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Is HRH Prince Philip STILL dead?


How do I change this 'custom title' thing then?
Somewhat surprised that his continuing inanimate state is a cause for blanket news coverage- I mean What would the TV and papers do if he was currently shuffling towards Slough with his arms outstretched moaning ‘Braaaiiiiiiiins’?*

Also, I miss checking in to the old thread, perhaps this one might fill the void.

(*TBF I would watch that.)
Out of macabre interest I looked at the Beeb for a bit last night and bits of it were pure Brass Eye.

Shivering correspondent at 2:20 am:
“I am here with you live outside Buckingham Palace...


... I can hear swans!”

Honorable mentions to Jedward, Lily Allen and Andrew Marr.
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Them's who burned through all available non related media content during lockdown(s) are going to be in real trouble when,, eventually, the Queen shuffles off this mortal coil.
Don't worry they'll just repeat it so you can watch it again.
Mon Repos
I saw the driveway of that once. I was on one of those mini road train tourist things round Corfu town with my son. We sat at the front so weren’t undercover and, despite it being May, got caught in a hail storm and absolutely soaked.

Follow me for more gripping travel anecdotes.
I think what I objected to most about the wall to wall TV coverage is that I am in fucking lockdown, have barely left my home in more than a year, haven't seen my own family in that time, have lost family members without seeing them or attending a funeral, no fucking apology from the government about their shoddy handling of the pandemic situation, yet the media was trying to enforce nationwide mourning of some rich git who died at a very old age having lived in the lap of luxury his entire life while I couldn't even escape from my home for a bit. They can all fuck off really. (Royals, media, the lot of them)

EDIT: It's actually quite insulting given what so many of us have been through and the losses we have faced
I saw the driveway of that once. I was on one of those mini road train tourist things round Corfu town with my son. We sat at the front so weren’t undercover and, despite it being May, got caught in a hail storm and absolutely soaked.

Follow me for more gripping travel anecdotes.
When I visited Narvik in 1991 I got soaked too
Out of macabre interest I looked at the Beeb for a bit last night and bits of it were pure Brass Eye.

Shivering correspondent at 2:20 am:
“I am here with you live outside Buckingham Palace...


... I can hear swans!”

Honorable mentions to Jedward, Lily Allen and Andrew Marr.
The last time I was outside Buck House there was quite a crowd and I stopped halfway across the road since the pavement was heaving. There was this black range rover that had to stop or run over my lowly ass. The driver pipped at me and I gave him the finger and realised that Prince Edward was sat in the back. Closest I've ever been to the Royals.
The last time I was outside Buck House there was quite a crowd and I stopped halfway across the road since the pavement was heaving. There was this black range rover that had to stop or run over my lowly ass. The driver pipped at me and I gave him the finger and realised that Prince Edward was sat in the back. Closest I've ever been to the Royals.

Oh Princess Anne once called me (yelling at the top of her voice) a stupid bastard because I couldn't get out of the way of her bolting horse quick enough. I was about 12 years old at the time. So anyone on other threads getting upset about language used to call royals names on here can shove it up their arse tbh.
Oh Princess Anne once called me (yelling at the top of her voice) a stupid bastard because I couldn't get out of the way of her bolting horse quick enough. I was about 12 years old at the time. So anyone on other threads getting upset about language used to call royals names on here can shove it up their arse tbh.
I nearly got run over by the Queen , me and some other apprentices were doing a half marathon in Windsor Great Park. Walking to the start line we saw this ancient Rover P2000 ( great car BTW) driving towards us, we all started dicking around, shouting ‘it’s the Queen, it’s the Queen ‘ in stupid voices and trying to push each other into the middle of the road. When the car was about 50 feet away we realised it was in fact the Queen driving. Outdated relic of feudalism she may be but had she had run us over that day we would probably have deserved it for being teenage boy dicks.
“I think it makes the Duke a victim of a confected culture war”. James O’Brien just said that on LBC. Is that true ? :hmm:
I'm no more a fan of the Sussexes than the rest of the clan but the poor girl really can't win can she?
No, and I for one am completely mystified as to why the mail and other right wing media outlets appear to have blacklisted her.
Any update ? Is he risen yet
He just missed the news cycle, so he'll have to wait till next year now. Hallowe'en
and Christmas
come next
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