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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

'The Eagle has Landed'
- no, I'm not quite ready yet
'It's one small step for ...'
- hang on, I haven't got me helmet on'
'Oh, fuck this, let's go with Buzz Aldrin'
no one ever remembers the sequel 'the eagle has flown' where stiener comes back to life.

No one says there's been a bloodless coop.
It's coo.
So it doesn't make sense to write chicken coup. Chickens don't coo. Pigeons do.
I applaud this.
Are pigeons known for displays of great aggression followed by cowardly withdrawal though?
Well yeah, pretty much that's what they do every day. That's when they aren't shitting on their own feet, which rots their feet, which may make it an even more apt analogy.
Looking pretty spry for a bullied old man on his last legs.

I tried counting his blinks to see if he was calling for help in morse code but all I got was 76 IIB, so unless he's making some sort of sly reference to the International Investment Bank he's probably not under duress.
Looking pretty spry for a bullied old man on his last legs.

I tried counting his blinks to see if he was calling for help in morse code but all I got was 76 IIB, so unless he's making some sort of sly reference to the International Investment Bank he's probably not under duress.
Definitely a man who is only drinking from freshly opened bottles of water though :D
Quite the lynch mob, repeating the "you compared Israel to Isis" line.
Apparently it's not even true that he made the comparison is it (at least not in the way they wish to portray it)?.. I think I read it on here at some point. Who's asking that question anyway? I am on a mobile connection so don't want to click on the link.
Apparently it's not even true that he made the comparison is it (at least not in the way they wish to portray it)?.. I think I read it on here at some point. Who's asking that question anyway? I am on a mobile connection so don't want to click on the link.

He didn't make the comparison and the person who authored the report, who called the press conference and chaired it, said so in unequivocal terms on the BBC...which makes you wonder why the MPs are choosing to repeat it...or maybe not.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Apparently it's not even true that he made the comparison is it (at least not in the way they wish to portray it)?..

His point was that muslims shouldn't have to be asked to disassociate themselves from acts carried out by "self-styled Islamic states and organisations" (note the plural) and Jews shouldn't have to do so with Israel (mentioned because it was y'know, specifically investigating anti-semitism). Which is basically what Chakrabati said, and is in no way controversial.
Apparently it's not even true that he made the comparison is it (at least not in the way they wish to portray it)?.. I think I read it on here at some point. Who's asking that question anyway? I am on a mobile connection so don't want to click on the link.

It isn't true.

He said it's no more accurate to assume all Jewish people represent the actions of the Israeli state or Netanyahu than it is to assume all Muslims represent the actions of self-styled Islamic states and organisations.

I watched his speech live, and in no way did it come across as him saying "that there Israel is just like that there ISIS."

In fact, I thought at the time (before this all blew up into the big old hoo-ha it is now) that it was very wise to say what he did. (More fool me.) The people who level accusations of anti-semitism at Labour and lefty activists often conflate it with their support of Palestine, and you'll often get suggestions that "you're a Muslim apologist." The two subjects are linked in the minds of pretty much everyone, so it'd be quite insincere and dishonest to deny that link, and his speech made it clear that there's no point on either side of the debate in defending one group of people if you're going to use the tactics you hate to smear the other.

But of course, that's too nuanced and sensible for literally every single person who hates Corbyn.
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