Don't forget business rates as well, they've been a total fucker for retailers of all sizes.
It doesn't help with local small high streets that they don't seem to be designed around modern living. I often think non-essential shops (ie gifts, books, clothes) in local parades would do better to open midday-8pm (which seems to be a thing in the US) rather than 9-5 during the week, and open on Sundays (maybe shutting one weekday instead) because then they could actually catch people on their way home from work/on the weekend and people might actually use them, rather than using Amazon Prime when they want something in a hurry. Honestly, if I had a local shop where I knew I could pick up kids clothes or shoes on a weeknight, I'd have got a lot of use out of it.
But one way or another, a lot of small local shops will have to go, probably to be replaced by housing - we just don't need as much small and local as we once did, but if those that remained actually ran in a way that fits with lifestyles that would help.