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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

So this happened on Sunday


On Sunday night two establishment media outlets tried to use a veteran-endorsed satirical art project to attack Momentum and Labour.

Let us be clear. The superb ‘Army, Be The Meat’ project and the ‘Action Man: Battlefield Casualties’ films, which were launched 18 months ago, are nothing to do with Labour or Momentum.

The credit belongs to the artist who conceived and created it and, spiritually, to the hundreds of veterans who endorsed it. This work was conceived in response to years of dishonest army recruitment material and we continue to endorse it....
I was wondering while walking the dog what the makeup of the conference delegates is. Particularly for the vote on whether to give Welsh and Scottish delegates a seat on the NEC.

If the right get it through that they are appointed by the PLP then I presume that's Corbyn's majority gone. If the left get them voted in by the membership then I presume that adds to his majority.

Are these the rule changes being discussed?
Its a tricky and confrontational piece for many to get their heads around but in no way is it mocking or sneery, despite how the fail and its comments section view it.

anyway, how many squaddies would love a mug saying "MAKE STUFF DEAD" ?

ETA, Dan Jarvis should be drowned in a barrel of his own fucking piss. destroy the officer class
I went to the world transformed for a bit on Saturday, and was mostly horrified by the art on display. Words failed me.

No it's not, it was unanimously voted for by the NEC, there's no appetite within Labour for such a course of action.
some years ago I awoke to find both the local councils I supported had been seen to because they defied the government. The GLC was abolished completely, while Lambeth merely had its councillors removed and surcharged. If I thought either Lambeth or the GLA would defy now I'd support them again, but since then I think the law has been changed to make defiance even less likely to achieve anything, though I can't remember the details. So isn't this vote just symbolic? Not that I like the symbolism...


Not a fucking clue.

You all still think the working people of Britain are too fucking stupid to have their own views on the way you all act. "You cant be offended by my tweet because look at how clever I am and what I was a-ckt-ually trying to say"
"How dare you be offended by my emotionally engaging work of art, I am far too clever to be judged by the likes of Sun readers".

Keep it up. May 2020's coming.

Not a fucking clue.

You all still think the working people of Britain are too fucking stupid to have their own views on the way you all act. "You cant be offended by my tweet because look at how clever I am and what I was a-ckt-ually trying to say"
"How dare you be offended by my emotionally engaging work of art, I am far too clever to be judged by the likes of Sun readers".

Keep it up. May 2020's coming.

It's not Sun readers that are the problem, it's the writers.

I don't actually know what that other photo is about though. Is it supposed to be a big deal that some people have white vans and England flags?
It's not Sun readers that are the problem, it's the writers.

I don't actually know what that other photo is about though. Is it supposed to be a big deal that some people have white vans and England flags?

It caused a huge political bunfight during the last general election campaign because it allegedly showed how all Labour MPs under Miliband were totally disconnected from Britain's "normal" patriotic flag-waving white van driving working classes.

Which it did and it didn't. It was patronising shite based on standard liberal tropes about little-England working class racism, but didn't really prove anything about Labour MPs, beyond the largely already-known point that Emily Thornberry herself is sometimes a bit of a dickhead.

And the people pushing the "out of touch Labour" line were basically exactly as patronising and engaged in the same process of stereotyping, except they were coming at it from a perspective that little-England working class patriotism (by which they also, on the quiet, meant forms of jingoism) is a jolly laudable thing.
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Ah, right, thanks. Well, if she was genuinely trying to make some working-class people are racists haha point, then she was both stupid and bigoted. But the art stuff made in collaboration with a veterans' organisation is hardly the same thing. It's not offensive crap disguised as postmodern commentary (like Come Fly With Me, say) - it's fairly straightforwardly anti-war and pro-veteran. There's not actually anything about it to be offended by unless you misrepresent it like the Sun did - the writers, not the readers.
Friends of friends are at the Labour Party Conference and they say that a rumour is swirling that a letter from the PLP is embargoed to the press until tomorrow.

So that means more nastiness is probably afoot....
without a doubt... probably timed to cause maximum damage as well (unless it's another couple of dickhead councilors with the massive hump...)

Not a fucking clue.

You all still think the working people of Britain are too fucking stupid to have their own views on the way you all act. "You cant be offended by my tweet because look at how clever I am and what I was a-ckt-ually trying to say"
"How dare you be offended by my emotionally engaging work of art, I am far too clever to be judged by the likes of Sun readers".

