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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I couldn't see it either, the way the image was displayed on my screen.

However, although it's an odd phrase, I have to admit I don't understand the reference. What's the trope here?
The suggestion is that by claiming a group secretly holds allegiance to a foreign power they are then understood as internal largely unseen enemies, skulking about in the dark with their anti-our-state agenda. The same way that anti-semites have always claimed jewish allegiance to a larger hostile jewish interest.
Seems sensible. As someone who voted Corbyn, the whole 'get rid of Trident' thing was the only policy that I objected to. Reckon quite a few people feel the same.

Yeah. I want it gone, but it's a vote loser. And while it's important not to give in to the 'but it won't win you an election' thing, trident is one area that can be compromised on imo. It shows conciliation and frankly atm the Tories and press are able to whip up so much fear about terrorism and defence that it's an easy way to counter the idea that Corbyn will have us all sat there waving white flags when the furriners come to take us over.

It's something that can be revisited once the narrative has been challenged a bit more. It's not a permanent reversal, but a strategic one.
The suggestion is that by claiming a group secretly holds allegiance to a foreign power they are then understood as internal largely unseen enemies, skulking about in the dark with their anti-our-state agenda. The same way that anti-semites have always claimed jewish allegiance to a larger hostile jewish interest.
Ah, I see.

It is an odd thing to say.
The suggestion is that by claiming a group secretly holds allegiance to a foreign power they are then understood as internal largely unseen enemies, skulking about in the dark with their anti-our-state agenda. The same way that anti-semites have always claimed jewish allegiance to a larger hostile jewish interest.
See also Catholics and the Pope.
Get rid of the weapons and hopefully get more peace then spend the cash on nhs, schools, elder people's services etc. Job done.
I did not know who John Ferret was until today but his all day Twitter meltdown has been hilarious.

He now has the hump because someone has accused him of being a 'piss weasel'
Other members of the rodent family are much more resilient. :)
I did have a look though, out of morbid curiousity, this is what he had to say about Lewis - "Turns out you can take the boy out of the army but you can't take the army out of the boy."

Speaks for itself, doesn't it?
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I am starting to enjoy all of this. It is massive.

It's not simply an internal battle within the Labour Party.
It's not simply a battle between the Labour party and the Conservative Party.

It's much more than all that.

It is a battle between the new social intelligence, the 'hive' mind, with social media, and crowd-sourced actions, and the old, centralised top-down control with its orders, debt-based control and propaganda channels.

And the hive is going to win.

And this is why it's all so crazy. It is a changing of the order of things. So life is going to be pretty strange for a while.
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But it's the NEC which sets the rules, and it's now changing the rules to invite new anti-Corbyn members onto the board to keep their majority.

Then, they can happily continue to fritter away the new money they've been given to expel people and bring the yearly leadership challenge to make Labour properly unelectable.
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