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Japan launches nationwide competition to boost alcohol consumption


Well-Known Member
The Japanese version of 'eat out to help out'. Love it. Help the economy by getting smashed...

The Sake Viva! campaign, which is being run by the National Tax Agency (NTA), asks 20- to 39-year-olds to come up with proposals to help revitalise the popularity of alcoholic drinks, which have fallen out of favour because of lifestyle changes during the coronavirus pandemic and among young people.

I've never been to Japan. But I'm liking their style. Young people here have been letting the nation down with the recent absurd trendiness of abstinence and sobriety. They're a disgrace.
They’ve closed them self off to the world again haven’t they? Happened after the war and they started to open up then covid - boom!
My niece is going there as part of her Uni course and has had to have all sorts of tests including hearing and vision tests which is a bit strange ?
Well maybe if they got their whiskey producers to charge less exorbitant prices, I'd buy some. They have tried to boost foreign exports before, but duty etc is an issue there... Some of their gins (well, Roku) have had success at broadly affordable prices though, dunno how they manage that (but I don't really know how duty works tbf). I do think Sake could find a niche, but when the cheapest plonk is £12/720ml it's a tough sell.

Agree with teuchter on domestic market.

Shippou-Sensei you still drinking sake etc?
Some of their gins (well, Roku) have had success at broadly affordable prices though, dunno how they manage that (but I don't really know how duty works tbf)
That's quite nice gin but I only buy it when it's reduced in price - weirdly, this seems to happen a fair bit for some reason. Maybe a promotional thing by the manufacturer.
They’ve closed them self off to the world again haven’t they?
Pretty much. If they'd open the country up to tourism again - like properly, not just a few escorted groups - I'm sure they'd see their alcohol sales take a sharp upturn
Wow they really have gone a bit weird - entry through approved travel agency only?
Well maybe if they got their whiskey producers to charge less exorbitant prices, I'd buy some. They have tried to boost foreign exports before, but duty etc is an issue there... Some of their gins (well, Roku) have had success at broadly affordable prices though, dunno how they manage that (but I don't really know how duty works tbf). I do think Sake could find a niche, but when the cheapest plonk is £12/720ml it's a tough sell.

Agree with teuchter on domestic market.

Shippou-Sensei you still drinking sake etc?
I'm not. It's hard to get hold of the good stuff. While it is easy nowadays to get decent cider.

I did have some Japanese whisky once. Was nice, which surprised me as I normally dislike it.
Very smooth.
Well, behind this are probably some quite interesting stories about how the pandemic has affected Japan's work culture, which has after-work drinking as a significant component, and which must be struggling quite a bit with the concept of WFH.
Maybe they could have an after work drink over teams. :hmm:
Sake is the worst kind of booze there is. Well, maybe not the worst overall but the worst that doesn't at least have the decency to also be cheap.
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