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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I disagree, Corbyns policies and history are the reason he is astonishingly unlikely to become the next PM - this stuff widens the gap between possible and no chance, but opposing NATO and trident while Vlad the Invader rolls through eastern Europe, and is 'friends' with Hamas and believes the police should be disarmed and the security services abolished while IS rampages through France is the reason he is astonishingly unlikely to be PM.

The left may have chosen a great candidate to win elections in the Labour party, but they have chosen a really shit candidate to win an election amonst the wider electorate...

Putin is not 'rolling' through Europe.
Corbyn is not friends with Hamas.
Large swathes of Scottish voters are against Trident....incidently where labour needs to make inroads.
The police have again and again been shown to be irresponsible, trigger happy, bigotted liabilities with guns.
He has not pledged to abolish the security services just that he saw now demand for 1000 more MI6 officers.
*****ne nah ne nah anarchist labour party police here ne nah ne nah*****

Now what's all this disturbance that jews done, nothing to see here, go home.
I don't think it's got anything do with their "views" as Labour MPs are nothing if not ideologically malleable. If they thought Corbyn could lead them to a 100+ seat majority they wouldn't give a shit about his views and would swaddle themselves in the Hezbollah flag and be right up for nationalising Argos. They just think he can't win a GE and will probably lead them a shafting on a scale that will take a generation to recover.

Well yes, but apart from a few relics, they've mostly been selected and then elected in an environment where they didn't really need to give a shit about what their membership thought, nor the punters except for a few swing voters.

The few voters who they did have to worry about were engaged through a) the party drawing enough millions in donations to fund expensive political technology to target swing voters with and b) the propaganda support of a few media billionaires.

Now they're caught between competing with the Tories to serve the interests of that small group of rich donors and media owners, which they still think is paramount electorally (and of course they're probably right, but it's not yet been put to the real test) and being challenged to serve the very different (and yes, somewhat naive and incoherent) interests of an insurgent membership.
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Corbyn is speaking at the STWC today.

There was a time when I would have thought that the idea of a Labour Party leader speaking at STWC was just fantastic but these days it just seems stupid. STWC is an anachronism, it has become what it was once caricatured as - an instinctively anti-Western group rather than an anti-war organisation. I don't think that it is morally defensible to attend, it is led by people who back Russia while it is barrel bombing Syrian hospitals. Politically it doesn't make any sense either, the number of people who are even aware of STWC is a tiny constituency to say the least and all of them back Corbyn anyway. Why is he spending any time with them at all?
He was chair of it for years wasn't he, right up until he got elected leader last year. Why should he now not go?
I can imagine there might be more important less silly things for him to do but it is the weekend after all.
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Corbyn is speaking at the STWC today.

There was a time when I would have thought that the idea of a Labour Party leader speaking at STWC was just fantastic but these days it just seems stupid. STWC is an anachronism, it has become what it was once caricatured as - an instinctively anti-Western group rather than an anti-war organisation. I don't think that it is morally defensible to attend, it is led by people who back Russia while it is barrel bombing Syrian hospitals. Politically it doesn't make any sense either, the number of people who are even aware of STWC is a tiny constituency to say the least and all of them back Corbyn anyway. Why is he spending any time with them at all?
Here's an argument: while STWC might be awful politically, most people are unaware of this unless they've looked at it in detail, and so the message of Corbyn appearing at a STWC conference is that the leader of the Labour Party is anti-war, and pretty much just that.
Let's just get this right- Corbyn was the president of STCW for years. He didn't'' 'appear anywhere. These are his his people. Scum.
Oh sure, yes, it's not just some random group holding a conference that he's decided to show up for. Important to be clear about his involvement. I just mean that if the question is "why is he spending any time with them at all" part of the answer is "because it is going to do him no political damage at all" as well as "because he's one of them and has been for years".
Don't worry...got it...'What is to be done" (Lenin's and Chernyshevsky's)

I prefer "left wing communism - an infantile disorder" by yer man. Some excellent rhetorical contortions in it!

