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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Yes, presumably by ditching values ''the people'' don't like. Maybe also adopting a few new ones that they do like.

That's called populism, and its what you're advocating. Be honest about it :)
A general strike which would (wrongly) turn people against them. Any labour party should surely be proposing stronger legislation not just expecting unions to fight all the time for better conditions.

The presence of the 'gig' economy is another open goal. Left wing policies from Corbyn on them. Nothing of note.

Yeah, you're right re the open goal on the gig economy.

One really important thing is getting working people to see how they're being shafted. A large portion of the population work, and will be affected by pay freezes, zero hours, the 'race to the bottom' in terms of working conditions etc. Workers' right have been steadily eroded since Thatcher (and if the Blair/Brown government did anything specifically to address that, I must have blinked and missed it). Solidarity and a sense of community amongst the working population, and a recognition that the government and employers must be challenged on workers' rights, are all-important.

The Labour party is the one with the firm, historical and current links to trade unions, not the Tories nor LibDems nor Greens etc.
Yes, presumably by ditching values ''the people'' don't like. Maybe also adopting a few new ones that they do like.

That's called populism, and its what you're advocating. Be honest about it :)

Err no. Great banter though.

Are you saying that the electorate and the working class in particular do not share Corbyn's values as they stand?
Yeah, you're right re the open goal on the gig economy.

One really important thing is getting working people to see how they're being shafted. A large portion of the population work, and will be affected by pay freezes, zero hours, the 'race to the bottom' in terms of working conditions etc. Workers' right have been steadily eroded since Thatcher (and if the Blair/Brown government did anything specifically to address that, I must have blinked and missed it). Solidarity and a sense of community amongst the working population, and a recognition that the government and employers must be challenged on workers' rights, are all-important.

The Labour party is the one with the firm, historical and current links to trade unions, not the Tories nor LibDems nor Greens etc.

The NHS.
Law and Order.
The economy.
Vulnerable people in society.

These are all other open goals that Corbyn should have policies on that should be obvious. No idea why he doesn't.
Its not what I said though.
It totally is:
Labour needs to appeal to the people that match their own values. If their values are really so narrow that they can't ever win an election ever again then so be it, but at the moment they are barely appealing to anyone.
Err no. Corbyn has values. The electorate has values. He needs to find the policies that he agrees with that will appeal to the electorate. And then campaign to win the election on those policies.

Any labour party should surely be proposing stronger legislation not just expecting unions to fight all the time for better conditions.
If he pushes unions the tories will just do away with the legislation asap when they get into power.

If the following gov't can ditch legislation on unions, they can ditch any legislation :facepalm:
A Labour leader worth their salt would rigorously challenge the neoliberal orthodoxy and the austerity agenda it has spawned. Be against those that sell everything for buttons because their ideology demands it (even if it makes no sense) and look to reverse it. A Labour leader should confront this situation and have an effect in the short term and tell people what is really going on and where they are being led.
It totally is:


If the following gov't can ditch legislation on unions, they can ditch any legislation :facepalm:

Hmmmm. If the Tory party just abolished the NHS overnight it wouldn't lead to a massive electoral defeat?

As for everything else, you are deliberately misunderstanding what I wrote. Great banter as I already said.
Go on then, be consistent with this:

You asked
Are you saying that the electorate and the working class in particular do not share Corbyn's values as they stand?
I replied that was what you were arguing, based on these posts:
Labour needs to appeal to the people that match their own values. If their values are really so narrow that they can't ever win an election ever again then so be it, but at the moment they are barely appealing to anyone.
Err no. Corbyn has values. The electorate has values. He needs to find the policies that he agrees with that will appeal to the electorate. And then campaign to win the election on those policies.

Then you posted:
Any labour party should surely be proposing stronger legislation not just expecting unions to fight all the time for better conditions.
If he pushes unions the tories will just do away with the legislation asap when they get into power.
So you'll need to explain how, if ''the tories'' can ''just do away with the legislation'' on unions, they can't do the exact same thing with whatever
stronger legislation
you think Labour should be proposing.
Go on then, be consistent with this:

You asked

I replied that was what you were arguing, based on these posts:

Then you posted:

So you'll need to explain how, if ''the tories'' can ''just do away with the legislation'' on unions, they can't do the exact same thing with whatever

you think Labour should be proposing.

Loads of people that vote Tory don't like or actively hate unions. Therefore they could pass legislation abolishing them and it might even help them at the ballot box. Its a very minor point though certainly not worth all these quotes.

Labour should propose a rise in the minimum wage, plus be against loopholes around it.
None of that has anything to do with what I posted, and in no way explains the blatant contradictions.

There are no blatant contradictions but ok you win :)

It would be useful if Labour proposed some policies that might help them win votes and maybe, just maybe, these policies could be in line with the ideas of the leadership. oooh the contradictions!
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