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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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Interesting that we have now progressed to the powers that be suggesting where the blame lies when a no deal brexit occurs.

Each passing day makes no deal look more certain.

i will bet one entire brussels euro that no deal will not happen.


With every day that passes the panic level increases. Once May comes back later this week from being told to fuck off by the EU and then the commons tells her to fuck off as well, A50 will be extended for a few more months so the everyone can tell Theresa May to fuck off for a little bit longer.
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I totally get the "Telling May to Fuck Off" thing, the sense of satisfaction must be enormous, At the moment I think we're sliding towards No-Deal by default, even though no-one bar the odd crazy wants it. There just aren't enough people wanting anything else and No-Deal is what we get stuck with by default.
I don't totally buy they all want to avoid No-Deal either, I think they all want to avoid being the person who gets blamed for a No-Deal but that's not the same as avoiding it. They all seem to putting far too much effort into
trying to pin the blame on someone else for it rather than avoiding it in the first place.
I would love to be proven wrong.
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I totally get the "Telling May to Fuck Off" thing, the sense of satisfaction must be enormous, At the moment I think we're sliding towards No-Deal by default, even though no-one bar the odd crazy wants it. There just aren't enough people wanting anything else and No-Deal is what we get stuck with by default.
I don't totally buy they all want to avoid No-Deal either, I think they all want to avoid being the person who gets blamed for a No-Deal but that's not the same as avoiding it. They all seem to putting far too much effort into
trying to pin the blame on someone else for it rather than avoiding it in the first place.
I would love to be proven wrong.

Because the government can suspend or revoke A50 at any time. Parliament will force them to. If we get within two weeks of no deal their will be medicine,food and fuel shortages because of panic buying and the pound will be sliding south. Its bad enough now. No fucking way will any government drive the country over a cliff by choice. Its all a bluff for may to get her dismal shitty deal through and everyone knows it bullshit.
If I were in charge of the Tories, I'd not do any no-deal prep, look like I was trying really hard for some impossible compromise, run slap bang into no-deal Brexit for which I'd blame everyone else, let everything go properly to shit for a few days and then - by popular demand - rejoin the EU, therein killing stone dead forever by way of a sort of national cognitive behavioural therapy the idea within my party or beyond of ever doing that again.

But I'm not in charge of the Tories, I'm only the Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, and they've not paid me for the second half of my idea.
How is Eurotunnel supposed to run services that are not Folkestone-Calais?
tbf they awarded a contract to another company with no ferries. Eurotunnely also have no ferries.

More seriously, there is a massive container unloading area in London sat idle that was supposed to be for Eurotunnel freight services, but ended up closing after the government made it impossible to operate those services due to the checks for migrants they decided were needed.

Have You Seen These Remnants Of A Failed Eurotunnel Project?
i will bet one entire brussels euro that no deal will not happen.

View attachment 161049

With every day that passes the panic level increases. Once May comes back later this week from being told to fuck off by the EU and then the commons tells her to fuck off as well, A50 will be extended for a few more months so the everyone can tell Theresa May to fuck off for a little bit longer.

... and then no deal brexit? :)
The UK is fucked. There’s no way out of this that isn’t fucked. Some of the fuckednesses are marginally less fucked for some groups of people (with concomitant extra fuckedness for their complements), but there’s no way that almost everyone living here is going to escape some level of fuckedosity.

The exception being the very rich, who will be either or both of fine and made richer, depending on whether they just pull up their drawbridges or actively decide to capitalise on the fucking.

And all to ‘save’ the vermin that are the tories.

Well done everybody.
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After an extra three months or so of May being told to fuck off she will have to either have to go norway, 2nd ref or cancel the whole shebang. And then resign. Most of the political class don't want brexit - but they want May to take the bullet for canning it.
Less than 60 days to go and no-one knows what's happening. 2 and a half years.

Easiest trade deals ever, countries banging at the door, money and jobs all over. Bucketloads for the NHS, good times.

The far left joins the far right.

Now? Arguing with Ireland, non-citizens having to register, employers and landlords making decisions, utter shite from the bbc, companies moving out, jobs being lost.

