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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Did McDonnell, Corbyn and Abbott collude with the media to try to overthrow Blair, say negative (and often false) things about him as often as possible, make grand public resignations, etc, etc? No. Not quite the same, is it?
are you arguing for them or against them? ;)
Yeah, everybody should just zip it. Who would that suit?

People who don't think the airing of her comments on the subject is in any way vital.

If you believe that is in any way a dangerous self censorship an elephant trap of enormous proportions awaits you.

But it would clearly suit Jeremy who above all wants to create at lead the appearance of unity.
So Jeremy says we must accept the decision of the members.

Ok Jeremy. Will you and the left accept the decision of the electorate at the next election when they most certainly will reject you.
You mean like that proven election winner Neil Kinnock did in the 80s when he lost one election and erm didn't resign, then lost a 2nd election?

Surely as in that case, it should be up to the membership to decide if they prefer to stick with Corbyn even Labour haven't won the election at his first attempt, shouldn't it?
Good article from Peter Oborne... he is a conservative who obviously finds Corbyn's message appealing. Corbyn is starting to win over old style one nation conservatives like Oborne. Strange days.

I don't know - I'd imagine full employment, proper NHS, good housing for people etc etc would appeal to old-school tories before profit became everything.
Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the TSSA union and a strong backer of Corbyn, called on Walker to resign from the Labour party immediately. “I am asking Jackie that, in the interests of unity, she resigns at once from our party and also as vice-chair of Momentum,” he said. “If she doesn’t, both the Labour party and Momentum need to act to get rid of her at once. Furthermore, TSSA will seriously reconsider our union’s support for Momentum if she is still in post by this time next week.”

Momentum likely to oust Jackie Walker over Holocaust remarks

I wonder what is going to happen next, personally i see big tensions in Momentum, as usual the far left is its own worse enemy.
With Oborne I get the impression he is supportive of Corbyn's foreign policy more than anything else.

Perhaps, though Oborne did predict the rise of politicians like Corbyn (and their opposites like Farage and Trump) in his conclusion at the end of his book The Triumph of the Political Class.
I wonder what is going to happen next, personally i see big tensions in Momentum, as usual the far left is its own worse enemy.

Am getting bored of her, eg : tnite : C4 news re : being filmed asking why Holocaust day didnt honour non Jews, and people pointing out ' IT DOES' ....her latest explanation is she was asking why no no honouring of pre ww2 ' Holocausts' ....?

You can debate whether there were actually any pre WW2 'Holocausts' , but surely the victims ( jews / non jews,,,but especially jews, due to scale ) of Nazi Germany are entitled to a day of commemoration ?

And if you really want to debate this kind of point endlessly, and are vice chair of Momentum, do it in fucking private or something.
I wonder what is going to happen next, personally i see big tensions in Momentum, as usual the far left is its own worse enemy.

Momentum as a political force is about as "far left" as my right testicle. They may have individual members with a pedigree as Trots or Tankies, but their organisation's politics have nothing to do with the "far left", and everything to do with tagging along with Corbynite social democracy.
It's Twitter, it's a response to someone else saying 'she can barely speak'.
Rubbish response though. Why not make the point that it's nonsense to judge someone's intelligence (or otherwise) by their accent rather than making it sound like she's intelligent *despite* her accent..?
The Jackie Walker incident at the Conference is causing real tensions at a number of Momentum groups and on FB, is the Israel/Palestine and the antisemitism issues going to weaken, perhaps destroy the emergent new left?
You do realise that Jackie Walker is actually Jewish. No? Not all Jews are white.

As for the "tensions" you mention, all of those have been manufactured.
You do realise that Jackie Walker is actually Jewish. No? Not all Jews are white.

As for the "tensions" you mention, all of those have been manufactured.
Really? People on here have been complaining about a rise in anti-semitic stuff on the left for years - sure it's been taken advantage of and amplified well beyond it's actual size, but it's not entirely trumped up.
You do realise that Jackie Walker is actually Jewish. No? Not all Jews are white.
FFS. This is so boring now and so absurd.
Having jews in your their family tree doesn't mean you get a free pass to spout whatever bollocks you feel like and people are not allowed to take offence / question you, does it?
For instance "The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails.. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist.."etc etc. That's totally cool and beyond reproach because marx came from a long line of rabbis innit. :facepalm:
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