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It seems it is the 100th running of the Le Mans 24 hours

go to the F1 thread and search for streams

if we used them for F1 should be able to find one with the le Mann's running :)
Actually I might search to see if I can get Radio Le Mans via the web. I think they might be broadcasting that way or might have talked about it in the past.
I love Radio Le Mans :) At the moment they (after qualifying is now over) are explaining what happened at the first running of the race and the way the rules have evolved over the years.

That is my weekend sorted now, I can follow all the details.

Will anyone else be following the racing or will I be on my own?
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will be tuning in for parts of it but moving this weekend so the 24 hours is a bit much. but no f1 this week so would be rude not to

might record it and see if the virgin box keeps it going, got a week before it starts at the new place

will find you a stream :)
Th9ught they gave up the running bit years ago
Do you mean at the starts?

Yes they don't do that anymore, too dangerous.

I think they do a formation rolling start going strong when they hit the start finish straight.
You'd think after a hundred years they'd have managed to cut the time it takes them a bit at least. Poor effort.
It is a proper sustained spectacle which the French do very well (Paris Dakar, the Tour de France etc) sixty odd teams from all over the world competing with each other over 24 hours of racing.

I haven't been for some time but I went for perhaps 7 years in a row. I was there when Mazda won with a screaming rotary engined car which was great, and when Mercedes brought cars that took off and flew on the fastest part of the circuit the Mulsaane straight, (after the second or third episode of taking off they packed their bags and limped off back to Germany with their tails between their legs), also when Michael Schumacher was a driver in the Mercedes team.

After 22 hours of racing the competitors still have the length of an F1 GP to do before the end.

One oddity is that for a few years the car that was featured on the ticket went on to win. Strange :) :(
It is a proper sustained spectacle which the French do very well (Paris Dakar, the Tour de France etc) sixty odd teams from all over the world competing with each other over 24 hours of racing.

I haven't been for some time but I went for perhaps 7 years in a row. I was there when Mazda won with a screaming rotary engined car which was great, and when Mercedes brought cars that took off and flew on the fastest part of the circuit the Mulsaane straight, (after the second or third episode of taking off they packed their bags and limped off back to Germany with their tails between their legs), also when Michael Schumacher was a driver in the Mercedes team.

After 22 hours of racing the competitors still have the length of an F1 GP to do before the end.

One oddity is that for a few years the car that was featured on the ticket went on to win. Strange :) :(

The chicane in the Mulsanne Straight was put there after Sauber Mercedes cars were clocked at 242 mph. :eek:
The chicane in the Mulsanne Straight was put there after Sauber Mercedes cars were clocked at 242 mph. :eek:
Yes, there are now two chicanes on the straight. But the cars are well fast again.

When I started going there was a large Cafe half way down the straight and you could get beered up with hundreds of other fans and actually lean on the armco barrier while the cars were shooting past at more than 200 mph right next to you.

Since then they have become much more safety conscious and you can't get near the barrier now.
I just checked and the last time I was there was 2003 so 20 years ago.
I am about due a revisit, especially now that I have better camera gear.
Perhaps I better get organised for next year.

Here are a couple of posts of 20 images from about 400 that made the cut from 2003. I recommend anyone who is into motorsport visit this event, thousands of Brits take a long weekend and visit the race, the ferries are always full of exotic cars and people. I love this event.

Anyhow, some pics:

No doubt where these two are from

Some British males like to dress up

In 2003 this was as close to the Mulsanne straight as I could get

It is a nice Moto Guzzi but I don't think it is a Le Mans

Brits come in all sort of exotic vehicles, can't identify this one, could be a Jag

A Bentley fan

This photographer (French I think) was on top of an oil barrel

Time for something to eat

People are very patriotic even in the moonlight

Busy in the pits
and some more:

Fuel and tyres

Loved No 64, such nice graphics, think it may have been an NSX Honda

Carbon brakes

A weary marshall in the morning

Plenty of photographers in and outside the barriers

A happy Frenchman :) no idea why he is so happy

One of the under track tunnels with hobbits in it :)

Nice Vantage in a suitable colour

Couple of German cars

Finally an Audi promotions woman who was happy to pose.
A bit of a coincidence from 2003.

Back in 2003 I posted a lot of race images on dpreview after getting back.

It turned out there were some other photographers from dpreview there also, and they also shared their images.

There was one image, a wide shot of a section of track with some cars, from the Sunday morning, a nice shot showing context but I was interested in it for another reason.

On the right of the image there were some trees and a few people. I asked the photographer to blow up that bit of the image and sure enough there was I (large as life) taking a portrait of another photographer.

Made me grin, what is the likelihood of that?
The cars are out on track for warm up and there seems to be some rain around Arnage .. they are turning their wipers on.

Drivers are being ultra careful, no one wants to stack their racecar before the race has begun :( :)

With warm up complete the two Ferrari are the fastest as they were in Quali

Apparently everyone has done at least one lap.

51% chance of showers

Should make the race more interesting :)
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It is an hour in front of us in Le Mans at the moment, so 12.50 compared to 11.50 here.

So times are French time ..

Sat, Jun 10, 2023 3:00 PM - Sun, Jun 11, 2023 3:00 PM

So I think start 2pm UK time Saturday


What time is the 24 hours of Le Mans? The race starts at 3pm (BST) – 4pm local time – on Saturday 10 June and ends at 3pm (BST) on Sunday 11 June.
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About 20 minutes to the start

Various ceremonies going on on the track to entertain the grandstands ..
This looks like it might be a Youtube feed


Actually I am not so sure now. May not be :(
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Thunderstorms in the area, 60% humidity

Most cars are on slicks at the moment in prep for the start

The cars are on a formation lap at the moment
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