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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Yes; I wasn't concentrating enough...missed that it was lifted from the FT...thought it was his own/sanctioned blog.
Anyways...the same criticism stands from the actual text; Cruddas says that "It is telling that as the working class reasserted the primacy of parliament by voting to Leave..." and then appears to endorse Owen '2nd referendum' Smith.
don't get me wrong, i think cruddas is a cunt: but let's hang him for his mistakes and not the ft's.
Don't know if this has already been posted but this is in my opinion is a far more perceptive and wider reaching analysis by John Cruddas than the Owen Jones article.

The mortal threat to Labour
Wow, laughably bad. The worst Blue Labourite nonsense, using falsehoods as evidence and wild speculation in place of insight. The lack of paragraphs was probably the most interesting thing about it
As a dyslexic, I just gave up.
I hope you got as far as this bit, though?

The closest historical parallel with this situation lies not in Westminster but in Berlin in 1918. Friedrich Ebert led the Social Democratic party (SPD) and the national government in the Reichstag, claiming legitimacy from the democratic vote of the people, whereas the Spartacists, including Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Kautsky, claimed theirs from the workers’ movement, the factory committees and works councils. Ebert ultimately unleashed the Freikorps against the leaders of the insurrection leading to the establishment of the German Communist party and a wider political polarisation across German society and the eventual victory of fascism.
Corbyn, you bastard!:mad:
all politicians are obsessed with the 30's and using the histories as allegories for the modern political situation. Never mind wether its relevant or accurate. Just mention ze germanz
all politicians are obsessed with the 30's and using the histories as allegories for the modern political situation. Never mind wether its relevant or accurate. Just mention ze germanz
Yes, 'ze germanz' as you say...but claiming parallels with the denouement of the Januaraufstand is quite special.
If he's going to argue a situation of dual power surely he needs mid 1917? But he can't because the forces he's daftly mapping on corbyn's supporters won that one. I think he's been reading a bit too many of Mason's breathless historical comparisons. The wider point about the left and the w/c is correct though. It didn't need bolstering with silly stuff like that.
More than a quarter of people who have signed up as registered Labour supporters in the run-up to the party’s leadership election could be barred from taking part, something some supporters of Jeremy Corbyn are worried could skew the vote.

Under revised rules for the contest between Corbyn and Owen Smith, introduced by Labour’s national executive committee last month, full members cannot vote unless they joined in January or before.
However, the party allowed newly registered supporters, a lesser category of affiliation, to sign up and vote for a £25 fee; 183,000 did so.
According to the Huffington Post, 40,000 of these have been excluded for reasons such as supporting a rival party, not being on the electoral register or problems with the payment. Another 10,000 cases are to go before the NEC’s oversight panel to decide whether they can vote. Allies of Corbyn say they have been told similar figures, and are concerned that the process could lead to some of his backers being weeded out.

Labour leadership: quarter of new supporters could be barred from voting

Not going to go down well, accepted, crazy to think a party is going to turn down new members, many experienced in campaigning, etc, do they have a death wish?

Lots of young people there, looks a little like the rallies there in the 80's.

Apparently, they had to close Lime St, not often that happens.
and not a placard in sight

Yes, its great, people on the march, by themselves, for themselves.

btw, I genuinely am pleased to see spontaneous political protest, (and in the holiday season) whether the participants go on to do more in their communities, challenge basic issues like sanctions, etc, (as many already will) is another thing.

btw, Echo is saying 10,000, so that can be increased.
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