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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Well my opinion of Richard Burgon has risen

So a year ago an open Boko Haram supporter said something positive about Corbyn? That's the story here?
Got blocked by De Vito on twitter for reminding him of that a couple of weeks ago. Even touchier than Galloway when exposed.

For the benefit of anyone else who is confused, this appears to be about something Danny De Vito did when he was acting in a sitcom. I can only guess as to why someone might remind him about it on Twitter.
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It's well worth having a row now than then to raise the level of debate.
For fuck's sake. MM has shallow politics for sure, but you're deluding yourself if you really think the tedious needling of the past page or so constitutes an improvement. I'm sure it's possible to point out someone's political shortcomings in a way that doesn't get their backs up and block up otherwise interesting threads with pointless beef.
And mikey mikey I recommend you either ignore them outright or just respond to them in nothing other than a matter-of-fact way. The fact they may have a point doesn't mean they can't be dicks about it.
You're all cult of personality - as you declared, "my politics expressed here are pro-corbyn. That's it". There is nothing pro-working class or socialist about such personality focused politics. If you were indeed socialist you might have mentioned it.

Don't have to be part of a cult to support Corbyn. "Cultists": That is the Tory/Blairite mantra. Thanks Tom Watson, now fuck off.

I support Corbyn because he is pro-working class and a socialist and always has been. His personality is neither here nor there. Now piss off back to your library or start correcting somebody's grammar and/or Latin and for God's sake stop kidding yourself and your little mates about how "deep" your politics are. This is just a forum, folks.
That's good to know. What sort of stuff were you involved in pre-JC?

Well I started when I was a teenager, I raised money for the striking miners during the early eighties. We did concerts (i'ma violinist) of folk music to raise money and collected unwanted toys for the miners' kids at Xmas. Why? Is this a test?

Just recently I was on another forum that were all about "So what are you doing for Labour?" whenever I pointed out that the PLP were actively harming the party. They have all now either stopped canvassing, are chatting enthusiastically about the next coup post-GE or saying they'll vote LibDem. Apparently, they are more interested in being active in politics and not really bothered about socialism at all.
Thanks Mikey, it's not a test I just think it can be helpful to know where people are coming from. Have you always been in Labour or was it a Corbyn rejoin thing?

Personally I've never been a Labour supporter myself but have been involved in campaigns, demos, trade union stuff.
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