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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

The other thing is surely Corbyn was commenting after knowing the mural was being removed as controversial wasn't he? So you'd think he'd takr a look first just to check if maybe the "censors" had a point, whatever you might think at first blush, on tiny screen, blurry FB post etc ad nauseam..

tho tbf, that could also have lead to a more reflexive ' don't ban the murals, remember Rivera ' response, meaning even less attention paid to the (possibly 2 inch) image
Also posted it on Reddit ...
It has the word "chemtrails" in it, so I think we can ignore the rest.

These wicked banksters have indeed been playing a game of monopoly on the backs of the working class. My mural evolved into a dark vision of an apocalyptic reality fueled by their greed, filling our skies with coal, nuclear and chemtrail pollution. I pulled further visual inspiration from the U.S. Dollar bill, which holds sacred Freemason iconography, such as the "all seeing eye", accompanied by cryptic Latin inscriptions like “novus ordo seclorum” or “new order of the ages”. There are several other hidden symbols, which some may argue have Jewish influences, such as the star configuration that rises above the eagle crest forming a two-dimensional tetrahedron, considered by some as the star of David, I always wondered why?

https: //www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/87i60n/mear_one_the_artist_who_made_the_illuminati_mural/
He is a fucking fool. His ramblings have no clarity or direction, a one stop shop of shite, bollocks and ill thought out contradictory toss. Poltroons like this don't really help the left in any way.
Undoubtedly. But is the charge of antisemitism correct? He is denying using Jewish symbolism and stating that he was portraying actual historical figures rather than stereotypes.
I am pretty sure he is not a raging anti semite - but he is an ignorant wanker for the NWO shite at the very least - which is symbiotic with the whole jewish conspiracy stuff

ETA, I don't think he is smart enough to pass subliminal messages in his output, he is no Charles Kraft that is for sure
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He knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he's gone squinnying to that cunt Icke.
If I had any doubts about ''Mear One'' and his attitudes, they're gone now.
Corbyn was always a surprising choice as the figurehead of some leftish electoral revival.

Says more about the the paucity of other candidates than Corbyn himself tbh.

That, and I still believe that neither Momentum nor any wider left were fully in control of the "surge". It was channeled through them rather than created by them imho.

Leaving an unprepared and unsuitable figurehead (and machine backing him) scrabbling around playing catch up.

Also meaning that the "qualities" of Corbyn are largely irrelevant. People aren't voting for him but as an expression of a desire for a hopeychangey shift to the left in British politics.

The more the media flesh out their Corbyn is a looney lefty narrative the more this cipher suits people's purposes as a vehicle for expressing a desire for change.

Much like UKIP in more ways than some might care to acknowledge.
This gets better. The 'Dollar Vigilante' person that mural loon keeps @ing is Jeff Berwick, who was one of the people who orchestrated that Galt's Gulch swindle in Chile where they were all meant to live on lemons or something. He also set up that 'anarchapulcho' shitfest.

Back in February I had my mind blown & soul recharged at Anarchapulco, the annual crypto-consciousness gathering founded by Jeff Berwick (aka The Dollar Vigilante).

Atlas Mugged: How a Libertarian Paradise in Chile Fell Apart
Corbyn was always a surprising choice as the figurehead of some leftish electoral revival.

Says more about the the paucity of other candidates than Corbyn himself tbh.

That, and I still believe that neither Momentum nor any wider left were fully in control of the "surge". It was channeled through them rather than created by them imho.

Leaving an unprepared and unsuitable figurehead (and machine backing him) scrabbling around playing catch up.

Also meaning that the "qualities" of Corbyn are largely irrelevant. People aren't voting for him but as an expression of a desire for a hopeychangey shift to the left in British politics.

The more the media flesh out their Corbyn is a looney lefty narrative the more this cipher suits people's purposes as a vehicle for expressing a desire for change.

Much like UKIP in more ways than some might care to acknowledge.

The question for a party seeking election is whether that suits enough people’s purposes. The answer seemed likely to be ‘no’ at first, but the pay off for many being that the Labour Party would be at least be transformed to a party of the left.

