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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Part of the 'prolier than thou' thing can be middle class people acting out caricatures of 'working class' people, which excludes the latter. We don't read books or think apparently. Just swear... And belch. I can't stand that sort of rubbish. It's offensively ignorant and fundamentally misunderstands working class people. Posh boy with a tooth missing, you're still being received into the loving care of Gulag later on.

...and the same "prolier than thou" poseurs dismiss people as m/c on the basis of the same superficial caricaturing.

That said, it's been a while since I met any of these sorts.
And thousands will have watched and thought the left are a shambles :(
That's the whole point behind the media's construction of these kinds of narratives. If we look back to Orgreave, we can see that the BBC, especially, presented the event as the police being charged by a group of thugs. The bizzies even planted a gun on the site in order to make the claim that the miners were prepared to shoot the police. Thanks to the sterling work of Glasgow University's Media Unit (run by Greg Philo), this was shown to be a fabrication.

Another incident took place on the day of 9/11, when BBC News used 10 year old footage of Palestinians celebrating to construct a narrative that suggested that they, and by extension all Arabs, were celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers.
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Part of the 'prolier than thou' thing can be middle class people acting out caricatures of 'working class' people, which excludes the latter. We don't read books or think apparently. Just swear... And belch. I can't stand that sort of rubbish. It's offensively ignorant and fundamentally misunderstands working class people. Posh boy with a tooth missing, you're still being received into the loving care of Gulag later on.
Indeed, there is a history of an educated working class. We used libraries (that they're trying to close down). In my family, reading and self-improvement through education was considered important. There are many middle class people that don't read books.

I really hate it when the likes of Dan Hodges claim McDonald's is a working class institution. Well, I've got news for Dan: not all working class people eat Big Macs or shop in Sports Direct. Middle class people eat McDonalds and some shop in Sports Direct.
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Part of the 'prolier than thou' thing can be middle class people acting out caricatures of 'working class' people, which excludes the latter. We don't read books or think apparently. Just swear... And belch. I can't stand that sort of rubbish. It's offensively ignorant and fundamentally misunderstands working class people. Posh boy with a tooth missing, you're still being received into the loving care of Gulag later on.
Frothy coffee.
Goldsmith normally disgusts me, but unless I'm being naïve he seems to be being genuine in that comment. My autopilot tells me to look out for the strategic, rotten agenda behind any politician's comments, but I can't think of one at first glance. :hmm:

Well it's helping him stay in the public eye.
In an embarrassing attempt at establishing his credentials, Smith said he had no understanding of frothy-expresso malarkey and only had normal brews in a cracked mug. Round about the time he said he couldn't remember the Wales football score because he was so pissed.

In front of the telly slurping sugary tea from a cracked mug while his lass puts a plate of fried egg and chips in his lap.
I don't have a problem with that. if you go somewhere like a Poppins and ask for a coffee,you get one with a froth on it but you couldn't really call it a latte. (might be different now not been in a Poppins for years)

see I don't understand that
I don't have a problem with that. if you go somewhere like a Poppins and ask for a coffee,you get one with a froth on it but you couldn't really call it a latte. (might be different now not been in a Poppins for years)
Because they make it with Nescafe granules in a smoky glass mug blasted with boiling water from the Magic Shiny Pipes that burst through the counter top :cool:
I don't have a problem with that. if you go somewhere like a Poppins and ask for a coffee,you get one with a froth on it but you couldn't really call it a latte. (might be different now not been in a Poppins for years)
There used to be one in Penzance but it closed down. Never realised it was a chain. Much better than the trendy shithole that replaced it.

The Ken Loach film on Corbyn, etc is now live

Great that the people in working class Gleadless in Sheffield are being shown telling the truth about sanctions, benefit cuts, etc.

its very moving and a snapshot of left behind britain.

Nice to see the library in use too, though it's a while since I visited the Blackstock next door!
Some familiar faces in the film too.
Part of the 'prolier than thou' thing can be middle class people acting out caricatures of 'working class' people, which excludes the latter. We don't read books or think apparently. Just swear... And belch. I can't stand that sort of rubbish. It's offensively ignorant and fundamentally misunderstands working class people. Posh boy with a tooth missing, you're still being received into the loving care of Gulag later on.
To be fair, by the sounds of it they have pretty much nailed me.
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