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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

FFS. This is so boring now and so absurd.
Having jews in your their family tree doesn't mean you get a free pass to spout whatever bollocks you feel like and people are not allowed to take offence / question you, does it?
For instance "The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails.. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist.."etc etc. That's totally cool and beyond reproach because marx came from a long line of rabbis innit. :facepalm:

Do you mean like the stuff Bobby Fischer came out with ?? Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia cus yeah I would not let that stuff slide and I am not even jewish. Is it like black people who are in favour of segregation or people of colour who agree with profiling ?? I always found that sort of thing facinating.
You do realise that Jackie Walker is actually Jewish. No? Not all Jews are white.

As for the "tensions" you mention, all of those have been manufactured.
Did you see her on Newsnight? She made a decent reply as to her comments on the definition of anti-semitism, but just restated her wrong position on HMD - "it's just for Jews". Sadly, she's a fucking idiot.
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Do you mean like the stuff Bobby Fischer came out with ?? Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia cus yeah I would not let that stuff slide and I am not even jewish. Is it like black people who are in favour of segregation or people of colour who agree with profiling ?? I always found that sort of thing facinating.
Saw a film about Bobby Fischer once, he obviously struggled a lot with severe mental health stuff in later years, and the global conspiracy of Joos coming to get you is quite a common focus for paranoid delusions, so I'd be inclined to give him a pass.
Really? People on here have been complaining about a rise in anti-semitic stuff on the left for years - sure it's been taken advantage of and amplified well beyond it's actual size, but it's not entirely trumped up.
1. When you say "Left" which groups specifically? 2. When you say "years", how many years are we talking about? 10? 20? 30? 3. I don't suppose it occurred to you that the entire anti-Semitism row has been largely manufactured since Corbyn became leader. Funny how no one said anything while Blair, Brown or Miliband were leading the party and now, all of a sudden, the Labour Party and by extension the Left is awash with anti-Semites.
FFS. This is so boring now and so absurd.
Having jews in your their family tree doesn't mean you get a free pass to spout
"Absurd", my arse. Her mother was Jewish. Not her grandmother or great-grandmother. I'm only surprised you haven't reached for the stick marked "self-hating Jew".
1. When you say "Left" which groups specifically? 2. When you say "years", how many years are we talking about? 10? 20? 30? 3. I don't suppose it occurred to you that the entire anti-Semitism row has been largely manufactured since Corbyn became leader. Funny how no one said anything while Blair, Brown or Miliband were leading the party and now, all of a sudden, the Labour Party and by extension the Left is awash with anti-Semites.
I've seen anti-semitic stuff from people on 'the left' - mostly coded, but sometimes not - for years, and it has become worse in the last 5 or so. We've had this discussion before loads of times though (most recently here - you posted on the thread 59 times so I presume you're aware of the issue).

this article by Kenan Malik summarises the situation well, IMO.
"Absurd", my arse. Her mother was Jewish. Not her grandmother or great-grandmother. I'm only surprised you haven't reached for the stick marked "self-hating Jew".
What is your point? Same as last time, that she's got a special dispensation and should not be questioned about anything she chooses to say on this topic. Waste of time talking about this with you isn't it seeing as you're apparently adamant that the problem doesn't exist at all in the 1st place.
She should, I can't believe she hasn't yet.

The political class has long-since realised that unless your position is untenable for some other reason (eg. your most powerful allies have had enough of you or reckon there's enough political capital to be gained to make your departure worthwhile) "popular pressure" in the modern sense of Twitter/media outrage is both powerless and temporary. A full moral panic can't even dislodge a Goldsmiths Student Union rep who doesn't want to go, let alone a hardened political wonk well used to faction fights.
Anti-semitism has been cynically weaponised by enemies on the right - but it's only been made possible because there is something there for them to weaponise. Spluttering outraged denial of reality just doesn't counter it. If anything, it makes you look either complicit, or a fool.

IMO both the cynical weaponisation, and the response of total denial from some, must in themselves be contributing factors in the actual growth of anti-Semitism.
The fact that The Canary is run by a troofer who's backing Walker to the hilt doesn't help either, does it?
What is your point? Same as last time, that she's got a special dispensation and should not be questioned about anything she chooses to say on this topic. Waste of time talking about this with you isn't it seeing as you're apparently adamant that the problem doesn't exist at all in the 1st place.
This is fair enough if you accept the obverse: have supporters of Israel got special dispensation for supporting apartheid regimes? Ignoring the expansion of the Israeli state? Because the howls of "anti-semitism" from those people would suggest they do. Or they think they do. It's shocking how many supporters of the right of existence of Israel can't bring themselves to support the rights of Palestinians.
This is fair enough if you accept the obverse: have supporters of Israel got special dispensation for supporting apartheid regimes? Ignoring the expansion of the Israeli state? Because the howls of "anti-semitism" from those people would suggest they do. Or they think they do. It's shocking how many supporters of the right of existence of Israel can't bring themselves to support the rights of Palestinians.
edit: never mind. Would rather just poke a pencil in my eye repeatedly than sit here trying to explain what i reckon is wrong with that post of yours.
You mean like that proven election winner Neil Kinnock did in the 80s when he lost one election and erm didn't resign, then lost a 2nd election?

Surely as in that case, it should be up to the membership to decide if they prefer to stick with Corbyn even Labour haven't won the election at his first attempt, shouldn't it?

Kinnock was a victim of the Foot legacy. My father was a fireman during that era and relays some real horror stories concerning the lefts influence in the party and union. On hearing Corbyns election as leader he simply said that Labour fucked for good.
Kinnock was a victim of the Foot legacy. My father was a fireman during that era and relays some real horror stories concerning the lefts influence in the party and union. On hearing Corbyns election as leader he simply said that Labour fucked for good.
What has your dads work got to do with anything? What, for that matter, are historical non-specific claims supposed to mean? It's all fucking made up shit anyway.
Kinnock was a victim of the Foot legacy. My father was a fireman during that era and relays some real horror stories concerning the lefts influence in the party and union. On hearing Corbyns election as leader he simply said that Labour fucked for good.

The son of an ex-Labour MP (from the right-wing of the party) told me that Kinnock used to physically attack other party members in the toilets at the party conference. Is that the sort of horror story you mean?
Now I'm imagining kinnock saying 'where's ya fackin tool?'
The son of an ex-Labour MP (from the right-wing of the party) told me that Kinnock used to physically attack other party members in the toilets at the party conference. Is that the sort of horror story you mean?

I think the story - probably put about by Kinnock - was that, when he (Kinnock) refused to vote for Benn to be deputy leader, an angry Bennite made the mistake of attacking Kinnock in the loo, but Kinnock beat up his attacker.
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