Keep it up. May 2020's coming.
Have a word with yourself. Veterans for Peace don't seem to have a problem with his art :)
But the art stuff made in collaboration with a veterans' organisation is hardly the same thing. It's not offensive crap disguised as postmodern commentary (like Come Fly With Me, say) - it's fairly straightforwardly anti-war and pro-veteran. There's not actually anything about it to be offended by unless you misrepresent it like the Sun did - the writers, not the readers.
The sanctimonious patronising never stops round here. Its all the fault of the Sun journalists that people might not get this fine work of genius.

The only way someone could look at this "art" and not think it fine is if the Sun shoots them with its thought control brain waves, eh? Peoples reactions to something like this are diverse and can be understandably not in with the sniggering undergrad jokeyness of the "art".

And this is one of the reasons why Corbyn's Labour is crashing in the polls. The thinly disguised patronising contempt so many of his supporters hold the majority of the UKs people.

May 2020s coming. Keep up the good work.

and Rob Ray
Britain's "normal" patriotic flag-waving white van drivingworking classes.
"normal" not normal. :D :facepalm:

The sanctimonious patronising never stops round here. Its all the fault of the Sun journalists that people might not get this fine work of genius.

The only way someone could look at this "art" and not think it fine is if the Sun shoots them with its thought control brain waves, eh? Peoples reactions to something like this are diverse and can be understandably not in with the sniggering undergrad jokeyness of the "art".

And this is one of the reasons why Corbyn's Labour is crashing in the polls. The thinly disguised patronising contempt so many of his supporters hold the majority of the UKs people.

May 2020s coming. Keep up the good work.

and Rob Ray
"normal" not normal. :D :facepalm:


But it's not jokey. Have you even looked at it? And yeah, if a newspaper misrepresents something then obviously people will buy it - you have.
A gang of kids walked by me today all shouting 'Jellemy' in sketchy Chinese accents. Not sure if it referred to Corbyn or not. WTF is that about?...casual racism aside? Did I miss something?
and Rob Ray
"normal" not normal. :D :facepalm:


Yes Ferrel, it's a shorthand for "not everyone puts England flags in their windows, or drives a white van, or is particularly patriotic or jingoistic, but some brainless wonders think it's what working people are all like and thinks anyone who isn't is some sort of traitor to good ole' normal Blighty." Y'know, the sort of moron who thinks the Sun Says is just what the straightforward man in the street knows to be common sense, as opposed to being a comic written by reporters with cut-glass accents to manipulate people they despise.
High stakes move?

High stakes suggest the chance of a big win as well as the chance of a big lose - I doubt this will have any upside or any downside, no one who isn't already in the Labour fold is going to flock to them because of this policy, and no one who's inside the fold is going to think 'eh, what, you mean Corbyn isn't going to send them all home...?' and jump ship to the Tories or UKIP...

Corbyn talking to people who think the same things as him. Shores up his position in the party, does nothing to change the 10% lead the Tories have.

Personally I'm unconvinced that UKIP will clear up in the northern and midland constituencies over immigration, majorities might drop but I doubt seats will change hands, but this kind of stuff does nothing to put what are now Tory marginals under any kind of pressure in 2020 - put that with the boundary changes that look set to chop 30 labour seats and Labour may as well go on holiday during the 2020 GE campaign.
Have a word with yourself.
Because this is about me. Well in your mind.
Veterans for Peace
Did I miss the vote when they were installed as sole spokespersons for how everyone outside of Momentum was permitted to think about war and its consaquencies?

None of you get it, because to get it would hurt your egos. Me? I am irrelevant. You lot, every bit as much so.

But Corbyn's Labour have to reach to about 11 million people and convince them to vote for him. That means talking too them and about them as if they were intelligent people with valid views. "I personally found it moving but I can appreciate why someone may have seen it as trivialising the sacrifice of young British people."
"All art is subjective and open to many interpretations and I am keen to hear from people as to why they found this to be not in the best of taste".

You want people to vote for your boy, you have to show them you empathise with their world view and their values. Its not about one moron on a ever so clever stall at an irrelevant side show. Its about the attitude you take into each and every one of these situations.

You can fake it for a bit but you will get caught out. This kind of "look at me being clever" shit hurts, not much but it adds to the pile of misery heaped on the lefts shoulders by the electorate.
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