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Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe assassinated

Any good podcasts or stuff to read on Japanese politics? I know one woman who is very worried this will lead to instability and a right wing/security state backlash.
Not sure you understand what a risk assessment is but they're generally not concluded simply by being unlikely.
I do actually and am currently being trained in them. If I take a bunch of kids on a train to London then the possibility exists that one of them could be assaulted by a member of the public but as long as the risk is low enough and the benefit to the children of the trip is clear I don't have to prevent them from coming into contact with the public entirely I just to have to ensure that I know what I'm going to do if it does happen. I assume whoever did the risk assessment felt that the risk of being attacked by a lone gunman in a country with almost no public gun ownership was outweighed by the benefits of having that politician able to get close to members of the public.
I'd read you just become a private citizen with no assigned security when you retire from politics in Japan, should think if that's true the blokes in the pics will have been event/campaign specific.
I do actually and am currently being trained in them. If I take a bunch of kids on a train to London then the possibility exists that one of them could be assaulted by a member of the public but as long as the risk is low enough and the benefit to the children of the trip is clear I don't have to prevent them from coming into contact with the public entirely I just to have to ensure that I know what I'm going to do if it does happen. I assume whoever did the risk assessment felt that the risk of being attacked by a lone gunman in a country with almost no public gun ownership was outweighed by the benefits of having that politician able to get close to members of the public.
Yes, they may have concluded that. But it wasn't a successful conclusion because the person under their care got assassinated.
PMs in the UK( along with Northern Ireland Secretaries) get police protection for life if they want it. Home Secretaries can request it. I think they have to pay for all the ancillary stuff that comes with it though.
PMs in the UK( along with Northern Ireland Secretaries) get police protection for life if they want it. Home Secretaries can request it. I think they have to pay for all the ancillary stuff that comes with it though.
Used to see May’s detail on the A4 sometimes as I lived a few miles from her
Yes, they may have concluded that. But it wasn't a successful conclusion because the person under their care got assassinated.

Doesn’t mean the risk assessment was wrong though. Although someone might have fucked up the intelligence collection. Or not if the bloke was acting on his own, with a home made weapon, and didn’t tell anyone…
Sometimes. But often it will be shooting them more towards the middle or end of the event than at the start…

Only if they've learnt nothing from cowboy movies, although with only six gun thingies in the country I suppose they might have their eye off the ball.

Doesn’t mean the risk assessment was wrong though. Although someone might have fucked up the intelligence collection. Or not if the bloke was acting on his own, with a home made weapon, and didn’t tell anyone…

So you think in the coming days the risk assessment won’t be looked at and reviewed for the future?
It’s a bit weird that everyone on an Internet forum has decided that it was obviously ok.
Shooting at people in a chaotic scene with bystanders is generally a pretty bad idea. On account of the bystanders.

If there's risk assessment critique to be had here, probably more about the fact this guy was able to get so (apparently) close.
Ouch, the graun has decided to stick that clip of him sitting in a plane marked 731 as its illustration of 'Abe expanded Japan's military' (about 33 seconds in).

I get the reference but it's gonna be a niche one and unlike the assassins bullet, it'll fly over the heads of most. :thumbs:
I was impressed that they clearly got stuck right in without unnecessarily drawing their weapons in a public place.
Likewise. Top drills. The woman officer was obviously about to draw her weapon then decided it wasn’t necessary. Pretty good.

An American team would have had their carbines out and pointing at the crowd at that point.
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