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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Meanwhile Emily Thornberry has missed QT to go to Shimon Peres funeral.

Cue uncaptioned tweeted picture of some Israeli's house and van with a big flag hanging across the windows followed by Emily's swift resignation.

and while we're airing the odd Corbo related grievance ....Thornberry just does my head in...long on airs n graces, short on detail, private landlord ( of former soc housing ) , ships kids off to selective school, husband a Sir..

Corbo's too non judegemental / inclusive etc to let all this stuff get in the way maybe, but as per recent 'pub quiz' bollocks,flag photo etc, she combines all that with just not seeming very good - what's the point of her in such a prominent position ?
and while we're airing the odd Corbo related grievance ....Thornberry just does my head in...long on airs n graces, short on detail, private landlord ( of former soc housing ) , ships kids off to selective school, husband a Sir..

Corbo's too non judegemental / inclusive etc to let all this stuff get in the way maybe, but as per recent 'pub quiz' bollocks,flag photo etc, she combines all that with just not seeming very good - what's the point of her in such a prominent position ?
Why is she even an MP? Don#t go down that rabbit hole. Just shit MPs.
and while we're airing the odd Corbo related grievance ....Thornberry just does my head in...long on airs n graces, short on detail, private landlord ( of former soc housing ) , ships kids off to selective school, husband a Sir..

Corbo's too non judegemental / inclusive etc to let all this stuff get in the way maybe, but as per recent 'pub quiz' bollocks,flag photo etc, she combines all that with just not seeming very good - what's the point of her in such a prominent position ?
She's the mp for Islington south, and corbyn is Islington north. They're old friends on the same patch. Tight and trustworthy. He needs all the friends he can get

Pretty sure that's correct
Are they actually political allies - she was happy to be shadow AG under Milliband and, iirc, didn't appear to chafe at the capitalist running dog bars put around her - or is she just there for mutual convenience as no one else would employ her and no one else will work for Corbyn?

She's shadow Foreign Sec, Shadow Brexit, is running (assuming it's still happening..) Labours defence and security review from her tim as shadow Defence Sec, and shadow Sec State for not scaring the Middle Classes...
The son of an ex-Labour MP (from the right-wing of the party) told me that Kinnock used to physically attack other party members in the toilets at the party conference. Is that the sort of horror story you mean?

In the khazi? Sounds like Pillock was a bit of a pervert!
and while we're airing the odd Corbo related grievance ....Thornberry just does my head in...long on airs n graces, short on detail, private landlord ( of former soc housing ) , ships kids off to selective school, husband a Sir..

Corbo's too non judegemental / inclusive etc to let all this stuff get in the way maybe, but as per recent 'pub quiz' bollocks,flag photo etc, she combines all that with just not seeming very good - what's the point of her in such a prominent position ?

Corbyn never joined in the pointless self flagellation of her first sacking which was just for show rather than any real engagement with the concerns of those veering to nationalism.
Momentum as a political force is about as "far left" as my right testicle. They may have individual members with a pedigree as Trots or Tankies, but their organisation's politics have nothing to do with the "far left", and everything to do with tagging along with Corbynite social democracy.

of course they're not 'far left', but I do think there could be more to Momentum , beyond Corbo / whoever next...and if there isn't, there'll be something else coming in it's wake, possibly less tied into the LP, maybe more potentially impactful. Shits changing...
What is your point? Same as last time, that she's got a special dispensation and should not be questioned about anything she chooses to say on this topic. Waste of time talking about this with you isn't it seeing as you're apparently adamant that the problem doesn't exist at all in the 1st place.
I could ask you the same question. Perhaps you could tell me why the press has studiously avoided any mention of her Jewishness and the fact that her partner is Jewish? No? I didn't think so.

You're also putting words into my mouth, which is part for the course in your case. You trivialise genuine anti-Semitism by joining in the chorus of faux outrage. Does that comfort you at night?
I've seen anti-semitic stuff from people on 'the left' - mostly coded, but sometimes not - for years, and it has become worse in the last 5 or so. We've had this discussion before loads of times though (most recently here - you posted on the thread 59 times so I presume you're aware of the issue).

this article by Kenan Malik summarises the situation well, IMO.
Nothing that Jackie Walker said can, in any way, be described as "anti-Semitic" and by joining in the chorus of the outraged, you trivialise real anti-Semitism. Your use of thw word "coded" suggests to me that you're quite prepared to see even the most innocuous remarks as anti-Semitic. But if you're suggesting that I'm giving a free pass to anti-Semites, then you're barking up the wrong tree. However, I'm at a loss to understand why you felt it necessary to count the number of posts I made on that thread. What were you hoping to achieve?

