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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Whist on the subject of the media this from yesterday is just harassment pain and simple and you don't see them doing it to the vermin or company execs who may be involved in shenanigans:

Er, yeah you do.

How is it harassment anyway? He's a politician. Journos trying to get a quote on the street goes with the territory.
lol ok but not as much imo

E2a there is another difference inasmuch as I find it unlikely the the press would doorstep Kwarteng but they have virtually camped outside of Corbyn's house more than once.
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Even aside from the fact that he's basically been subject to a years long campaign of harassment that would make anyone a bit tetchy, he has no party obligations any more and no personal political angle to motivate playing along with them. If he does stand as an independent his campaign won't stand or fall by how polite he is to Sky News. Why shouldn't he be grumpy if he feels like it?
Perhaps JC's chances as an independent are not so good Why the odds are stacked against Jeremy Corbyn, the outsider

Livingston won as an independent against Frank Dobson in the first London Mayoral election, and Galloway, despite being a lazy, sleazy cunt won twice again an official Labour parliamentary candidate. That article focuses on defectors from Labour. Corbyn has been kicked out and will play the martyr and I imagine that he'll do so successfully.
There are two articles about Corbyn standing as an independent in the Guardian. The other one refers to somebody who supports him as "more like a worshipper" and uses a sample size of 10 people as some kind of survey. They also refer to him and his supporters as "hard left". I think they're probably bollocks.
If Starmer has a brain he'll put up an absolute no-mark, spend not one penny, and let Corbyn walk it - which he probably will anyway for the reasons Rob Ray suggests.

This allows him to spend resources where he might actually win, and to slap a lifetime ban on both Corbyn for standing against a Lab candidate, as well as anyone else who so much as likes one of his campaign tweets.

Corbyn gets to be an indy MP, Starmer still gets a Lab govt, and he gets to clear out Labour of any remaining Corbynites.

It's an interesting problem for the Lab left - Corbyn will certainly get to sit as a left figurehead in parliament, but it will almost certainly mean that his constituency within Labour gets expelled, which looks like a somewhat Pyrrhic victory...
If Starmer has a brain he'll put up an absolute no-mark, spend not one penny, and let Corbyn walk it - which he probably will anyway for the reasons Rob Ray suggests.

This allows him to spend resources where he might actually win, and to slap a lifetime ban on both Corbyn for standing against a Lab candidate, as well as anyone else who so much as likes one of his campaign tweets.

Corbyn gets to be an indy MP, Starmer still gets a Lab govt, and he gets to clear out Labour of any remaining Corbynites.

It's an interesting problem for the Lab left - Corbyn will certainly get to sit as a left figurehead in parliament, but it will almost certainly mean that his constituency within Labour gets expelled, which looks like a somewhat Pyrrhic victory...

That's why (good idea Pickman's model) Corbyn should run as an independent in Starmer's constituency rather than in his own. He won't of course but it would be more useful as well as a lot funnier.
Perhaps JC's chances as an independent are not so good Why the odds are stacked against Jeremy Corbyn, the outsider

I don't think it's a guaranteed win, but he has a really massively high profile as a local MP who actually helps his constituents, and lots of people would turn out to campaign for him in practical ways. The only real problem will be that Corbyn doesn't actually want to stand as an independent MP and fighting against a Labour MP will be against his principles, so his heart might not be in it, but it's not like he could "choose" to retire now, is it.

Starmer is such a bad leader, and so Tory in a red tie, that I will really have to hold my nose in order to vote Labour - and barring the local group from choosing Corbyn for no good reason is one of the reasons. But part of the reason I will is that my local MP is a good MP, and she's nowhere near as active and involved as Corbyn is.
If Starmer has a brain he'll put up an absolute no-mark, spend not one penny, and let Corbyn walk it - which he probably will anyway for the reasons Rob Ray suggests.

This allows him to spend resources where he might actually win, and to slap a lifetime ban on both Corbyn for standing against a Lab candidate, as well as anyone else who so much as likes one of his campaign tweets.

Corbyn gets to be an indy MP, Starmer still gets a Lab govt, and he gets to clear out Labour of any remaining Corbynites.

It's an interesting problem for the Lab left - Corbyn will certainly get to sit as a left figurehead in parliament, but it will almost certainly mean that his constituency within Labour gets expelled, which looks like a somewhat Pyrrhic victory...
But that would just make Starmer look utterly ridiculous
It's an interesting problem for the Lab left - Corbyn will certainly get to sit as a left figurehead in parliament, but it will almost certainly mean that his constituency within Labour gets expelled, which looks like a somewhat Pyrrhic victory...
Good point. Can understand Corbyn hating starmer and being full of indignation, but it could fuck up what remains of the left in the party. In a strategic sense, it only really makes sense if he was to use his victory to launch a left party. I doubt he has the slightest intention of doing that and it would very little chance of surviving without PR.
Good point. Can understand Corbyn hating starmer and being full of indignation, but it could fuck up what remains of the left in the party. In a strategic sense, it only really makes sense if he was to use his victory to launch a left party. I doubt he has the slightest intention of doing that and it would very little chance of surviving without PR.
So what? What difference will that make? The left of the labour party is already fucked. All the twats won. Mike Gapes crowing about embracing your irrelevance for the rest of time. Fuck the Labour Party.
So what? What difference will that make? The left of the labour party is already fucked. All the twats won. Mike Gapes crowing about embracing your irrelevance for the rest of time. Fuck the Labour Party.
Oh my, I agree with every word of that. Suppose what I'm saying is that Corbyn is also irrelevant. He's had his moment and was defeated by a combination of those twats and his own/momentum's pòor political instincts.
Oh my, I agree with every word of that. Suppose what I'm saying is that Corbyn is also irrelevant. He's had his moment and was defeated by a combination of those twats and his own/momentum's pòor political instincts.
Yep, the left of the party had their chance; they're being schooled about exactly how they should have purged the right out of the party.
Oh my, I agree with every word of that. Suppose what I'm saying is that Corbyn is also irrelevant. He's had his moment and was defeated by a combination of those twats and his own/momentum's pòor political instincts.
Yeah he is. All he has left, within the confines of the Labour Party, is giving them a bloody nose.
Yep, the left of the party had their chance; they're being schooled about exactly how they should have purged the right out of the party.
Bit easier to do that when you've got the overwhelming majority of the parliamentary party, the party beauracracy, the media and a sufficient chunk of the membership on side mind you. The stance of feeble compromise and unity with the right was a recognition of weakness as much as Labourist delusion.
why not? mid-70s is well past retirement age.

and I bet, on principle, that he wouldn't make hay of the difference in pay out between being voted out vs choosing not to stand again.

Because it wouldn't look like a choice, it would look like conceding defeat.
This actually appears to be the guy who Labour are putting up against Corbyn (really honestly this time lol). Heavily involved in private healthcare aaaand he he turned off replies to this tweet, I wonder why?

Yeah he is. All he has left, within the confines of the Labour Party, is giving them a bloody nose.
I guess the reason he would stand rather than quitting, though, is that he seems to feel a duty to do the best for his local constituents.... rather than because he has any illusion that it would somehow improve the labour party or be the start of some national movement.
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