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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I thought it was a good speech. Seen some criticism but they seem to be struggling to find anything to latch on to without outing themselves as cunts.
Do they still sing the red flag at end of conference? Penultimate line of Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer (we'll keep the red flag flying here) seems particularly ap this year

They did this year, was a bizarre Glee version though, selectively cut out the good bits. My drunken rendition is far better. Also sang Jerusalem, which apparently the Tories do too, which made my Mum laugh - stealing from Tories and all.

The modern world is far more confusing that I'd realised. :(

The very essence of the new politics is to borrow from the radical left and the radical right and anything outside the sphere of neo-liberal centrism is grist to the mill. Idiot anti-Zionists nodding along with third positionists is the future. It'll get worse before it gets better and it won't get better.
It's not an unusual thing to say unfortunately. I keep seeing it on social media and forums. There seems to be a sizable patriotic pro-Corbyn following who are latching onto anti-semitic themes either consciously or unconsciously (ie. Labour Friends of Israel and/or Progress are working for/agents of a foreign country). The whole of the Labour Party, right and left, are economic nationalists so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. I think there's even a handful of fash entrists trying to exploit it all. I keep seeing people with a mix of pro-Corbyn, pro-Brexit, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish views.

I have seen this too. Is it too hopeful to suggest that some of it might be from sockpuppets who are trying to smear Corbynites by association? I know that in light of Livingstone and Jackie Walker etc it probably is.
I have seen this too. Is it too hopeful to suggest that some of it might be from sockpuppets who are trying to smear Corbynites by association? I know that in light of Livingstone and Jackie Walker etc it probably is.

so many blatant troll accounts about, and of course the Bla*rites etc quote / RT without a second thought , eg John 'fucknugget' Ferret monday :

I had another two blatant ones from mon / tues, have lost them both , one of them the RT gave a feeble ' sorry ., didnt realise' when had up on it, but you know they know
then you've got Momentum Trumpton RT ing Alison Chabloz's gas chamber shite, with the obvious implication that;s she Momentum linked :

Also sang Jerusalem, which apparently the Tories do too...

The Tories have a tradition of singing it, but they nicked a song they have no right to. I didn't know Labour had started using it, but it seems more appropriate than the Tories singing it. Blake's weirdo Christian patriotic poem is a hymn to English revolution, even bloody revolution: "I shall not cease from mental fight, nor shall the sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land"
I have seen this too. Is it too hopeful to suggest that some of it might be from sockpuppets who are trying to smear Corbynites by association? I know that in light of Livingstone and Jackie Walker etc it probably is.
It's not connected to Corbyn specifically, but the "socialism of fools" is still way too popular and tolerated in groups opposing Israeli govt actions, and has a significant presence anywhere there's talk of finance. Both of those are going to be more concentrated around Corbyn than other Labour groups.
It's not connected to Corbyn specifically, but the "socialism of fools" is still way too popular and tolerated in groups opposing Israeli govt actions, and has a significant presence anywhere there's talk of finance. Both of those are going to be more concentrated around Corbyn than other Labour groups.

Yes, I agree. To the extent as well that otherwise well meaning people ignorantly use anti-Semitic tropes.
So Jeremy says we must accept the decision of the members.

Ok Jeremy. Will you and the left accept the decision of the electorate at the next election when they most certainly will reject you.
So Jeremy says we must accept the decision of the members.

Ok Jeremy. Will you and the left accept the decision of the electorate at the next election when they most certainly will reject you.
Eh? When hasn't he accepted the decision of the electorate? He was for staying in the EU and yet he's accepted BREXIT, leaving aside however many decades of milquetoast parliamentarianism. Troll harder.
I will say this...JC is not good at bullshitting. He gave some very strong and classic indicators of saying one thing but believing the other in his speech today. He does need to be trained up better.
Sorry, did I just hear Tony Blair's former speechwriter - and current Labour member - let slip that he would prefer people voted for the Tories on Newsnight just now???

'ire' is a bit strong... 'Pity' maybe.... Possibly 'disappointment' at a wasted trolling effort... but that's as far as it goes....
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