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Is it too late?

I find doomerism a bit too apathetic. We are here now and we are all capable of enacting change.
At one point a few years ago I was working for a multinational conglomerate who had oil exploration under their belt. My team were responsible for Information Risk and crisis management tests were part of our responsibility.
This business had been announcing plans for drilling in the artic. So we made the crisis management test about that. Invented a new environmental “terrorist” organization, making just stop oil look like a bunch of grannies, set fire to executives cars and issued kidnap threats against their kids. Hypothetically of course. It was a paper based exercise.
Anyway, they soon after quit those plans and diversified away from their oil based businesses.
Which is just as well as I didn’t want to have to actually set fire to their kids and kidnap their cars.
I find doomerism a bit too apathetic. We are here now and we are all capable of enacting change.
At one point a few years ago I was working for a multinational conglomerate who had oil exploration under their belt. My team were responsible for Information Risk and crisis management tests were part of our responsibility.
This business had been announcing plans for drilling in the artic. So we made the crisis management test about that. Invented a new environmental “terrorist” organization, making just stop oil look like a bunch of grannies, set fire to executives cars and issued kidnap threats against their kids. Hypothetically of course. It was a paper based exercise.
Anyway, they soon after quit those plans and diversified away from their oil based businesses.
Which is just as well as I didn’t want to have to actually set fire to their kids and kidnap their cars.

Yeah kidnapping kids is the absolute worst.

They’re either too hot, too cold, hungry, thirsty, the ropes hurt, they need the loo, they’re booored

It just goes on and on.
Exactly, how do I entertain a bunch of spoilt executives kids?

I liked doing those exercises. Usually when they were paying consultants to do it it was a scenario like a data center has caught on fire.
When I got given this task I thought nah. You cunts are going to see where you are heading.
And remember, if I try and talk about the WEF and shadowy elites I can easily get shouted down as a conspiraloon. But when that is literally what is happening 🤷‍♂️
The crux of the problem may be we easily accept ourselves as slaves to a system that is beneficial only to them. And by them I mean the rich. Not Jews or other ethnicities.
The rich.
The blame is solely theirs. The only problem is where is the cut off point for executions? More than a million in the bank? 10 million. Yeah that sounds fair.
Anyway that’s my proposal. The rich have until January the 1st to get less than 10 million in the bank otherwise it’s open season.
The crux of the problem may be we easily accept ourselves as slaves to a system that is beneficial only to them. And by them I mean the rich. Not Jews or other ethnicities.
The rich.
The blame is solely theirs. The only problem is where is the cut off point for executions? More than a million in the bank? 10 million. Yeah that sounds fair.
Anyway that’s my proposal. The rich have until January the 1st to get less than 10 million in the bank otherwise it’s open season.
So they buy stocks and shares and land

You've not really thought this through
I have. I’m just not bothering about logic or laws or useless shit like that.
But as you know, Kropotkin was right.
And Marx too for the fun size / Diet Coke fans.
The crux of the problem may be we easily accept ourselves as slaves to a system that is beneficial only to them. And by them I mean the rich. Not Jews or other ethnicities.
The rich.
The blame is solely theirs. The only problem is where is the cut off point for executions? More than a million in the bank? 10 million. Yeah that sounds fair.
Anyway that’s my proposal. The rich have until January the 1st to get less than 10 million in the bank otherwise it’s open season.

I once proposed that anyone who owns a yacht larger than 22 ft should be tied to the mast and sunk. The reason I used 22 ft is because that's a measurement that falls within the means of the middleclass, who sometimes use them as homes. More than one or anything larger than that -- gone. There are some billionaires that own boats larger than an American football field. At least one billionaire has an even dozen docked around the world.
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And remember, if I try and talk about the WEF and shadowy elites I can easily get shouted down as a conspiraloon. But when that is literally what is happening 🤷‍♂️

That Australian billionaire who said that the working class needed to see some pain suggested raising interest rates to curb calls for higher wages, etc. If you look at what the Federal Reserve has been doing, its exactly that. They may not say it out loud, but they're on the same page.
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Exactly, how do I entertain a bunch of spoilt executives kids?

Take them out into the wilderness and hike them around for a while. It won't entertain them, but it might introduce some hardship into their lives and provide an outdoors education many of them a lacking. Maybe they'd end up valuing the wilderness, even if their parents don't.
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Some of the BTL comments on the BBC article for that are truly staggering.

Democracy seems to more and more of a hindrance to doing anything about climate change.
The fact that we've been experiencing temperatures that were only predicted for 2040 makes me wonder if it's too late to do anything about it? Not that it shouldn't be stopped from getting worse, I'm not arguing that. Just feeling depressed about everything. :(

It's too late to stop the horrors of it but not to stop our extinction. If we leave it another 10-15 years we may as well store our knowledge and blast it a few hundred times out into space in the hope someone finds it and remembers us when we're gone...

Food waste also drives climate change. Rotting foods that make their way to our landfills create an abundance of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas and one of the driving forces behind global warming. Additionally, land, water, labor, and energy are all required to produce food goes to waste when food is unused.
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