Cameron made it clear during the campaign that he would trigger article 50 "as soon as possible after a Leave vote" and "the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away", typical political speak, sounds like a commitment but isn't really when you read it properly.
Oh the irony, an EU commissioner (from Sweden I think) talking about democracy, claiming that if the UK does not trigger article 50 by the end of the year, the other 27 countries may well act using article 7 of the Lisbon treaty to suspend the UK. He went on to explain that if the UK government doesn't follow the will of UK citizens the UK government will be "in breach of the basic principles of democracy" so article 7 can be used (I don't think that would wash in the real world, its just bluster
I will not believe the UK intends to leave until article 50 has been triggered, no major UK political party that currently has any chance of being in power wants to leave, they will say it was a non-binding referendum and all the party's will have a policy in their manifesto saying they want to remain in the EU.
Politicians ignore electorate shocker