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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

My top two would be:

(1) Being filmed not singing the national anthem in church. Don't get me wrong, it's hard to think of a worse song, but for the leader of the Labour Party, that was obviously stupid and self-defeating.
(2) Giving a TV interview where you appear unsure whether it was quite warranted for the police to use live bullets against the Bataclan attackers. Beyond mindboggling.
Stephen Hawking is well known as being one of the foremost political thinkers of our time.

Or is it physics he is famous for? I always get those things mixed up.

TBF Labour are rapidly descending into a black hole. We might need the prof to communicate with jezza soon.
Stephen Hawking is well known as being one of the foremost political thinkers of our time.

Or is it physics he is famous for? I always get those things mixed up.

Yes, why anyone ever listens to anyone without a PPE degree is beyond me.
Indeed, we need a Cambridge Professor of Astrophysics to bring these North London muesli eating intellectuals and idealists back down to Earth.:thumbs:
I bet that's what you said when he came out against Brexit and Trump too.

Why, of course! If I support Corbyn, I must be a closet Brexiter and somehow a supporter of an sexist bigoted capitalist like the Donald!

How did you guess?

Well, you make a good point. Maybe I don't know how far the split should go.

I don't know how typical Lambeth is compared to the rest of the country. I know people who rejoined when Corbyn was elected. It's been a bit of a shock for the ruling group to see these people turn up at constituency meetings. Instead of welcoming increased membership they don't like it. These people aren't hard left. They are traditional Old Labour. Believe in Council Housing etc. The response of the ruling Progress lot is to make damn sure none of these people get posts in the local party.

The alternative to the Progress dominated Labour party in Lambeth is the Greens. Who almost won a Council seat recently. Which one would have thought would have meant the ruling group would rethink there politics. But no. They are digging there heels in.

Cllr Matthew Bennett selected to stand for Labour in Gipsy Hill ward for 2018 Lambeth Council elections

I was chatting to someone I know who rejoined. He now supports Corbyn politics but does not think he should be leader.

The problem is the party is still full of Blairites /Progress supporters. They want Corbyn out to go back to the politics of the Third Way. Whilst I would say most people I know,even if they have doubts with Corbyn ,want something new.

My fear is that Corbyn will go and a whole swathe of people will feel disenfranchised again.
Stephen Hawking is well known as being one of the foremost political thinkers of our time.

Or is it physics he is famous for? I always get those things mixed up.

And yet he is probably right.

Surely the objective opinion of an outsider who has what is undoubtedly a brilliant, free thinking, creative and analytical mind is as valid as that of someone who’s perpetually immersed in politics. In fact possibly more so.
I doubt it would matter much who is leader of what was once the Labour Party...PASOKification is in full effect.

I think PASOKification would be what was happening if Corbyn wasn't leader. The election of Corbyn as leader was an attempt at preventing the PASOKification of the Labour Party - transforming it into SYRIZA instead of replacing it with a new party. This looks unlikely to happen though, as the Progress lot are simply impossible to cooperate with.
And yet he is probably right.

Surely the objective opinion of an outsider who has what is undoubtedly a brilliant, free thinking, creative and analytical mind is as valid as that of someone who’s perpetually immersed in politics. In fact possibly more so.
It's just an opinion about a perception of a man. It's no more or less valid, actually, than anybody else's opinion about perception. Arguably less valid in some way, mind, because he is the very definition of cloistered elite so what does he know about how the man on th street perceives the situation?
Arguably less valid in some way, mind, because he is the very definition of cloistered elite so what does he know about how the man on th street perceives the situation?

You are joking surely. He got where he is through hard work and brilliance against the odds.

The fact he is talking about Corbyn in such a way should be very worrying for the Labour Party. It's further evidence of how little the general population like him or believe he is the right man to lead a government.
Both Hawkings's parents went to Oxford. He attended independent schools and also went to Oxford.

Same breaks as the rest of us then.

My parents both went to oxford. Didn't stop me from going to state school, failing my a levels and ending up at the Poly Of Wales :thumbs:
You are joking surely. He got where he is through hard work and brilliance against the odds.

The fact he is talking about Corbyn in such a way should be very worrying for the Labour Party. It's further evidence of how little the general population like him or believe he is the right man to lead a government.
Saying the LP needs a leader pursuing the same policy agenda as Corbyn, but not cast by the media as a left- wing extremist, demonstrates that his brilliance does not extend to politics.
I think you need to drink some strong coffee before attempting English comprehension!
My point was that he arguably has less insight into popular perception than the average man because he is cloistered. You for some reason thought that an argument against this would be that he got where he is by being brilliant and hard working. My response to that ("just like the rest of us then") was a sarcastic rejoinder, i.e. being brilliant and hard-working are not traits that give him insight into the perception of the average man.
It's just an opinion about a perception of a man. It's no more or less valid, actually, than anybody else's opinion about perception. Arguably less valid in some way, mind, because he is the very definition of cloistered elite so what does he know about how the man on th street perceives the situation?

We won't know for sure until the next GE, but the men and women 'on the street' seem to be rejecting Corbyn in greater numbers than any other labour leader in the history of the party.

And what was that about elites?...

Disproportionate number of Labour’s new members are wealthy city dwellers

Middle-class university graduates will decide the future of the Labour Party

I’ve always been uncomfortable with the ‘if you’re not poor, disadvantaged or disabled then you can't understand it’ argument and it clearly has a hollow ring in Hawking's case.
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