A laughing stock to the whole world.
If I were in charge of the Tories, I'd not do any no-deal prep, look like I was trying really hard for some impossible compromise, run slap bang into no-deal Brexit for which I'd blame everyone else, let everything go properly to shit for a few days and then - by popular demand - rejoin the EU, therein killing stone dead forever by way of a sort of national cognitive behavioural therapy the idea within my party or beyond of ever doing that again.
You think the EU would let the UK just slink back in like that? It'd have to be a by-the-books Ascension according to article whatever of the wherever treaty. No more special rules just for the UK. No more discounts. No more Pound Sterling. It'd be just as long and tortuous as Brexit, all over again.
You think the EU would let the UK just slink back in like that? It'd have to be a by-the-books Ascension according to article whatever of the wherever treaty. No more special rules just for the UK. No more discounts. No more Pound Sterling. It'd be just as long and tortuous as Brexit, all over again.
I do think. I'd get Die Grosse Engländerslinke pre-agreed in fact. Noone else would ever try and leave the EU either after my great works and the sun would rise on a new era of pan-European neoliberal capitalist calm, until the next debt crisis anyway.
You think the EU would let the UK just slink back in like that? It'd have to be a by-the-books Ascension according to article whatever of the wherever treaty. No more special rules just for the UK. No more discounts. No more Pound Sterling. It'd be just as long and tortuous as Brexit, all over again.
I agree with mauvais. The EU doesn't want the UK to leave. They've already said that the UK can cancel at any time right up to the deadline, one minute before it, and keep all their privileges. If there were an enormous post-crash-out UK crisis, they could appear magnanimous in getting exactly what they want.

I still don't think for one second that 'no deal' brexit will happen, btw.
With every day that passes the panic level increases. Once May comes back later this week from being told to fuck off by the EU and then the commons tells her to fuck off as well, A50 will be extended for a few more months so the everyone can tell Theresa May to fuck off for a little bit longer.

and then tell her to fuck off some more
Less than 60 days to go and no-one knows what's happening. 2 and a half years.

Easiest trade deals ever, countries banging at the door, money and jobs all over. Bucketloads for the NHS, good times.

The far left joins the far right.

Now? Arguing with Ireland, non-citizens having to register, employers and landlords making decisions, utter shite from the bbc, companies moving out, jobs being lost.

A laughing stock to the whole world.

I've come to the conclusion that the BBC News is pretty defunct as far as it's remit to educate the public goes. It's failing spectacularly by confusing balance with impartiality, and it's most watched shows are by far the worst offenders.
I agree with mauvais. The EU doesn't want the UK to leave. They've already said that the UK can cancel at any time right up to the deadline, one minute before it, and keep all their privileges. If there were an enormous post-crash-out UK crisis, they could appear magnanimous in getting exactly what they want.

I still don't think for one second that 'no deal' brexit will happen, btw.

Yeah but if the UK left - and then tried to rejoin at a later date the EU would want to make the UK far more under its rubic - no more opting out, adopting the Euro, no more special treatment. They would be in the stronger position. They'd probably insist we have straight bananas, ban marmite and insist we make esperanto the official language just for trolling lols.
Yeah but if the UK left - and then tried to rejoin at a later date the EU would want to make the UK far more under its rubic - no more opting out, adopting the Euro, no more special treatment. They would be in the stronger position. They'd probably insist we have straight bananas, ban marmite and insist we make esperanto the official language just for trolling lols.
They might, but it would depend on the strength of the EU at the time. We all know that 'no deal' would seriously fuck the Uk. I think perhaps more of an unknown is how much it would fuck the EU.

Poland, for example, despite its current political unpleasantness, is in many ways the shining example of the positive nature of the EU. Living standards have, on average, risen over the last 20 years significantly. Average wages are way up and the economy is doing well (and this is basically half of the whole of the Eastern European EU block -it's the biggest deal in terms of that part of the EU). Poland is the EU's success story in many ways, and that story has been very closely linked to the UK, with close to 1 million Poles coming here to work. What kinds of ruptures will happen when the UK leaves? How will it affect Poland and other Eastern European countries? I think this is perhaps more significant than questions about how it might affect France or Germany or the Netherlands.

(again, I don't think 'no deal' will happen, so this is all moot really)
Tory Bexit must not be questioned.

For the left and the right, we will soon reach ideological purity. Sacrifices, even if they exist and claimed by our enemies, must be made. What is a job if that job is against the will of all? What job or family is worth that?

Ideological purity will be a freedom, especially for our dissenting children

They must - to show their loyalty - remain here rather than travel and be influenced. They must not be allowed to travel, for their own good.

At this point, tell your children.

You must stay pure. Do not resist. In 50 days we will have purity.
Tory Bexit must not be questioned.

For the left and the right, we will soon reach ideological purity. Sacrifices, even if they exist and claimed by our enemies, must be made. What is a job if that job is against the will of all? What job or family is worth that?

Ideological purity will be a freedom, especially for our dissenting children

They must - to show their loyalty - remain here rather than travel and be influenced. They must not be allowed to travel, for their own good.

At this point, tell your children.

You must stay pure. Do not resist. In 50 days we will have purity.

tbf they awarded a contract to another company with no ferries. Eurotunnely also have no ferries.

More seriously, there is a massive container unloading area in London sat idle that was supposed to be for Eurotunnel freight services, but ended up closing after the government made it impossible to operate those services due to the checks for migrants they decided were needed.

Have You Seen These Remnants Of A Failed Eurotunnel Project?
The reasons it was never used properly are a bit more complicated than just the migrant checks stuff. Anyway it's too late to use that site now; the cranes were dismantled in the past couple of months I believe.
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