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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

he has tried the enemies close approach. Good faith is a two way street, I'll turn one cheek but part both no I won't

Of all the crits of corbyn this is a weak suace indeed. He gave everyone, even virulent enemies, a fair shake. Thats his bag, compromise and consensus. But fool me once shame on you etc

Don't keep vipers in the bed.

If he really did. He often seems passive aggressive to me, calling on unity, but actually working with only his own clique. Maybe he gets forced into that position, but clearly Jeremy rarely does anything he doesn't wish to do. I would suggest he is someone for whom consensus is not important other than with his allies.
If he really did. He often seems passive aggressive to me, calling on unity, but actually working with only his own clique. Maybe he gets forced into that position, but clearly Jeremy rarely does anything he doesn't wish to do. I would suggest he is someone for whom consensus is not important other than with his allies.

And neither his allies, nor the Labour Party members who voted for him to be leader, have sufficient mass to elect him as PM.
You don't know what a sherpa is then and instead use a pretty outdated piece of imperial racism.

That must have been a double portion of sticky toffee pudding in spoons this afternoon to fuel that heady leap of logic.

Please explain to the class why referring to sherpas as sherpas is racist.
If he really did. He often seems passive aggressive to me, calling on unity, but actually working with only his own clique. Maybe he gets forced into that position, but clearly Jeremy rarely does anything he doesn't wish to do. I would suggest he is someone for whom consensus is not important other than with his allies.
blokes got the backing- on an increased majority- from his whole party and still calls for clean slate? Come on. Passive aggresive wonn't wash here. I'd agree that there will be lines and issues he won't compromise on but its leadership, everyones going to have a few issues they won't budge on and as democratically elected leader the PLP should respect that. Instead they go aggressive-aggressive with all the stagey resignations and crap stalking horses.

I'm sure the disunity matters more to most people but its the going to a swappie thing thats been annoying me today. Theres absolutely no way he doesn't know who he was breaking bread with there and why people would find it shite
Speaking of Corbyn's sherpas, I see that Tony Greenstein has been elected to the Brighton Momentum committee.

The Zios will be trembling into their boots
That must have been a double portion of sticky toffee pudding in spoons this afternoon to fuel that heady leap of logic..
Ah bless ya. On the one hand, look how working class I am, on the other, you use a class-based insult to get at someone.

that's really poor, drding, really really poor.
Ah bless ya. On the one hand, look how working class I am, on the other, you use a class-based insult to get at someone.

that's really poor, drding, really really poor.

That's what i had in spoons today you middle class liberal twerp. It really speaks volumes you think accusing someone of eating in spoons is an insult. Pompous prick.
He was negotiating with her regarding the make up if the SC, good faith would have been to sack her immediately he was re-elected (which he'd have the absolute right to-do as leader), or let her know that he would be replacing her with another CW who he could work with when the inevitable reshuffle took place.

It's bad faith to negotiate knowing full well that you won't be implementing anything you agree to.
The discussions are still ongoing, just with Brown replacing Winterton.
Does anyone know what Corbyn grows in his allotment? I bet he exclusively grows shit foods that taste disgusting like kale
Speaking of Corbyn's sherpas, I see that Tony Greenstein has been elected to the Brighton Momentum committee.
Fucking hell. That's depressing. Surprised he's still allowed a twitter account let alone being elected to anyone's committe.
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