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Is it too late?

Well, Mark Zuckerberg maybe thinks it's too late. This (billionaires building underground bunker complexes) is one of those areas I just can't help myself sounding a little conspiratorial! I also can't help but suspect he's building another more secret one in New Zealand, which is where these billionaires were told would be the best place to hide out climate change related collapse:

Well, Mark Zuckerberg maybe thinks it's too late. This (billionaires building underground bunker complexes) is one of those areas I just can't help myself sounding a little conspiratorial! I also can't help but suspect he's building another more secret one in New Zealand, which is where these billionaires were told would be the best place to hide out climate change related collapse:

Not sure a volcanic island in the middle of the Pacific is the best place to enjoy the apocalypse from
Well, Mark Zuckerberg maybe thinks it's too late. This (billionaires building underground bunker complexes) is one of those areas I just can't help myself sounding a little conspiratorial! I also can't help but suspect he's building another more secret one in New Zealand, which is where these billionaires were told would be the best place to hide out climate change related collapse:

The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse
Douglas Rushkoff. Sun 4 Sep 2022
Instead of just lording over us for ever, however, the billionaires at the top of these virtual pyramids actively seek the endgame. In fact, like the plot of a Marvel blockbuster, the very structure of The Mindset requires an endgame. Everything must resolve to a one or a zero, a winner or loser, the saved or the damned. Actual, imminent catastrophes from the climate emergency to mass migrations support the mythology, offering these would-be superheroes the opportunity to play out the finale in their own lifetimes.
For The Mindset also includes a faith-based Silicon Valley certainty that they can develop a technology that will somehow break the laws of physics, economics and morality to offer them something even better than a way of saving the world: a means of escape from the apocalypse of their own making.
Fair enough, I suppose we have only had a couple of frosts. And yes it’s more or less facing south :)
I've noticed Hazel budding all over the place, other trees too. It seems as if a lot of plants think it's already spring - and in fairness it doesn't feel very wintery (wintry?) to me either. It was 14°C here today, and on Friday in Paignton about 11am the sunshine felt properly warm. On Midwinter's day!
Fair enough, I suppose we have only had a couple of frosts. And yes it’s more or less facing south :)

I'm intrigued by seasons in Britain. Where I'm at, we haven't really started winter in earnest yet. There's been no major snowstorms or even temperatures below 0 F. I've still been walking around in shirt sleeves most of the time with temps in the 40-50F range. What is the average span of winter there? Its seems pretty short.
I'm intrigued by seasons in Britain. Where I'm at, we haven't really started winter in earnest yet. There's been no major snowstorms or even temperatures below 0 F. I've still been walking around in shirt sleeves most of the time with temps in the 40-50F range. What is the average span of winter there? Its seems pretty short.
The weather in Britain is more like the Pacific Northwest than the Mid-West. Mild, damp or humid all year round.

Temperature in Scotland may get down to 0 F in Februrary.
The weather in Britain is more like the Pacific Northwest than the Mid-West. Mild, damp or humid all year round.

Temperature in Scotland may get down to 0 F in Februrary.

Thanks! I had wondered if that was the case.

We can get as low as -30 F in February. When I plant trees ,I always check to make sure they're hardy to -40F and tend to plant Canadian varieties due to their hardiness.
Thanks! I had wondered if that was the case.

We can get as low as -30 F in February. When I plant trees ,I always check to make sure they're hardy to -40F and tend to plant Canadian varieties due to their hardiness.
It's not got that cold here in recorded history. Maybe in the Little Ice Age?

Is it dry where you are? The humidity / damp makes it feel much colder. Seeps into bones.
It's not got that cold here in recorded history. Maybe in the Little Ice Age?

Is it dry where you are? The humidity / damp makes it feel much colder. Seeps into bones.

We got our first white Christmas in years. We're normally fairly wet, but the past few years we've had a drought. It seems to go in about 7-year cycles. A few years ago we had so much snow that it topped the door knobs. There's only about two inches out there now.
I'm intrigued by seasons in Britain. Where I'm at, we haven't really started winter in earnest yet. There's been no major snowstorms or even temperatures below 0 F. I've still been walking around in shirt sleeves most of the time with temps in the 40-50F range. What is the average span of winter there? Its seems pretty short.
We get lots of rain. Lots right now as it happens, drizzle with gales even. When it snows more that a bit everything goes to pieces transport wise except for maybe in Scotland where it's much more expected.
I hesitated before posting this as it is just so extreme. There are other sources with similar projections. It should be noted that Michael Mann who is mentioned in the article in the above comment is a Methane clathrate denier.

A temperature rise of more than 10°C could unfold as early as by end 2026, due to contributions of gases (including water vapor), aerosols, albedo changes and further elements, in the process causing the clouds tipping point to get crossed, which could add a further 8°C to the rise.
This rise could in turn cause the water vapor tipping point to be crossed. The rise in water vapor alone could from then on suffice to push temperatures up further, in a runaway greenhouse process in which evaporation causes a global surface temperature rise of several hundred degrees Celsius.
From the post 'Double Blue Ocean Event 2024?', at: Double Blue Ocean Event 2024?

I equate my own efforts to trying to remove a small splinter from a foot that is due to be amputated shortly - well meaning but fundamentally pointless.

I still do them though if only for my own sanity
All credit for trying. It helps to keep your conscience clear at sleep at night.
If we all did just a little bit it would be a great start.
I hesitated before posting this as it is just so extreme. There are other sources with similar projections. It should be noted that Michael Mann who is mentioned in the article in the above comment is a Methane clathrate denier.

A temperature rise of more than 10°C could unfold as early as by end 2026, due to contributions of gases (including water vapor), aerosols, albedo changes and further elements, in the process causing the clouds tipping point to get crossed, which could add a further 8°C to the rise.
This rise could in turn cause the water vapor tipping point to be crossed. The rise in water vapor alone could from then on suffice to push temperatures up further, in a runaway greenhouse process in which evaporation causes a global surface temperature rise of several hundred degrees Celsius.
From the post 'Double Blue Ocean Event 2024?', at: Double Blue Ocean Event 2024?

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Starting to think I should cash in my pension contributions now and beat the rush.
It should be noted that Michael Mann who is mentioned in the article in the above comment is a Methane clathrate denier.
Well, he’s a serious scientist, so he’s not a “denier”: he just disagrees with runaway methane effect projections. I’m personally not equipped to adjudicate on his assessment.
Well, he’s a serious scientist, so he’s not a “denier”: he just disagrees with runaway methane effect projections. I’m personally not equipped to adjudicate on his assessment.
Yes, he agrees with the scientific consensus on that issue. It was a disgraceful lie from Aquamarine on a par with what Mann has been subjected to by the fossil fuel propagandists.
This is a good, reasonably short summary of what climate scientists are really predicting. The reality is bad enough and needs urgent action. There is no need - and it is totally counterproductive - to give publicity to fantasists like the one quoted above.
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