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Is it too late?

This is why I'm a Doomer. It's not the disasters or the challenge we face per se. We could still pull it together if we had leadership that was dedicated to fixing it, but we don't and we won't in time to make a real difference.
There’s a novel people should read by Kim Stanley Robinson called The Ministry for the Future. It’s very well researched. The writing isn’t a style I’m going to pretend I enjoy, but I think it’s a very worthwhile book. It addresses exactly the problem you raise: humanity has the ability to stop things getting much worse. Not to reverse the damage already done; at least not quickly. But to put the brakes on. If there is the political will. Except there isn’t. So what then?

I haven’t finished it yet, and I’m not sure he’s going to draw the moral that I’m so far picking up (given the celebrity recommenders), but it is at least something more people need to read.

This is why I'm a Doomer. It's not the disasters or the challenge we face per se. We could still pull it together if we had leadership that was dedicated to fixing it, but we don't and we won't in time to make a real difference.

Yeah, and so the question for me is despite this, what can we do? And I don't mean individual small changes, I mean the collective mass change that's needed.
There’s a novel people should read by Kim Stanley Robinson called The Ministry for the Future. It’s very well researched. The writing isn’t a style I’m going to pretend I enjoy, but I think it’s a very worthwhile book. It addresses exactly the problem you raise: humanity has the ability to stop things getting much worse. Not to reverse the damage already done; at least not quickly. But to put the brakes on. If there is the political will. Except there isn’t. So what then?

I haven’t finished it yet, and I’m not sure he’s going to draw the moral that I’m so far picking up (given the celebrity recommenders), but it is at least something more people need to read.

I think it's up to the reader to draw their own conclusions about the moral of KSR's story. There's stuff for the likes of you and me in there and stuff for the likes of Obama.

Ultimately, that's what we'll need in the short term anyway
Yeah, and so the question for me is despite this, what can we do? And I don't mean individual small changes, I mean the collective mass change that's needed.
I think all we've got right now is "forcing the issue" with whatever we can lay our hands on.
Yeah, and so the question for me is despite this, what can we do? And I don't mean individual small changes, I mean the collective mass change that's needed.

I'm still working on lobbying energy companies responsible for our natural gas and electricity. We've had good success by quietly promoting green energy with our publicly run power companies. One way we've done that is to have some of our people appointed to public boards that regulate energy companies in the state.

We've had less success with privately held utilities, but their governing structure is different and less accessible to the public.

Even if we don't think it will ultimately be successful, we do need to keep up the fight.
I think this is true, but I doubt if I'm the one to lead that.
Don't have to "lead" anything. Do what you can, with what you've got. The bigger and deeper the pool of people "forcing the issue" the better.

NB I'm not (just) talking about physical force. But also social force. Take SUVs for example. Decommissioning them is great, but so is ostracising those continuing to drive them until they stop.
It's never past kneecap time.

Eventually, the people in control are going to bring out the military to keep everyone in line as things go to shit. At that point, it's merely self-defense for yourself and your community. We are already getting there with things like the fires in Canada and Maui. Watch for events to really ramp up as food production drops. People will go ape-shit when there's no food.
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Eventually, the people in control are going to bring out the military to keep everyone in line and things go to shit. At that point, it's merely self-defense to defend yourself and your community. We are already getting there with things like the fires in Canada and Maui. Watch for things to really ramp up as food production drops. People will go ape-shit when there's no food.
When it gets to that point the military have a habit of getting rid of the people in control (not always for the better).

Your side of the Atlantic has a different toolbox in some ways than ours, one that's already open and in use (for better or - overwhelmingly - worse).
...and I realise my ambiguous phrasing could be interpreted in different ways. Simply put, we are in unprecedented times and it's impossible to nail down specifics of what might or should be done.
Absolutely depressing and enraging bit of info from the US Republican candidate debate.

After all eight candidates declined to raise their hands when asked if they believed human behavior was causing the climate crisis, Ramaswamy jumped in, stridently rapping out: “Unlock American energy, drill, frack, burn coal, embrace nuclear.”

Mike Pence argues with Ramaswamy in edited image with red outlines around pair

It has been a month of wildfire disaster in Hawaii and heavy flooding in California. The Fox News hosts pointed out that the climate crisis is the number one concern for young American voters. Regardless, the youngest candidate on stage ploughed on: “The climate change agenda is a hoax … more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate.”

It to me seems we’re at the point where if they wanna continue to plough on with policies that endanger most of us, then why shouldn’t we be rolling these ignorant cunts into ditches?
Eventually, the people in control are going to bring out the military to keep everyone in line as things go to shit. At that point, it's merely self-defense for yourself and your community. We are already getting there with things like the fires in Canada and Maui. Watch for events to really ramp up as food production drops. People will go ape-shit when there's no food.
If only they'd do that for the emperor penguins
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That's for one month so not [yet] the IPCC 1.5C target level (sustained multi-dataset trend over months-years). The 1.5C level has been exceeded briefly (for a month) before, eg February 2016 (ERA5). Obviously El Niño is having a big input this year (and will next). It will take some time for the decadal trend to be more clearly resolved (eg complete the ENSO cycle).
CS3 illustrative global warming trend modelling (ERA5 dataset).
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