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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Since the thread is already totally derailed...

I quite like Wetherspoons. They've got some nice pubs. Newcastle Union Rooms is ace. Am I supporting a monster? I know the boss is a twat, but are they an OK employer etc? Anyone know?

Pretty good employers as far as chain pubs go. Which is not saying much of course.
Don't colonise my analogy. The sherpas are the raw recruits.
We've stayed at the Weatherspoons pub/hotel in King's Lynn - the family room was excellent with lots of room for all the beds, the food very good and the breakfast delicious and mighty...

The spoons hotel in Bewdley always gets good reviews - excellent location as well.
Sausage and mash is OK at the 'spoons each time I've had some, usually a working lunch or tea. Last one was Chepstow, before that Abergavenny. Wouldn't eat it if I was paying for myself but when it's work buying I'm happy enough.
Every lunch and tea I've ever had is a working class lunch or tea. I feel lucky when it's a working lunch or tea as opposed to an unemployed lunch or tea. So leave it out.
Every lunch and tea I've ever had is a working class lunch or tea. I feel lucky when it's a working lunch or tea as opposed to an unemployed lunch or tea. So leave it out.

Odd phrase 'working class'. As I've worked all my life, I wouldn't consider myself anything other than working class.
blokes got the backing- on an increased majority- from his whole party and still calls for clean slate? Come on. Passive aggresive wonn't wash here. I'd agree that there will be lines and issues he won't compromise on but its leadership, everyones going to have a few issues they won't budge on and as democratically elected leader the PLP should respect that. Instead they go aggressive-aggressive with all the stagey resignations and crap stalking horses.

I'm sure the disunity matters more to most people but its the going to a swappie thing thats been annoying me today. Theres absolutely no way he doesn't know who he was breaking bread with there and why people would find it shite

I actually thought it seemed a reasonable event to be at given recent Labour Party problems and an historical event always worth commemorating.

It's the SWP banners at his own rallies that will cause him the biggest problems.
those giant marrows that taste of nothing

His whole lifestyle is somewhat odd for someone who has earnt 3x the average wage for 30 years. It's like he's living to a script written for him by Mike Leigh. Home grown nutrients, check, bike that looks like he knitted it himself, check. Pure 'Nuts in May'.
His whole lifestyle is somewhat odd for someone who has earnt 3x the average wage for 30 years. It's like he's living to a script written for him by Mike Leigh. Home grown nutrients, check, bike that looks like he knitted it himself, check. Pure 'Nuts in May'.

It's a fairly right-wing worldview that says anyone whose sole goals in life aren't '(i) get money (ii) flaunt it' is odd.
His whole lifestyle is somewhat odd for someone who has earnt 3x the average wage for 30 years. It's like he's living to a script written for him by Mike Leigh. Home grown nutrients, check, bike that looks like he knitted it himself, check. Pure 'Nuts in May'.

He seems like someone who genuninely doesnt feel the usual consumerist urges in quite the same way as the rest of us - which all feeds healthily into the wider Corbo picture / adds to the core brand strength.
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