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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

You said that at an interesting moment!
Jeremy Corbyn's tax return appears to omit leader's salary - BBC News

I would be surprised if he'd done anything wrong - whatever anyone thinks about Corbyn he comes over as a fundamentally honest guy - but I bet the right-wing media will be all over this. :(

Someone on here said he has always been on the right side of history, which is fair enough.

I read those policies linked above, amazed he doesn't repeatedly go on about them all the time.
But how will your "actions to be taken" bring Labour the votes it need to win a general election or convince the public to overwhelmingly vote for 'actual change' sometime in the future?? I can't see that they will.

Yes I am looking for the quickest way to get the tories out and replace them with Labour because there are vulnerable people depending on it and because I know from experience as well as from the figures that essential services will be safer with a Labour government even if it isn't a left wing one.

I'm still curious about your definition of Social Democracy. Presumably it has nothing to do with Shirley Williams or Wikipedia's definition?...

"Social democracy thus aims to create the conditions for capitalism to lead to greater democratic,egalitarian and solidaristic outcomes..."
I'm going to answer the first bit when I have time, either at work this afternoon if it's quiet or later tonight.

Social democracy I said I roughly agreed with Wikipedia, bar a couple of points, I've said that the historical example in the UK of such a policy set is the post war social contract, what Shirley Williams says is about right, not sure about "create the conditions" phrasing as the policies create the outcomes directly, but the outcomes she states, sure, in a vague kind of way. (This doesn't mean that she herself was a social Democrat throughout her career and we'll never know if the sdp were because they never got power, and when the party they became did, well they were at one with the Tories so doesn't look good).
Well Corbyn, for the first time, employed a private firm called PricewaterhouseCoopers. It is one of the four biggest accountancy firms in the world and has been ranked as the most prestigious accounting firm in the world for seven consecutive years, as well as the top firm to work for in North America for three consecutive years.

It would seem like a wise decision after last year's scrutiny. But no.

Willie Nelson had employed PwC until he was prosecuted for tax evasion and he later sued Price Waterhouse, contending that they put him into tax shelters that were later disallowed by the IRS.
Willie Nelson Hopes for a Hit; So Does the I.R.S.

Then there were the infamous Luxembourg Leaks is the name of a financial scandal revealed in November 2014. It is centered on confidential information about Luxembourg tax rulings that were set up by PwC from 2002 to 2010 to the benefits of its clients. This investigation resulted in making available to the public tax rulings for over three hundred multinational companies based in Luxembourg. This had ramifications within the UK.
Luxembourg Leaks - Wikipedia

In fact in the UK alone, PwC was at the centre of financial controversies that involved Northern Rock, BHS, Tesco.

They even managed to hand Warren Beaty the wrong envelope for Oscar winner of Best Film this year.

Yes that was them.

So who was reponsible for this clusterfug?

Well if it was Jeremy, it was for choosing these clowns in the first place but he is in very good company.

I blame the people who are paid a lot of money to be responsible legally.

Incompetence on the part of PwC is to blame. That is, if all this was indeed unintentional.

That is, if all this was indeed unintentional.

You could see the shaky scaffold of a strategy there: O'Donnell reveals his tax return which reveals he's fucking clueless at making money, attempts to put pressure on the Conservatives who are generally good at it, then JC is to increase the pressure by releasing his pathetic return, your move May/Hammond. Hang on, stand down lads, JC has fucked it all up.
How did jeremy fuck it up?

Wasn't that the accountants paid to be responsible?


So it should be published without Jeremy checking it? His affairs are not massively complicated.

It's not a big deal, but you can't just say 'it's the accountants'.
What actually happened:

Jeremy Corbyn published his tax return yesterday. But if he was expecting universal acclamation, it did not quite work out like that because rightwing papers like the Sun and the Daily Mail suggested he had failed to declare the top-up to his MP’s salary that he receives for being leader of the opposition.

This lead to his office having to release a further statement late last night explaining that the extra salary had been declared, but in a different section of the tax return.

Jeremy Corbyn hits back at critics over his tax return, saying his taxes 'fully paid' - Politics live

So just the Scum and the Fail smearing shit and you just yum it up.
If that's what he's done then that's straightforward tax evasion as the pensions/benefits aren't taxed at the same rate as salary.
Yeah, you're right re the open goal on the gig economy.
really? What is a 'left wing' policy on the gig economy that would be a certain vote winner, bearing in mind customers complaining their cab/curry/trainers/internet shopping will become more expensive?
It does make me feel sorry for those with 7 figure incomes though. It must all be very complicated.

Wouldn't it just be kinder to let them pay less?
really? What is a 'left wing' policy on the gig economy that would be a certain vote winner, bearing in mind customers complaining their cab/curry/trainers/internet shopping will become more expensive?

Lol lets cut all regulations then. Race to the bottom. I can see that being a left wing policy.
Lol lets cut all regulations then. Race to the bottom. I can see that being a left wing policy.
If regulations to control the gig economy exist, then all that's required is enforcement, which is doubtless LP policy, but not a particularly compelling vote winner. A 'left wing' LP policy now would not involve cutting regulation, it would involve creating new ones in order to keep up with the way 'the markets' force workers into a race to the bottom. So what is the new 'open goal' policy?
If that's what he's done then that's straightforward tax evasion as the pensions/benefits aren't taxed at the same rate as salary.
If you look at the returns you will see the tax that was paid. Care to demonstrate this evasion to us?

You can't because pensions are taxed in exactly the same way as salaries, as are most benefits.
I doubt it would matter much who is leader of what was once the Labour Party...PASOKification is in full effect.

A squeaky neoliberal clone like Dan Jarvis might win the approval of the Daily Mail but I doubt very much would win back the droves of working class voters who have either deserted the party in the Blair year or who are so unconvinced by the current amateurish leadership that they simply sit on their hands at home.

The longer Corbyn and his team hold the reins the further a rudderless Labour will drift away from power. They aren't even a functioning opposition, let a lone a credible alternative government.

Labour should be at a historic high. Unless there are some remarkable turnarounds to come, the party is finished as a party of power right across the UK.
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