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Is there a reason for the riots?

its so depressing. im priced out of the housing market, but tbh, meh....cant say it cuts at my soul. but i have a nephew, my brothers son, they're seperated and he lives with his mum, in the shittiest bit of a small town. we see him a fair bit, do what we can, and he's a great kid, but i think of his future and its on a knife edge, he either goes up, or down, there is no staying the same. his mum is trying to survive, we are trying to guide him up, but everything else around him is quicksand.
I don't believe british cops can do brutality. They may think they're brutal but they're not really. Goto Brazil to see Police brutality. They have it down to a tee. These rioters thought they looked so cool and radical as they rushed back home with their microwaves and HD Ready TV's tucked under their arms, just to watch themselves on the BBC. They must now look pathetic as they await the dreaded knock on their door. Shaking and sweating as they cower under their duvet. Alcohol has worn off now. Things don't seem as rosy as the night before.
No your the mug. Just cause it's my first post don't think i'm subservient to you. Your posts or reputation on this board mean nothing to me.
I expressed an opinion. This is what this board is about. Opinions. Discussion. Mug.
A mugs opinion, and you got called on it- no one is asking you to be subservient to me get off your fucking cross. Yes/no question: have you ever been nicked by british police?
No your the mug. Just cause it's my first post don't think i'm subservient to you. Your posts or reputation on this board mean nothing to me.
I expressed an opinion. This is what this board is about. Opinions. Discussion. Mug.

But you're saying something like 'because Brazil cops beat people every day, then the Rodney King beating wasn't police brutality'.

Doesn't follow.
Wasn't Rodney King an American? Wasn't he beaten by American police? Don't see where your going with that. Your picking out individuals anyway.
British police aren't brutal. There may have been cases where the police have been brutal. No doubt about it. There have been some terrible cases.
But stop pretending were living in the hood. We're not.
Wasn't Rodney King an American? Wasn't he beaten by American police? Don't see where your going with that. Your picking out individuals anyway.
British police aren't brutal. There may have been cases where the police have been brutal. No doubt about it. There have been some terrible cases.
But stop pretending were living in the hood. We're not.

so they aren't brutal but there are some terrible cases where they were brutal but that doesn't mean they are brutal cos we do not live in the hood.

You are all over the shop
Your all making me laugh now. Fallaciousness of your logic. That's a sentence i didn't expect to hear this morning. Look all i said was the British police aren't brutal. Compared to other countries they're pussies. I didn't say i liked them. I don't. I live in a council estate near Cardiff. Show me any one who lives on a council estate in Britain who likes the police. I don't dislike them though because of their job. That has to be done. It's just the way they go about it. But to call them brutal is overkill. In the majority.
Wasn't Rodney King an American? Wasn't he beaten by American police? Don't see where your going with that. Your picking out individuals anyway.
British police aren't brutal. There may have been cases where the police have been brutal. No doubt about it. There have been some terrible cases.
But stop pretending were living in the hood. We're not.
You're living in your mum's house.
Some interesting polling in the Independent this morning.

The Government's austerity policies are more to blame than police tactics for the recent rioting
Agree: 35%
Disagree: 35%
Don’t know: 29%

David Cameron has failed to provide the necessary leadership to take control of the rioting in London early enough
Agree: 54%
Disagree: 29%
Don’t know: 16%

Cuts to police numbers nationally must now be reversed by the Government in the light of this week's rioting
Agree: 71%
Don’t know: 16%

I have less confidence in London's ability to safely hold the Olympics next year in the light of this week's rioting
Agree: 50%
Disagree: 34%
Don’t know: 16%

Anyone found guilty of taking part in the riots or looting should face an automatic jail sentence no matter how small their involvement
Agree: 78%
Disagree: 14%
Don’t know: 8%

I have confidence in David Cameron's leadership of this country in general
Agree: 36%
Disagree: 46%
Don’t know: 17%

Monday a deputation from the parish of Bethnal Green waited upon Mr Peel to request that some measures might be devised to suppress the dreadful riots and outrages that take place every night in the parish, by a lawless gang of thieves, consisting of five or six hundred. The gang rendezvous in a brick-field at the top of Spicer St, Spitalfields, and out-posts are stationed to give an alarm, should any of the civil power approach, and their cry is “Warhawk,” as a signal for retreat.
On the brick kilns in this field they cook whatever meat and potatoes they plunder from the various shops in the neighbourhood, in the open day and in the face of the shopkeeper. Their outrages have been of the daring kind, there are now no less than five individuals lying in the London Infirmary, without hopes of recovery, that have fallen into the hands of the gang. Within the last fortnight upwards of fifty persons have been robbed, and cruelly beaten, and one of the gang was seen one day last week to produce amongst some of his associates, nearly half-a-hat-full of watches.
Mr Peel gave immediate orders for a detachment of Horse Patrol to be stationed day and night in the neighbourhood, and on Friday morning a party of forty men, to be under the jurisdiction of the Magistrates of Worship St Police Office, were mounted, they are a party of able-bodied men who have held situations in the army, accoutred with cutlasses, pistols, and blunderbusses. They will be in constant communication with forty of the dismounted patrol. The dismounted are divided into parties, and are stationed at the following posts, viz – Cambridge Heath Gate, Mile End Gate, Whitechapel Church, London Apprentice Gate, and near the Regent’s Canal in the Mile End Rd. Both parties are to remain on duty till five o’clock in the morning.
On Friday, being market day at Smithfield, the gang were on the look out for beasts, and we hear that, as early as six in the morning, two bullocks were taken from a drove. On Wednesday, a bullock was rescued from them in the Kingsland Rd, and after being secured in Clement’s barn till the gang had been dispersed, it was conveyed home to its owner, Mr Alexander, in Whitechapel market.
It was reported, that Mr Sykes, the proprietor of the ham and beef shop in Winchester St, Hare St fields, had died on Friday in the London Hospital, of the dreadful injuries he received from the gang, but we are happy to say he is still alive. It seems that Mr Sykes had only set up in business a few days, when about eight o’clock in the evening, about twenty fellows came round his shop, armed with sticks, he suspected they intended an attack, and for security got behind the counter, when the whole gang came in, and seizing a buttock of beef and a ham, ran out of the shop. He endeavoured to prevent them by putting out his arm, when one of them, with a hatchet or hammer, stuck him a tremendous blow which broke it in a dreadful manner, it has been since amputated, and he now lies in a very bad state. The gang then went into a baker’s shop and helped themselves to bread, and afterwards adjourned to the brick-field, and ate the provisions in a very short time.
It would be too tedious to state the numerous outrages that have been committed, but there is reason now to hope, that the etablishment of the horse patrol, and the conviction on Thursday of three of them, at the Old Bailey, for attacking and rubbing Mr Fuller will be the means of routing them altogether.
September 24th 1826
Some interesting polling in the Independent this morning.


Definitely not good figures for Cameron. The question about the cuts is a bit of a mess, given the way it's framed to only give two choices 'cuts vs police tactics' as cause.

Similar problems with the one about confidence in Boris where the majority 'no difference' could very easily mean 'I already thought he was a useless Tory cunt ...'
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