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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

The new NEC met for the first time this evening. 2 new members appointed to swing the balance of power back against Corbyn, and a new chair appointed, who isn't a Corbyn supporter but I'm not sure how openly hostile she is.

Rumous of something 'reportable' planned for during Corbyn's speech tomorrow, to divert attention away from it and make the story whatever this reportable thing is rather than his speech. Also rumours people are being told there are no tickets available for the speech, and anti-Corbyn delegates being told to stay away, so the hall looks empty.

No idea how true this is but I wouldn't put anything past them now.
They can only play that tactic so long, though. You have to, I believe, have been a member for 12 months before you can be elected as a delegate. Come the next conference all of those new pro-Corbyn members will be eligible.

The biggest hurdle was always going to be the administration. The Blair years ensured it was tied down tight in their favour, it'll be a fight to change that, and nothing can be done until it is changed.

At this point there are two things we can do/hope for: put in the fucking hard work of 'winning' each CLP, getting new members, doing the 'ground up' stuff; hoping the right over-extend themselves and drop a bollock.

In the meantime, planning on how to make the administrative structure work for us rather than for them. It can be done.
Interesting though that the PLP is doing exactly what it accused Militant and Momentum of doing - using procedure to get things through that are against what the majority wants.

If they remain in control of the NEC though they can do what they like - Great Orpington doesn't have an NEC representative for example. And yes we need to go for new members but seems a bit counterproductive if the NEC is banning them.
It caused a huge political bunfight during the last general election campaign because it allegedly showed how all Labour MPs under Miliband were totally disconnected from Britain's "normal" patriotic flag-waving white van driving working classes.

Which it did and it didn't. It was patronising shite based on standard liberal tropes about little-England working class racism, but didn't really prove anything about Labour MPs, beyond the largely already-known point that Emily Thornberry herself is sometimes a bit of a dickhead.

And the people pushing the "out of touch Labour" line were basically exactly as patronising and engaged in the same process of stereotyping, except they were coming at it from a perspective that little-England working class patriotism (by which they also, on the quiet, meant forms of jingoism) is a jolly laudable thing.
Of course the guy in question had the proper salt of the earth working class job of being a 'car dealer'.
Ah, I see.

It is an odd thing to say.

It's not an unusual thing to say unfortunately. I keep seeing it on social media and forums. There seems to be a sizable patriotic pro-Corbyn following who are latching onto anti-semitic themes either consciously or unconsciously (ie. Labour Friends of Israel and/or Progress are working for/agents of a foreign country). The whole of the Labour Party, right and left, are economic nationalists so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. I think there's even a handful of fash entrists trying to exploit it all. I keep seeing people with a mix of pro-Corbyn, pro-Brexit, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish views.
It's not an unusual thing to say unfortunately. I keep seeing it on social media and forums. There seems to be a sizable patriotic pro-Corbyn following who are latching onto anti-semitic themes either consciously or unconsciously (ie. Labour Friends of Israel and/or Progress are working for/agents of a foreign country). The whole of the Labour Party, right and left, are economic nationalists so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. I think there's even a handful of fash entrists trying to exploit it all. I keep seeing people with a mix of pro-Corbyn, pro-Brexit, anti-immigration, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish views.

The modern world is far more confusing that I'd realised. :(
Sadiq Khan - sits impassively, poker face on, not applauding, when explicitly congratulated during Corbyn's conference speech before winking at the TV camera focused on him.

Top politicking.
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