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Is Brexit actually going to happen?

Will we have a brexit?

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I agree it may be problematic, but in my view Labour should campaign against brexit because that was their stance before the referendum.

1. Are you familiar with the concept and generally accepted aims of a referendum?

2. Are you aware Labour does not have a majority in Parliament?

3. Did you know Labour had MP's and members and supporters in both camps during the campaign even if their policy was the same as the LD's, Greens, Tories, Scot Nats, Plaid etc?

3. Presumably, your view is Labour wouldn't need a second referendum to kill Brexit as these are merely 'problematic'. Instead they could simply ignore the vote and just crack on? Can you see any problems, for example electorally or in respect of the concept of liberal democracy, that might arise with this approach?
1. Are you familiar with the concept and generally accepted aims of a referendum?

2. Are you aware Labour does not have a majority in Parliament?

3. Did you know Labour had MP's and members and supporters in both camps during the campaign even if their policy was the same as the LD's, Greens, Tories, Scot Nats, Plaid etc?

3. Presumably, your view is Labour wouldn't need a second referendum to kill Brexit as these are merely 'problematic'. Instead they could simply ignore the vote and just crack on? Can you see any problems, for example electorally or in respect of the concept of liberal democracy, that might arise with this approach?

1. 'Generally accepted'? No I am not rock solid in my understanding of what that would mean in relation to a referendum.
2. Yes
3. Yes

I did not introduce the concept of 'problematic', I responded to it's use by another poster.
I also said that Labour could've stood aside, let the winners get on with the unicorn chasing, and opposed and shown up what they were doing constantly.
You may think this is a wrong approach, but I would've voted for them because of other policies...mind you I am metropolitan and see it from my perspective.
The point is that by your reasoning (and I use the word in its loosest sense) having campaigned against Brexit in the referendum, the Conservatives should also have stuck to their principles and refused to enact Brexit even though the electorate voted for it.
Nah. The whole shitshow is a Tory thing, they can own the result.
1. 'Generally accepted'? No I am not rock solid in my understanding of what that would mean in relation to a referendum.
2. Yes
3. Yes

I did not introduce the concept of 'problematic', I responded to it's use by another poster.
I also said that Labour could've stood aside, let the winners get on with the unicorn chasing, and opposed and shown up what they were doing constantly.
You may think this is a wrong approach, but I would've voted for them because of other policies...mind you I am metropolitan and see it from my perspective.
What does 'stood aside' mean?
What does this mean? What does any of that mean? 'let the tories' try to do whatever'?

What do you think has happened?

What has happened is that Labour has been suckered, or positioned themselves, into feeling like they have to say what they would do. They have been too involved in the Tory brexit narrative in my view, and would have been more appealing to me over brexit if they watched the Tories (doing whatever) without giving them ammunition in the form of the crap Labour brexit 'policy'.
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What has happened is that Labour has been suckered, or positioned themselves, into feeling like they have to say what they would do. They have been too involved in the Tory brexit narrative in my view, and would have been more appealing to me over brexit if they watched the Tories (doing whatever) without giving them ammunition in the form of the crap Labour brexit 'policy'.
In a way, I agree with you that Labour have been stuck within a parliamentary process, rabbits in the headlights, not much to say. But the way out of that isn't to run back to the neoliberal EU.
What has happened is that Labour has been suckered, or positioned themselves, into feeling like they have to say what they would do. They have been too involved in the Tory brexit narrative in my view, and would have been more appealing to me over brexit if they watched the Tories (doing whatever) without giving them ammunition in the form of the crap Labour brexit 'policy'.
Are you really 60+? Other people and groups have different aims and ends than you. Them not doing what you want them to do to meet your aims and ends is surely an early basic realisation for most people. Repeating over and over that they should do what you want them to do to an end that's yours not theirs is in no way making any sort of political point - or, indeed, showing any understanding of what politics is.
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Are you really 60+? Other people and groups have different aims and ends than you. Them not doing what you want them to do to meet you aims and ends is surely an early basic realisation for most people. Repeating over and over that they should do what you want them to do to an end that's yours not theirs is in no way making any sort of political point - or, indeed, showing any understanding of what politics is.
I am stating my preference, as others (other people and groups) state theirs. I am not saying what they should do as a kind of order or demand.
As for your saying I don't have any understanding of what politics is, you can think that all day long if it is measured against your personal template, but don't you see the irony in what you're saying?
That I should be aware of the variety of viewpoints of other people and groups, but conform to your singular viewpoint of what politics is.
The point is that by your reasoning (and I use the word in its loosest sense) having campaigned against Brexit in the referendum, the Conservatives should also have stuck to their principles and refused to enact Brexit even though the electorate voted for it.
Or stood aside so that Nigel Farage et al could have a go
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