This is the correct thread.
Sass, it’s a bit rich for you to say I’m needling you when it was you who resurrected the issue. I’d drawn a line under it.
I know you’ll find it hard to get your head around, but you are completely barking up the wrong tree in your imagination of what it is I disapprove of in what those paras were doing. It is not some wet, liberal refusal to recognise the realities of what infantry do, but the opposite. I’m well aware of their role in the apparatus of the state. And in a supposed democracy, that is not to interfere with the running of the state by redemptive violence. Even symbolic redemptive violence. In fantasising about taking out the leader of the opposition, they politicised the armed forces. And we know where that leads, don’t we? We both know what the name is for people who applaud that, don’t we? It’s a term that you like to fling around without justification, and yet here you are, one of the very few people on these boards actually to accurately deserve the term.
And please note, I do not support Corbyn, his party, his person, his character, his abilities, or his inept soft centre social democratic managerialist programme for tinkering with capitalism. There’s much about him and his performance to disapprove of.
But the military interfering in British political life, even symbolically? - that is something I put squarely on the side of the demons. That is something that repulses and disgusts me. That is something I will always oppose.
And, no, it isn’t something I’d think of as trivial.