Seems Abbott's the erm...grit in the oyster and I've misread the whole scene. Thanks guru.

Abbott is good at politics. She's there as a lightning rod. Both Abbott and Corbyn know that certain elements of the media won't be able to resist attacking her, but what they don't realise is her skin's as thick as rhino hide. While Murdoch's lackeys are slagging her, they may not pay as much attention to internal changes in the party as they might.
^ this

I have great respect for her but she joined the party to write a report on anti-Semitism which not a single Jewish group have endorsed, then be made a peer and promoted to the front bench in under six months - the optics on it are piss poor.

TBF, given that the Jewish "establishment" in the UK is basically comprised of the Chief Rabbi, and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, plus various bodies that work with them, such as the CST, endorsement was always unlikely. You're talking about an establishment that fundamentally supports *nationalist-Zionism as the overarching ideology in the state of Israel. As an anti-Zionist, it's that particular nationalist ideology and the policies it spawns and has spawned - and their results - that I'm against

*Let's not forget that Zionism was always about a (to borrow a term from Herbert Samuels) "Jewish national home", but even Theodor Herzl himself, dog-fucking rightwing shitcunt though he was, didn't fixate on the historical territory of Judea and Samaria until very late in the day. For around thirty years prior to the First Zionist Congress, he'd investigated the possibilities of enclaves in Southern Africa; Argentina and Brazil.
Let's also not forget that Zionism was not always an aggressive nationalism, and for quite a while was mostly a current in European Jewish socialism, spawning the original kibbutzniks and their co-operative commune-like settlements in Palestine.
Corbyn is speaking at the STWC today.

There was a time when I would have thought that the idea of a Labour Party leader speaking at STWC was just fantastic but these days it just seems stupid. STWC is an anachronism, it has become what it was once caricatured as - an instinctively anti-Western group rather than an anti-war organisation. I don't think that it is morally defensible to attend, it is led by people who back Russia while it is barrel bombing Syrian hospitals. Politically it doesn't make any sense either, the number of people who are even aware of STWC is a tiny constituency to say the least and all of them back Corbyn anyway. Why is he spending any time with them at all?

It is exactly the sort of thing that shows how unserious he is. If he really wanted to lead a government he would be walking round a marginal seat talking to the public, not a gaggle of jumper wearing tambourine tappers.
Corbyn is speaking at the STWC today.

There was a time when I would have thought that the idea of a Labour Party leader speaking at STWC was just fantastic but these days it just seems stupid. STWC is an anachronism, it has become what it was once caricatured as - an instinctively anti-Western group rather than an anti-war organisation. I don't think that it is morally defensible to attend, it is led by people who back Russia while it is barrel bombing Syrian hospitals. Politically it doesn't make any sense either, the number of people who are even aware of STWC is a tiny constituency to say the least and all of them back Corbyn anyway. Why is he spending any time with them at all?

Not disagreeing in the slightest, but STWC agreeing and supporting Russia and Assad? Im a bit out of the loop ATM but a link to these positions would be appreciated, Ta
I wish they'd all just shut the fuck up. I am so utterly bored of all this nonsense and the whining and bleating from the anti Corbynites. They still don't seem to get/accept they lost and that they are in no position to dictate terms on anything. Ffs, can someone make them all go away? :mad:[/QUOTE

8867"]I wish they'd all just shut the fuck up. I am so utterly bored of all this nonsense and the whining and bleating from the anti Corbynites/remainers,They still don't seem to get/accept they lost and that they are in no position to dictate terms on anything. Ffs, can someone make them all go away? :mad:

I agree (hope you don't mind the small addition, in bold):):thumbs:
I disagree, Corbyns policies and history are the reason he is astonishingly unlikely to become the next PM - this stuff widens the gap between possible and no chance, but opposing NATO and trident while Vlad the Invader rolls through eastern Europe, and is 'friends' with Hamas and believes the police should be disarmed and the security services abolished while IS rampages through France is the reason he is astonishingly unlikely to be PM.