Then following the election it seemed like it could be a ‘yes’ following Corbyn’s undeniable success in connecting.

Now that appears in doubt again. Corbyn will never shake off the doubts about anti-Semitism and as he is the personification of the movement it means it shares them too. Labour could do great on AS in all real and objective respects and then we’ll find in an inattentive moment in 1996 JC signed up for a boycott a Jewish bakery or something equally bizarre and it’s all in play again.

I think this problem is potentially much more serious to Labour’s chances than the other stuff Corbyn has had to deal with, so much so that it may prove insurmountable in terms of winning an election. But the party will continue to be reformed.
Corbyn was always a surprising choice as the figurehead of some leftish electoral revival.

Says more about the the paucity of other candidates than Corbyn himself tbh.

That, and I still believe that neither Momentum nor any wider left were fully in control of the "surge". It was channeled through them rather than created by them imho.

Leaving an unprepared and unsuitable figurehead (and machine backing him) scrabbling around playing catch up.

Also meaning that the "qualities" of Corbyn are largely irrelevant. People aren't voting for him but as an expression of a desire for a hopeychangey shift to the left in British politics.

The more the media flesh out their Corbyn is a looney lefty narrative the more this cipher suits people's purposes as a vehicle for expressing a desire for change.

Much like UKIP in more ways than some might care to acknowledge.
Every time there was a leadership election the small grouping of left MPs would choose one from their fold to scrabble round trying to raise the minimum number of MPs nominations to enable them to make what was normally a hopeless challenge for the leadership. This was Corbyns turn, but no one - Corbyn included anticipated the massive shift in mood amongst the membership. Even with the shenanigans of the second vote and mass suspensions, and a 25 fold increase in supporters rates the right failed to hang on. So Corbyn was very much an unexpected victor. However I think that as the campaign cranked up, Corbyns lifetime experience of campaigning on social issues, and his consistent voting record on foreign policy issues helped considerably in getting the message out that labour was changing and that neoliberalism and it’s cruel ideology of austerity could be defeated. The unrelenting attacks from within the parliamentary party and from the establishment would have crushed a lesser man, so I for one feel this honourable guy is doing a prettty god job, and I can’t see abbot or macdonald faring much better in his position, so we have the leader that we will be fighting the next election with. For those that see no purpose in supporting reformist politicians or parties no leader would be any good in their eyes, as they would see no purpose served in any democratic socialist party gaining power, but for those who would like to see a labour government based on a manifesto of change as offered at the last election, then it’s a case of get behind Corbyn, hold your nerve and push
Every time there was a leadership election the small grouping of left MPs would choose one from their fold to scrabble round trying to raise the minimum number of MPs nominations to enable them to make what was normally a hopeless challenge for the leadership. This was Corbyns turn, but no one - Corbyn included anticipated the massive shift in mood amongst the membership. Even with the shenanigans of the second vote and mass suspensions, and a 25 fold increase in supporters rates the right failed to hang on. So Corbyn was very much an unexpected victor. However I think that as the campaign cranked up, Corbyns lifetime experience of campaigning on social issues, and his consistent voting record on foreign policy issues helped considerably in getting the message out that labour was changing and that neoliberalism and it’s cruel ideology of austerity could be defeated. The unrelenting attacks from within the parliamentary party and from the establishment would have crushed a lesser man, so I for one feel this honourable guy is doing a prettty god job, and I can’t see abbot or macdonald faring much better in his position, so we have the leader that we will be fighting the next election with. For those that see no purpose in supporting reformist politicians or parties no leader would be any good in their eyes, as they would see no purpose served in any democratic socialist party gaining power, but for those who would like to see a labour government based on a manifesto of change as offered at the last election, then it’s a case of get behind Corbyn, hold your nerve and push
it would be nice to see labour standing on a left wing manifesto rather than an obamaite 'change' one. perhaps something similar to the 1983 manifesto...

btw labour aren't a democratic socialist party being as they're neither democratic nor socialist
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