It’s not all just culture war tug of war stuff point scoring. This man is incredibly dangerous.
Tbh, having just listened to a bit of Adrian/Elon, if it is Elon Musk, then I think he is incredibly dangerous too.
Off the top of my head, iirc, the conversation between the other dude and Adrian/Elon was along the lines of Dude chatting and opening up topics with conversational gambits, like what's your favourite meme; what's your favourite movie; if you had to go to war, would you*; what do you think of cops; and why don't rich people (like Elon Musk) who could do good like solving poverty do so?
So far, so random shit that you might chat about with mates after a beers, part topical/culture stuff, part politics, part chatting shit and putting the world to rights when you're drunk at 3am kind of stuff.
But I don't think the conversation was the usual kind of 'tennis' back and forth. There was a certain amount of 'normal' back and forth, and Adrian/Elon did some of that [scepticism]Hmmm, perhaps...[/scepticism] when he clearly wasn't agreeing with Dude's opinion/proposition.
There seemed to be less of that 'Yeah, I take your point, but what about xyz...' from Adrian/Elon. He seemed to really lack empathy. In fact, it seemed incomprehensible to him that Dude might have valid points/other opinions that might be equally or more valid than his own.
Adrian/Elon seemed to talk down to Dude at some points, saying stuff like 'you're not understanding me,' 'I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying,' like he thought Dude was too stupid to understand what Adrian/Elon was saying. At those times, it didn't seem to occur to Adrian/Elon that Dude might totally understand Adrian/Elon's opinions but might disagree, might think he was fundamentally wrong, or that other people might have equally valid but different experiences and worldviews.
*The bit where Dude asks Adrian/Elon if he would go to war, and Adrian/Elon's attitude is, like, [computer] does not compute] kind of thing, and he's asking Dude 'What do you mean, would I go to war?' And there's a bit of back and forth until Dude eventually clarifies, mentioning Ukraine and Russia scenario, 'Would you pick up a gun and defend your country?' [like many Ukrainian civilians did] and Adrian/Musk is on the fence, maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't, it would depend what the war was over.
But it was weird. Because what else could Dude have meant by 'Would you go to war?' other than if the chips were down and you got enlisted in an overseas war or your country got invaded, would you pick up a gun an fight?
Alternatively, did Adrian/Elon think that Dude was literally asking him (secretly one of the richest and most powerful people on the planet) 'Would you go to war?' as in would you start a war, would you make a war happen?
Because if Adrian/Elon didn't automatically twig that he was being asked as an ordinary Adrian/Joe Briggs if he'd pick up a gun to defend his country, but if the thought crossed his mind that he was being asked a bigger question - like was he playing a movie scene scenario in his head, him as president in the situation room kind of scenario, do you escalate or de-escalate, to you pull back from the brink or do you go to war, sort of thing - and his response to that possible question wasn't an automatic knee-jerk 'Hell no, of course I wouldn't take us into a war!' but he sought clarification as to whether that was what Dude was really asking...
Erm, alarm bells are ringing. Let's go up another Defcon level and move forward the Doomsday clock another minute closer to midnight if this is the guy who is whispering in Donald Trump's ear.
If it is him, I agree, he's extremely, terribly dangerous.
I'd love to know if any commentators who have any expertise in psychiatry/psychology have heard the whole audio and what their opinions are of whoever that is.