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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Yeah, LD fucks like you would. Never mind that inequality in 2017 is a great as that in Victoria times, that the poor are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer - assisted by pricks like you - that social mobility is statistically insignificant, that over the last 40 years most people, in real terms, have seen a decrease in their wages, that living standards are under attack. We can't possibly make the rich pay their way. Another great example why LDs are cunts.
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If you read the thread rather than just look at the poll you'd see why. Local reason only. Bit of a derail, I was only reacting to the idea of a 99% tax rate.

If you read the thread rather than just look at the poll you'd see why. Local reason only. Bit of a derail, I was only reacting to the idea of a 99% tax rate.

I'm going by what you have often written here which is that you seem to generally fall into a centrist economically liberal, socially liberal position. That there's nothing inherently wrong with capitalism as long as there's a safety net for the poorest?

That's essentially a Lib Dem one too.
I'm going by what you have often written here which is that you seem to generally fall into a centrist economically liberal, socially liberal position. That there's nothing inherently wrong with capitalism as long as there's a safety net for the poorest?

That's essentially a Lib Dem one too.

Fair play, that somes me up rather well :thumbs:

Although until now I have always voted labour (apart from one green protest vote a couple of decades ago).
I have always voted Labour until now but Corbyn has lost my vote with these extreme policies that in no way resemble Labour policies that I hhad previously voted for. I will now vote summat else. Honest. Always Labour. Definitely.
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