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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

No you are not. It's politics - the left won't get all its own way and certainly Jeremy won't. The left needs to pick the best of what is possible right now. It's not an endgame.

Do you really believe overall that the Blairites are in ascendancy? Clearly they are not and they can be largely outmanouevered. That is the task. Jeremy can't do it, he's got no game.

They can't be outmanouevered if the whole thing fails. More likely that strengthens their hand.
Having spent so many years in a marginalised, maligned and self preservation focused group within Labour, a group who seem to prize an individual morality and attachment to principle above herd like acceptance of the leaderships demands, he is ill placed to create a new form for that herd.
TBF I cannot see the quality needed in the current PLP capable of healing the wounds and getting the broad party support needed to battle the tories - which really is tragic as it implies years of chaotic ineffective opposition while our country is being dismantled around us
He is pretty useless but currently there is no other choice
Having spent so many years in a marginalised, maligned and self preservation focused group within Labour, a group who seem to prize an individual morality and attachment to principle above herd like acceptance of the leaderships demands, he is ill placed to create a new form for that herd.
TBF I cannot see the quality needed in the current PLP capable of healing the wounds and getting the broad party support needed to battle the tories - which really is tragic as it implies years of chaotic ineffective opposition while our country is being dismantled around us
He is pretty useless but currently there is no other choice

A week is a long time in Politics. I think that may have been said before.

It's way too defeatist, particularly in party politics where so much is about appearance. The Lib Dems, a busted flush if ever there was one, can suddenly win by-elections. The Labour Party is massively stronger.

Moreover there is a large anti-Tory vote to be mined. It is crying out for an idea or a focal point. A new package for Labour could send it soaring. But it would not be complete. The next struggle would await.
Do you really believe overall that the Blairites are in ascendancy?

No, I think it's worse than that. The word "Blairite" has been scrubbed MiniTruth style from the lexicon.
Croydon Labour meeting bans the use of the word ‘Blairite’

The New Reality is that Blairism is non-existent. At best it's a slur. A slur on people who support the politics espoused by Tony Blair and wish to take British politics further towards the Right by means of shifting the centre.

The New Reality is that this shift just happened. Probably the will of the Gods or some seismic whanot. It just is. And it is a New Challenge to meet (i.e. target) and will bring Difficult Choices (i.e. Austerity, welfare cuts, further erosion of employee rights)

To be on the "right" of the Labour Party is now to be "tougher on benefits than the Tories" (Liz Kendall) and to be "Soft Left" is to oppose Zero Hours contracts only to replace them with a minimum of "One Hour Contracts" (Owen Smith).

Blairism isn't on the ascendancy: it's the "New Moderate". It's what MPs mean when they say "the centre left". Making anything that could be considered socialist in an objective sense, beyond the Pale. And that centre, as it has done in the US, will drift further and further rightwards thanks to the people that you are no longer allowed to call Blairites.
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Coined by Tristram Hunt, Chuka Umunna etc to describe the "guerrilla war" being waged in the PLP against Corbyn. It caused much hilarity at the time.
the funniest bit is they took the name from Star Trek Deep Space Nine's fictitious terrorist outfit (or freedom fighters ymmv) rather than the historical french resistance maquis

spose we are lucky they didn't take it from Harry Potter or something like that
the funniest bit is they took the name from Star Trek Deep Space Nine's fictitious terrorist outfit (or freedom fighters ymmv) rather than the historical french resistance maquis

Seriously?? How do we/you know this? (not doubting you but fascinated)
Seriously?? How do we/you know this? (not doubting you but fascinated)
it was out at the time they formed...here
But have a look at the icon. That isn’t the logo of the Maquis (they didn’t have one), that’s the logo of the Maquis in Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. This is a fictional Maquis, and like their bitter enemies, the Cardassians, they don’t exist. The imitation of reality in the Star Trek series, although set in the distant future, is very much anchored in the present and is influenced by contemporary discourses. But it is not real; it is only a representation of the real. It is, as Baudrillard would describe it, a simulation.
Let’s Talk About: ‘Labour Maquis’
is their twitter profile icon. It's a symbol used by the maquis in ST. That's what seems to have given rise to this issue.
If Labour lose either by-election, will Corbyn resign and if so how quickly? I can't see how he couldn't, and it'd have to be quick wouldn't it.
It would be too late for the next election unless there is a modern day version of Blair (election winning ability wise) waiting in the wings and there isn't.
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