My first post on the thread you've cited reads thus:
Any claim that the Labour Party is somehow uniquely anti-Semitic is easily shot down when you consider that the Tories and Kippers have their own anti-Semites.

What these Progressites/Blairites/whatever-you-want-to-call-them (I think WoodCOCK, Dugher and Angela Smith are the main instigators behind the latest smears tbh) are trying to claim is that Corbyn is "soft" on anti-Semitism, which is bullshit. They're also claiming there's a "growth" in anti-Semitism, which is also frankly bullshit.

So what's your point?
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nino_savatte Happily, it's not up to you to declare whether or not what she or indeed anyone else says "can, in any way, be described as "anti-Semitic". With or without the inverted commas.
I sleep fine thanks.
Personally I find it hard to imagine the same generosity being extended to someone who said "I've never heard a definition of islamophobia / misogyny / racism that I can work with".
nino_savatte Happily, it's not up to you to declare whether or not what she or indeed anyone else says "can, in any way, be described as "anti-Semitic". With or without the inverted commas.
I sleep fine thanks.
Personally I find it hard to imagine the same generosity being extended to someone who said "I've never heard a definition of islamophobia / misogyny / racism that I can work with".
Generosity? From someone who repeatedly insists that societal anti-semitism and anti-semtism in a formal membership organisation are the same - and that denying the widespread existence of it in the latter is the same as denying that it exists at all in the former.
nino_savatte Happily, it's not up to you to declare whether or not what she or indeed anyone else says "can, in any way, be described as "anti-Semitic". With or without the inverted commas.
I sleep fine thanks.
Personally I find it hard to imagine the same generosity being extended to someone who said "I've never heard a definition of islamophobia / misogyny / racism that I can work with".

To be fair, that's not what she said. The quote that's been in the press is "I came in here and I was looking for information and I still haven't heard a definition of anti-Semitism that I can work with". In other words, not that she has never heard a good definition of anti-Semitism, just that she hasn't heard one in the last 30 minutes or whatever. Whether this constitutes an anti-Semitic remark would very much depend on what definition or definitions had been presented at the meeting and what her problem with them was, surely?
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nino_savatte Happily, it's not up to you to declare whether or not what she or indeed anyone else says "can, in any way, be described as "anti-Semitic". With or without the inverted commas.
I sleep fine thanks.
Personally I find it hard to imagine the same generosity being extended to someone who said "I've never heard a definition of islamophobia / misogyny / racism that I can work with".

I've never heard a definition of Islamophobia, misogyny, sexism or racism I can completely work with. Every definition I've ever come across has been as value-laden as definitions - and there are many - of anti-Semitism. I don't believe that holding such a position makes me Islamophobic, misogynistic, racist, sexist or anti-Semitic. I believe that holding such a position merely indicates that I prefer to look behind/unpack what someone has said, rather than shrilling along with the media, or taking a position based purely on my politics or heritage.
Yep, she did say, after the thing blew up, that she liked this definition which she'd found online by someone called david schneider.


Looks like she's deleted her whole twitter account now, leaving only traces in other people's feeds.
Screen Shot 2016-10-01 at 12.18.07.png
is it a new phenomenon or just something I've only recently picked up on, to hound out people who are themselves from an ethnic minority background from the top of left wing organisations for making supposedly racist / anti-semetic comments?

thinking here of the recent attempts to hound out the newly elected NUS head as well.

Something would seem to be going wrong with the whole safe spaces type line of protecting those from ethnic minority backgrounds when it ends up with those it's supposed to be protecting being the ones being hounded out from high level positions in the organisation.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that 2 of the most high profile people who've had this happen to them recently have both been from ethnic minority backgrounds and attempting to discuss basically the same issue.
who me or Jackie Wilson? I didn't think it relevant to state that he's an actor / comedian, the source she cited from twitter for her preferred definition. He seems to have been very surprised to be cited as an authority by her anyway.
Very easy to say after the event yes you knew who it was.
is it a new phenomenon or just something I've only recently picked up on, to hound out people who are themselves from an ethnic minority background from the top of left wing organisations for making supposedly racist / anti-semetic comments?

thinking here of the recent attempts to hound out the newly elected NUS head as well.

Something would seem to be going wrong with the whole safe spaces type line of protecting those from ethnic minority backgrounds when it ends up with those it's supposed to be protecting being the ones being hounded out from high level positions in the organisation.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that 2 of the most high profile people who've had this happen to them recently have both been from ethnic minority backgrounds and attempting to discuss basically the same issue.
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