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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

You know full well I don't think that. Nor have I stated that, infact I have stated the opposite. Shoddy work.

Well what did you mean?

you've been coming out with some pretty odd stuff this evening that i was surprised at. What do you think israel's role in this is?
Not sure you have to be popular to be effective as a politician. I don't like Abbott much but she's an effective politician. I'll be interested to see what her take on law and order is, what Corbyn's shadow cabinet's team's take is, because this is an area that needs to be radically rethought from top to bottom. Does she have any history in the area?

I'm not entirely convinced that Abbott, speaking about immigration, counter-terrorism and crime, is going to win many hearts in either Labours traditional working class heartlands that voted for BREXIT or indeed in the currently Tory voting swing constituencies in the Midlands.

He had to give her one of the big three jobs, Treasury is taken by John McDonnell who isn't going anywhere, and she'd be even worse at shadow FCO than she would as shadow HO.

I think she's an effective politician when measured within a fairly narrow set of constraints - audience and issue - but I get the feeling that she is widely disliked by the electorate at large...
They almost certainly aren't, though. The people who are attacking Corbyn for this anti-Semitism would (and have) gone after him for almost anything else; they don't need a foreign state to get involved.

If anything Regev is probably doing what the the PLP maquis have asked him to do, rather than the other way around.

Then you underestimated how severely Israel views the BDS movement.
We're a year and a bit into this parliament. There is a very long way to go to the next election. Corbyn winning last year was the start of a process of returning the Labour party to some kind of social democratic position (with hints of socialism). Corbyn gets branded an extremist at first, but that is already lessening. It's still early days.
That's why it's fuckin ridiculous. He was on a rising thermal after the conference and a half competent speech. Why pull a stunt like Abbott? He knows he's a corpse?
I'm not entirely convinced that Abbott, speaking about immigration, counter-terrorism and crime, is going to win many hearts in either Labours traditional working class heartlands that voted for BREXIT or indeed in the currently Tory voting swing constituencies in the Midlands.

He had to give her one of the big three jobs, Treasury is taken by John McDonnell who isn't going anywhere, and she'd be even worse at shadow FCO than she would as shadow HO.
I think you have a point about that - given the things she'll be talking about. But, shadow FCO, why not? It's not as if Foreign Secretary actually does much nowadays. I'd love to think that she has some ideas about reforming our judicial and prison systems and was bursting to do the job. I'd love to thing that...
Not sure you have to be popular to be effective as a politician. I don't like Abbott much but she's an effective politician. I'll be interested to see what her take on law and order is, what Corbyn's shadow cabinet's team's take is, because this is an area that needs to be radically rethought from top to bottom. Does she have any history in the area?

Well, her first job after Cambridge was as a Home Office trainee, and then NCCL so there's some history I guess.
You're saying that israel has a role in all this labour stuff. So what role is that then?

It has a serious vested interest in undermining a Corbyn regime. They know he'll accelerate BDS. What strings are being pulled, stories being placed, people being monitored, we will never know but this partly Regev's job... to influence the UK for Israel's gain overtly or covertly.
You said he walked every vote.
Did you mean every vote that included a large number of his supporters only or every vote he participated in?
After all he walks everything he takes part in.
Lets find out what counts as a "walk".
That wasn't an election. It was a referendum. Corbyn wasn't standing in an election.
It has a serious vested interest in undermining a Corbyn regime. They know he'll accelerate BDS. What strings are being pulled, stories being placed, people being monitored, we will never know but this partly Regev's job... to influence the UK for Israel's gain overtly or covertly.

blimey ....
Not sure you have to be popular to be effective as a politician. I don't like Abbott much but she's an effective politician. I'll be interested to see what her take on law and order is, what Corbyn's shadow cabinet's team's take is, because this is an area that needs to be radically rethought from top to bottom. Does she have any history in the area?

She's also a walking talking gaffe machine. I think we are all agreed a single week without a Labour gaffe would be a triumph.
You know full well I don't think that. Nor have I stated that, infact I have stated the opposite. Shoddy work.

I'm much confused, please bear with me.

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You know full well I don't think that. Nor have I stated that, infact I have stated the opposite. Shoddy work.

Please kindly indicate where you have stated the opposite ?

I thought that you were of the opinion that mark Regev (arsewipe that he is) has had a significant hand in secretly instigating all of this latest stuff re Walker.
She's also a walking talking gaffe machine. I think we are all agreed a single week without a Labour gaffe would be a triumph.

This is the person that made Michael Portillo look human. The reason Abbott is unlikable is because she is such a poor communicator, Rudd is going to get a very easy ride.
It has a serious vested interest in undermining a Corbyn regime. They know he'll accelerate BDS. What strings are being pulled, stories being placed, people being monitored, we will never know but this partly Regev's job... to influence the UK for Israel's gain overtly or covertly.

Its the job of every ambassador to influence the country they are posted to for their home country's gain, though.

As for the rest, all of that is (and would be) taking place anyway because the PLP maquis are trying to get rid of Corbyn. I am not sure it makes that much sense to suggest those activities are taking place at the behest of a foreign government because of a policy it dislikes, when there are abundantly obvious domestic reasons for it taking place.
Its the job of every ambassador to influence the country they are posted to for their home country's gain, though.

As for the rest, all of that is (and would be) taking place anyway because the PLP maquis are trying to get rid of Corbyn. I am not sure it makes that much sense to suggest those activities are taking place at the behest of a foreign government because of a policy it dislikes, when there are abundantly obvious domestic reasons for it taking place.

Regev's job would be to nudge the controversies in the direction that benefits Israel.
Where have I mentioned Walker? Please retract that statement.
You never did mention her.
You just said, yesterday,
Come now. The first Labour leader since fuck knows when to stand up to Israeli war crimes? The global call for the BDS movement? The fear of Israel of being hit in the pockets. Many leading BDS campaigners in the UK are also leading lights in Momentum? Plus that creepy arse wipe Mark Regev as the newly installed Israeli Ambassador?
Israel is taking BDS very seriously. Having a major nation such as the UK under a pro-Palestinian pro-BDS administration would be a very dangerous precedent. One that must be defeated.
Turn those spurious claims up to 11.

Nothing specifically to do with the most recent story, so yeah, you were probably talking about Livingstone or something . I totally retract my statement. :rolleyes:
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