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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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I was 13 when decimalisation happened, I remember my Grandad telling me that it would bring civilisation crashing down around our ears and lead to the complete collapse of the UK has aviable society. With hindsight he appeared to be mistaken.
I'm not sure why people would insist on the return of incandescent lightbulbs if they just want to waste money use it to buy booze instead.
Same thing happened at my school because they couldn't persuade enough of the older kids "in charge" of it to act like capitalists...they just used to give the stuff away for free:thumbs:

A mate of mine was suspended for selling cutprice Wham bars and Highland Toffees he'd get from his uncles cash and carry. He'd been running it since he was a nipper and then in fourth year they clamped down on the budding entrepreneur. He must have made a killing.
Back on topic: the purpose of TM's awkward fireside chat yesterday seemed to be to signal that no-deal was off the table, and that therefore the hard brexiters have overplayed their hand by refusing to vote for her deal and are now out in the cold.

But is it just a ploy? Is she going to pull out her fourth meaningful vote in a day or two and say to the brexiters 'it's my deal or a long extension with uncertain outcome negotiated with a communist'?

If I knew I guess I'd start laying bets.
I was 13 when decimalisation happened, I remember my Grandad telling me that it would bring civilisation crashing down around our ears and lead to the complete collapse of the UK has aviable society. With hindsight he appeared to be mistaken.
Harsh...looks like yer Gramps completely got the slow-burn of neoliberal decline...
Back on topic: the purpose of TM's awkward fireside chat yesterday seemed to be to signal that no-deal was off the table, and that therefore the hard brexiters have overplayed their hand by refusing to vote for her deal and are now out in the cold.

But is it just a ploy? Is she going to pull out her fourth meaningful vote in a day or two and say to the brexiters 'it's my deal or a long extension with uncertain outcome negotiated with a communist'?

If I knew I guess I'd start laying bets.
Yep, I think that's it. Not so much Corbyn being strung along (he probably is being) but put in a position where he feels he has to go ahead with the talks. His involvement is then flourished to frighten just enough erg nobs into the fold - 'look, it's mv4 or Marxism'. There's a chance it will work for her, but it might depend on the EU decision on the extension first. If they insist on a 12 month extension full stop the party will go ballistic and may kick her out forthwith. But if it's a case of '12 months unless your parliament approves mv4', it probably helps her get a deal. The difference for her is tory party waits till the day after the day the deal is signed before booting her out. Other scenarios are available.

I think it's interesting that participation in the EU elections has become the blue touch paper for the tory party. I say this cautiously because there's an outside chance those elections could turn nasty, but other than that I think it would be funny as fuck seeing them unveiling there manifestos and the rest. In fact they may dispense with all of that, leaving the field to farage etc. Grim, but a statement of where our political system has taken us.


from newsthump
Funny to me mainly because he's my hometown MP and a nasty piece of work/waste of oxygen. Tory Brexiteer fantasist quits Tory Brexiteer fantasists group because they are Tory Brexiteer fantasists.

Tory quits ERG for 'endangering Brexit'

By the way, I've decided - this is the one true thread. editor merge the imitation threads, the people have spoken and this is 883 pages long. This is the one true thread that will see us through to the bitter end.
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