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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Some people don't like a taste of their own medicine. Especially the ones that gang up on individuals in groups.
Personal insults though? I think there might be something about it in the forum rules. I'm not going to report you but I wouldn't be surprised if someone does. As for this 'ganging up' bollocks, have a look at what you're saying maybe that has something to do with it?
Back on topic.

More misinformation from the BBC.

Big problem on tax is no bugger wants to pay any and a growing number avoid and evade.No solidarity comrade.

Corbyn should have promised small tax cut for standard rate payers as Trudeau.

Bribe the bastards.Tories seem so over confident they wont do the normal.And looks like May intends to sack spread sheet phil.
I never insulted anbody but kebabking. I get insulted regularly.
Actually to be fair, yes you have but you say some stupid stuff that people get exasperated with, but if I was arsed to trawl around I would probably find that the first part of your statement is not entirely true. Anyway what I meant by 'scraping the barrel' is bringing someone's wife/parter into the equation.
because maths

It's probably just that the graphic doesn't explain it very well. I would guess that the figures are for the average additional amounts someone in each of the two tax bands would pay, rather than two people who are exactly on each of the thresholds, which obviously wouldn't be right. The guy who's just had his melon nicked is probably explaining it.
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Personal insults though? I think there might be something about it in the forum rules. I'm not going to report you but I wouldn't be surprised if someone does. As for this 'ganging up' bollocks, have a look at what you're saying maybe that has something to do with it?

Don't be wet. Like or not MM's posts he recieves plenty of insults and without question there is ganging up.

If you are happy with it and think he deserves it for his politics, fine, but don't start talking about reporting posts or you or whoever wishes to has got a hard day's work ahead catching up.
Given that Labour are not currently in the business of setting out a practical agenda for government, just trying offset meltdown, they shouldn't be so apologetic about increasing taxes on the rich. The renationalisation thing was quite good because they actually did it, went for broke and didn't go through some Miliband style evasions and half-plans for the public sector. Should do the same for taxes as well, a populist style 'while people are using foodbanks, yes, we are going to take some back off the rich'. Won't play well with the beeb, guardian and all the usual wankers, but it might just resonate with the people that the election is supposed to be about, the voters.

Another populist trick would have been to pitch the £80k threshold at something just under what MPs get (76k from memory), ensuring any of their second jobs/bribes get taxed at a higher rate. I'm sure there's some defensible logic about 80k in terms of yields and the numbers affected, but again, at this stage in the game that's not what it's about.
It's probably just that the graphic doesn't explain it very well. I would guess that the figures are for the average additional amounts someone in each of the two tax bands would pay, rather than two people who are exactly on each of the thresholds, which obviously wouldn't be right. The guy who's just had his melon nicked is probably explaining it.

Well this fine person spelt it out for you.

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