentioned voted Tory. One voted BP the other didn’t bother going out (he’s 64 and has had 2 heart attacks in the last 5 years and is not in the best of shape)

there was not a large increase in Tory votes in Blyth Valley from what they got in 2017. It was around 1500. The LDs and greens combined got 4 or 5 times that.
Ok, so assuming Corbyn goes, who replaces him? Nobody exactly jumps out at me.
David Miliband's doing his king across the water act, but who knows if he wants to give up the bright lights of Gotham for the drizzle of the disintegrating U.K.

Please not Keir Starmer, wood at the dispatch box with plenty skeletons from his CPS days.

Angela Rayner or Long-Bailey may go for it, and would certainly have a chance with the current membership, although I'm seeing a lotta Blairites, centrists and remainers joining Labour, so depends if it's just a few Twitterati, or if the numbers really shift.

Dawn Butler's been impressive in some interviews.

It's gonna be Barry Gardiner, isn't it? :(
Ok, so assuming Corbyn goes, who replaces him? Nobody exactly jumps out at me.

Rebecca Long-Bailey is a name that leaps out - i don't know her every politics, but she's very much associated with the kind of economic policies that were very popular on the doorstep, she's a reasonably competant media performer, and she doesn't have questionable friendships with Irish Republicans, anti-semites and people from Hamas.

there are doubtless others.
She's also ... variable in interviews, to put it kindly. The nickname exists for a reason.

Rayner and Butler are both more polished before the cameras, and much as I wish it didn't, that matters.
neither of the two people i mentioned voted Tory. One voted BP the other didn’t bother going out (he’s 64 and has had 2 heart attacks in the last 5 years and is not in the best of shape)

there was not a large increase in Tory votes in Blyth Valley from what they got in 2017. It was around 1500. The LDs and greens combined got 4 or 5 times that.

Oh Farage. That’s ok then.
if they go for Dawn Butler - and i've never seen her be impressive in an interview - they'll be pining for the popularity ratings of Corbyn by 2021...
Unless she's his past associations, I doubt it, but I've not seen any chatter about her running, so odds are it'll remain safely hypothetical.
David Miliband's doing his king across the water act, but who knows if he wants to give up the bright lights of Gotham for the drizzle of the disintegrating U.K.

Please not Keir Starmer, wood at the dispatch box with plenty skeletons from his CPS days.

Angela Rayner or Long-Bailey may go for it, and would certainly have a chance with the current membership, although I'm seeing a lotta Blairites, centrists and remainers joining Labour, so depends if it's just a few Twitterati, or if the numbers really shift.

Dawn Butler's been impressive in some interviews.

It's gonna be Barry Gardiner, isn't it? :(

betting wise, Starmer fave, then RLB, but Jess Phillips has shot into 3rd fave now -

obvs, if Party membership stays as is, it would have to be RLB of those three (Rayner next ) - but as you say, if a big influx of centrists, and exit / energy lost amongst Left, cld v much change.

( am also assuming it almost HAS to be a woman, so charisma bypassed Starmer @ 2-1 fave is terrible value imo.
It needs to be a woman from a northern English leave voting seat, so Long-Bailey or Raynor. For all the centrist Twitterati will go on about flooding the party with new members, there aren't really that many of them, and in WhatsApp groups I'm sensing a determination from the leftist wreckers who have just spent weeks campaigning only to be blamed for the defeat by these people that the next leader must not come from the right.
betting wise, Starmer fave, then RLB, but Jess Phillips has shot into 3rd fave now -

obvs, if Party membership stays as is, it would have to be RLB of those three (Rayner next ) - but as you say, if a big influx of centrists, and exit / energy lost amongst Left, cld v much change.

( am also assuming it almost HAS to be a woman, so charisma bypassed Starmer @ 2-1 fave is terrible value imo.
I'm also assuming Labour will want to go for a female leader, which would at least spare us the bizarre Starmer fixation. Jess Phillips, well, she may play well in the seats Lab needs to regain, the Corbynites won't be happy, but hard to see which leader outside the heirs apparent they'd be OK with.
no it’s not ok. But for very different reasons than you think. And your inability to even attempt to understand those reasons mean that you will keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

No. Its you that made the mistake. They voted for a racist. Its on them.
Rebecca Long-Bailey is a name that leaps out - i don't know her every politics, but she's very much associated with the kind of economic policies that were very popular on the doorstep, she's a reasonably competant media performer, and she doesn't have questionable friendships with Irish Republicans, anti-semites and people from Hamas.

there are doubtless others.

She may not, but anyone even close to Corbyn is set for a Corbyn-style monstering by proxy. It may not be a good idea for him to endorse right now.
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