The left may have chosen a great candidate to win elections in the Labour party, but they have chosen a really shit candidate to win an election amonst the wider electorate...

Unfortunately you are totally correct, I like Corbyns broadly socialist ideals, as I do the Greens, but they need to be tempered by a bit of 'real world reality'
There are some really nasty political realities emerging, Le Pen, Trump etc, given they will be in competition with well entrenched 'nationalists' ( Putin, springs to mind)
Then the world seems a far less safer place then just ten years ago.
It's not going to be a conflict of nationalities, rather than a conflict of the various strands of 'neoliberalism'
The 'super rich' corporations, irrespective of nationality, fighting it out to achieve corporate and financial dominance.
And for fucking what?
So a tiny % of the worlds poulation can dine on larks togues and rub their flaccid dicks with powdered rhino horn?

they claim stwc is confused but it is others that appear to be the confused. The article starts with claims that stwc support Assad then changes tack to statements that they should condemn him.

Very weak imo. They don't attack stwc's opposition to bombing Libya, merely their lack of vocal condemnation of Gaddafi. Think they're confused as to what stwc is, something their statement is very clear about.
Not disagreeing in the slightest, but STWC agreeing and supporting Russia and Assad? Im a bit out of the loop ATM but a link to these positions would be appreciated, Ta

They are just within that orbit. There is no official pro-Assad policy but Rees appears very often on Russia Today, and STWC have offered speaking platforms to pro-Assad Issa Chaer and Mother Agnes while routinely denying them to anti-Assad speakers. In fact, the organisation does not just deny anti-Assad groups a platform they also remove them from events. They allow Syrian government flags, but not Syrian revolutionary flags at their events.

Of course it isn't that simple, they have also published (and subsequently deleted) an article which was sympathetic to ISIS

To evoke the international brigades in support of Cameron’s bombing campaign requires real audacity, bad faith, and an indifference to history or the political realities of the 21st century. Benn does not even seem to realize that the jihadist movement that ultimately spawned Daesh is far closer to the spirit of internationalism and solidarity that drove the International Brigades than Cameron’s bombing campaign – except that the international jihad takes the form of solidarity with oppressed Muslims, rather than the working class or the socialist revolution.
Corbyn is also getting a lot of flak for appearing at an SWP event yesterday, it is made even worse by the fact that he initially promised to withdraw from it after being told what I am sure he already knew about the SWP. He then relented and went anyway.
and that is why some people won't give three or twenty five groats. The labour left, its just 'well its not the labour right for a change' isn't it. A swapshoppie event ffs after 'cmrd' delta and an already inglorious history. The devil quotes scripture
and that is why some people won't give three or twenty five groats. The labour left, its just 'well its not the labour right for a change' isn't it. A swapshoppie event ffs after 'cmrd' delta and an already inglorious history. The devil quotes scripture

Get thee behind me... Except that bit obvs.
TBF, given that the Jewish "establishment" in the UK is basically comprised of the Chief Rabbi, and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, plus various bodies that work with them, such as the CST, endorsement was always unlikely.

When asked about who supported her report he answer is many people contacted her privately ... I like her, but, the entire exercise looks very shady and as a result makes her look shady with it.
When asked about who supported her report he answer is many people contacted her privately ... I like her, but, the entire exercise looks very shady and as a result makes her look shady with it.

'hundreds of PM's of support'....

She sold her previously well regarded reputation for the dubious rewards of sitting in Corbyns SC, and the amusing thing is that squabbling over the contents of her report is now entirely superfluous: it could be a genuinely decent piece of work that told the truth of the situation, but now she's jumped into Corbyn-land with both pace and enthusiasm (not sure about hypocrisy - I can't recall her previously held views on the house of Lords...), no one believes a word of it anyway.

Has she read 'how to win friends and influence people' by one Donald J. Trump?
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